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. No man will challenge my daughter? Aten said, in a weak voice.Thunder crashed down just then.The rains poured down hard, still no man thatwas left stood up.Aneksi turned around to Aten.He saw the pain in her eyes with ittearing at him.With death on his door, he finally saw his daughter.He saw all the hurthe put her through as she grew up without the love of her mother. I m sorry , Aneksi, he said.Aneksi looked at Aten, letting the tears fall.Never had she let him see her cry,not since the night she put her mother to rest in the Nile.She was about to walk out ofthe hall when the doors banged open.Someone came to challenge.Aneksi, looking at Aten, turned around to face whoever it was.Her heart started73 74 Pharaoh s Warrior Jaden Sinclairpounding as she watched Zafar walk with a purpose.He carried no weapons in his hands,just a very determined look.Zafar stopped in front of Aneksi.He knew that taking this kind of stand couldmean his death.But to him, death would be much better than going on without her.Zafartook her face in his hands and kissed her.He kissed her with all the passion and love hefelt.Aneksi dropped her Sais to wrap her arms around his neck as she kissed him back.Hunger radiated off of each them as their kiss deepened.Both forgot that they were in thegreat hall with her family watching them.Only with the clearing of Aten s throat did theybreak from each other. You have made your choice? Aten asked Aneksi. I have, she responded.Aten smiled at her. Then my gift to you is my blessing.Aneksi smiled at her father.In all her life she never got a blessing from him orany sign of affection.This competition gave her both.Zafar picked Aneksi up.Helooked over to the priest that would be saying the binding words to make them husbandand wife. Follow us to say them.By the time I reach her chamber, she better be mine.Within twenty minutes, Zafar and Aneksi were in her bedchamber as Aneksi rodeZafar hard.She fucked him with all her might, giving herself the most intense pleasure.Zafar was cupping her breasts as he watched his cock move in and out of her wet cunt. Yes, he groaned. Fuck me good and hard. Oh! I m coming!Zafar flipped her over just as her pussy contracted hard on him.He slammed intoher hard, dragging out her orgasm until she was digging her nails into his back.He kissedher hard just as his balls unloaded and hot seed shot into her womb.Zafar closed his eyes and prayed to the Gods that his son would be born soon.*****Pharaoh Aten died that night.His last words to his priest were for Zafar and74 75 Pharaoh s Warrior Jaden SinclairAneksi to rule Egypt together.Hakem was handed a piece of papyrus that had Aneksi sname on it.It was one last command from the king.Zafar and Aneksi were crowned the king and queen of Egypt in the morning.Aneksi read her father s letter sitting on the bank of the Nile.Tears streamed down herface as she finally felt the love from her father.She smiled as she re-read what herfather s last command was.Pharaoh Aten wanted to be placed along with his first wife, Queen Kakra.He wasto rest in the Nile with her.EpilogueAneksi screamed one last time as Hakem caught the crying baby.He smiled ather as he looked down. You have a son, my Queen.Aneksi breathed a sigh of relief as she looked over at Zafar, who was standingbehind her.He was wearing a huge smile as the baby started screaming. Would you like to hold your son, my King? Hakem asked.Zafar walked over, holding his arms out for the baby. You have given me ason.Hakem finished up with Aneksi, then took the baby from Zafar.He took the childover to be cleaned up as Zafar sat down next to Aneksi, kissing her lightly. I thank you.75 76 Pharaoh s Warrior Jaden Sinclair I should be thanking you, Aneksi said. He is a strong babe. And you will have many more, Hakem said, placing the child in Aneksi s arms. What will we name him? Zafar asked. Narmer. A strong name for a strong King, Hakem said, touching the baby on the head. He will bring such glory to Egypt.I see many great things from him.76 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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