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. Drinks after work? Fen suggested, pulling Caleb against himself and nuzzling his hair. We ll be there. Tuesdays were always spent at the nearbymartini bar.Sometimes Alex and Alastair joined them, but with thetraining of their new slave, they didn t have a lot of time lately.Harte usually got smashed and barely made it into the carbefore he assaulted either William or Ellis, which made Williamonly too happy to indulge the tradition.Ellis left them to continue whatever he d interrupted and gotback in the elevator.He didn t even need to check the office Harteshared with another new lawyer; he knew Harte wouldn t be there.But he d gotten coffee for the young woman, so he dropped thatoff before stopping at his own office.His officemate, a slightly older man who d travelledextensively after his slavery had ended, wasn t in yet.Glancing atthe clock, Ellis saw he only had a few minutes left before his dayofficially started.Ellis left his officemate his coffee, put his own down as well,and made his way up to William s floor.All the running aroundmade him actually eager to sit down at his desk and get some workdone Harte was the better coffee boy, that was for sure.William had his own office.It was massive and the view wasstunning Ellis often thought about himself in that office.He hadbig dreams for himself.Luckily for him, he also had the patienceand perseverance to get there.He knocked on William s door he d been told he was alwayswelcome to walk in, but if Harte and William were& busy, thenthrowing the door open to the rest of the office wasn t the greatestidea.Harte opened the door.On his best day he acted like William spersonal assistant.Sometimes it was obvious he was struggling not to get on his knees before William. Hey, sleepyhead, he said, closing the door behind Ellis, whoput the coffee tray down on William s desk, happy to be rid of thething. You could have been a sleepyhead, too, if you weren t toochicken to drive with me.Harte gave an exaggerated shudder. I d rather wake up earlythan get into your car and wake up not at all! Harte, that s enough, William chided with a laugh. I taughthim to drive, after all.For a moment it looked like Harte was going to apologise forthe slight.But then he stuck his tongue out at both of them andtook a big sip of his  coffee and licking the whipped cream off hislips.Seeing Harte in a suit still took some getting used to.He woremostly navy, mostly pinstripes.He claimed they made him looktaller.He d never gotten that growth spurt he d always hoped for,but he didn t look seventeen anymore, that was for sure.Harte wasundeniably male the women who followed him around the officewere proof of that.No wonder he hid in William s office.Ellis wore his own suit like he d worn his slave sheathproudly and like he was challenging anyone to claim he didn tbelong.For his first few weeks as a free person, he d kept hiscollar on.He d worked too hard for it to let it go the second thepaperwork on him was completed.Once he d started at the firm, however, William had insisted heremove it.It was too bulky to hide and Ellis needed to maintain aprofessional appearance for the clientele.It took a lot to make Ellis cry.He could remember a fewinstances from the beginning when things had been so unsure all the time, and he d cried from pain a few times, but when his collarhad been removed, that had been sheer, hard regret.For thatmoment, brief and charged as it was, he d wanted to be a slaveforever.It hadn t lasted long.Nothing really changed.So he switchedout  Master for  William and his knees didn t get as muchaction& well.That last wasn t exactly true, but for differentreasons.Still, he remained William s he was Harte s.They werehis.Some bit of leather wouldn t change that.But even though he d convinced himself of that, it didn t stophim from feeling relief when William gifted him with a slim blackleather cord to wear around his neck.The ends were fused togetherafter he d put it on it couldn t be removed unless he cut it.Like the collar, it was a promise.Now, William ran his fingers over it, having risen to snap Ellisout of his reverie. All right? he asked in that quiet voice of his. Fine. Ellis s fingers met William s. Just thinking.They shared a look William knew him inside and out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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