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. Is that what weare? Friends?He lets out a soft laugh as his hand strays to my jawline and then to my neck.Repositioning his body slightly to the side, he traces a delicate path down my collarbone tothe curve of my breast and then the pad of his thumb grazes my nipple. We re not even close.My body quivers underneath his touch and he begins to lower his lips to mine again.Godknows what the hell we would have done next if the damn bell on the store s door didn tding.He jumps off me like I m made of fire and grabs my arms to aid me upright.I reach forthe bottom of my dress to pull it back over my legs and he grabs the top and covers mybreasts.I m combing my fingers through my hair when the passenger door swings open and theinterior lights click on.Aislin climbs into the car, carrying a petite silver box with delicateflower engravings on the frame of it. Okay, so we&  She trails off when she catches sight of us. What are you two doing? Sitting here, talking, Alex answers with a nonchalant shrug. We had a bit of an incidentinside and needed a time out.She eyes me over with accusation. Gemma looks flushed. That s because the accident involved her, Alex says with a blas� attitude and I realizejust how good of a liar he is. Oh no. She sets the box down on the console. What happened? I went into a vision, I say, noting the lingering breathlessness in my tone. What! she exclaims so loudly a dog from one of the nearby yards starts howling.Shelowers her voice. You re a Foreseer.I shrug, but Alex shakes his head. I don t think so.I think it was the star s power thatset it off.You know the divination crystal runs off energy. Yeah, but does the star radiate that much power through her? I thought it wascontrolled inside her. Who knows how it works, Aislin.You know nothing s ever happened like her.She sbasically a mystery.The moment of bliss I experienced just seconds ago vanishes as everything catches upwith me again.I m reminded of what I am, what I used to be.I m reminded of the pain, thedesolation, the betrayal.They continue to chat about me like I don t exist and, after a while,I kind of wish I didn t.Laylen climbs into the car and then we re on the road, heading back to the house.I restmy head against the window and allow exhaustion to take my body as I shut my eyes.Idrift to sleep, wondering what my dreams will hold. Chapter 16I m plummeting deeper into the murky lake; the water smothers my lungs and blindsmy eyes.I kick my legs, trying to fight my way to the surface.I refuse to drown.I refuse todie. Gemma. A voice floats up from beneath my feet. Hang on.I kick harder and paddle my arms, attempting to doggy paddle. No, Gemma, down here, the voice comes from below me and I m overpowered by acomforting feeling.I know whoever it is won t hurt me.I m supposed to listen to it& I msupposed to go to it.My legs and arms go limp and my dead weight carries me down tothe bottom of the lake where tall grass encloses me. Good, the voice entices. Now, I need your help.For what? I think.The voice responds inside my head.I need you to save me.How?Just trust me.I trust you.Bubbles float from my mouth.Good.Now, whatever you do, don t panic.Why?A set of fingernails stab into my ankles and I m being hauled downward again.I panicand claw at the water, but I m drowning; useless, becoming part of the dead.For a brief,yet very important moment, I don t care.***Someone shakes my shoulder. Gemma, wake up.My eyelids snap open, I spring upright, and my head smacks into Alex s. Don t touchme! Fuck, Gemma. Alex surrenders his hands up in front of him and I pant loudly and hugmy legs to my chest. Calm down.I eye his hands, then glance around at the vacant front seats of the GTO and then at theshelved walls of Laylen s garage.The interior light is on and the car door is wide open. Where are Aislin and Laylen? I stretch my arms above my head, curl my back in andstretch. They re already inside, he says as he reaches around the seat and flips the lever. Getting things set up for Aislin s spell.I yawn. How long have we been sitting out here?He pushes the seat forward. Awhile. Why didn t you just wake me up? Because I knew you were tired and I thought I d let you sleep.In fact, if you want, youcan go lie down in one of the spare rooms. He ducks out the door and climbs out of thebackseat. I think I will. I scoot toward the door and he offers his hand to help me out, but Idecline, moving around it, and put my feet onto the cement floor.  You re mad, he states. At me?I cross my arms over my chest. Why would I be mad? I have no idea, he says as I proceed towards the steps. That s why I m asking.I twist the knob and push the door open. I m not mad.I was just painfully reminded ofwhat and who I am to you.His fingers encircle my elbow and he stills me. And what do you think you are to me?I look directly into his eyes and utter the truth. A star.His fingers prod deeper into my arm, but he presses his lips together, not denying it.Ifeel my heart fracture down the middle and a tiny fragment chips off.Where it will end up, Idon t know.***After I change out of the leather dress and back into my clothes, which Aislin washed, Igo to sleep like Alex suggested.He makes me keep a knife on the nightstand next to thebed in case something happens while he s gone.I find images of cloaked monsters, aglacier world and an eerie lake haunting my head as soon as I shut my eyes and, soon I mwide awake.I lie in bed for a while before I force myself to get up.It takes me even longer to decideto go find Laylen, but, finally I tuck the small knife into the back pocket of my jeans and stepout into the hall.The house is enormous and it takes a while to find him.He s in a smallroom with black walls, no windows and a corner lamp.There is a trivial bookshelf in thecorner and a stereo is on top of it, playing the soft tune of  Into the Ocean by BlueOctober.In the center of the room is a red sofa where Laylen is lying down, reading abook.I feel uncomfortable just walking in so I stand in the doorway, deciding the best wayto interrupt him.He s fully engaged in the book and doesn t seem to notice me.I start to back away,deciding to let him be when he turns the page and calls out,  You can come in, Gemma.Ipromise I don t bite. He glances at me with a sparkle in his blue eyes. Then again, maybeI should say that I do.That might entice you to come in.I press my lips together and step over the threshold [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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