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.Whereupon, Dale predicted trouble between Tom and Muss.Bo liked nothing better than a rough-and-tumble frolic with the black bear.Muss was not very big nor very heavy, and in a wrestling bout with the strongand wiry girl he sometimes came out second best.It spoke well of him that heseemed to be careful not to hurt Bo.He never bit or scratched, though hesometimes gave her sounding slaps with his paws.Whereupon, Bo would clenchher gauntleted fists and sail into him in earnest.One afternoon before the early supper they always had, Dale and Helen werewatching Bo teasing the bear.She was in her most vixenish mood, full of lifeand fight.Tom lay his long length on the grass, watching with narrow,gleaming eyes.When Bo and Muss locked in an embrace and went down to roll over and over,Dale called Helen's attention to the cougar."Tom's jealous.It's strange how animals are like people.Pretty soon I'llhave to corral Muss, or there'll be a fight."Helen could not see anything wrong with Tom except that he did not lookplayful.During supper-time both bear and cougar disappeared, though this wasnot remarked until afterward.Dale whistled and called, but the rival pets didnot return.Next morning Tom was there, curled up snugly at the foot of Bo'sbed, and when she arose he followed her around as usual.But Muss did notreturn.Page 105 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThe circumstance made Dale anxious.He left camp, taking Tom with him, andupon returning stated that he had followed Muss's track as far as possible,and then had tried to put Tom on the trail, but the cougar would not or couldnot follow it.Dale said Tom never liked a bear trail, anyway, cougars andbears being common enemies.So, whether by accident or design, Bo lost one ofher playmates.The hunter searched some of the slopes next day and even went up on one ofthe mountains.He did not discover any sign of Muss, but he said he had foundsomething else."Bo you girls want some more real excitement?" he asked.Helen smiled her acquiescence and Bo replied with one of her forcefulspeeches."Don't mind bein' good an' scared?" he went on."You can't scare me," bantered Bo.But Helen looked doubtful."Up in one of the parks I ran across one of my horses- -a lame bay youhaven't seen.Well, he had been killed by that old silvertip.The one wechased.Hadn't been dead over an hour.Blood was still runnin' an' only alittle meat eaten.That bear heard me or saw me an' made off into the woods.But he'll come back to-night.I'm goin' up there, lay for him, an' kill himthis time.Reckon you'd better go, because I don't want to leave you herealone at night.""Are you going to take Tom?" asked Bo."No.The bear might get his scent.An', besides, Tom ain't reliable on bears.I'll leave Pedro home, too."When they had hurried supper, and Dale had gotten in the horses, the sun hadset and the valley was shadowing low down, while the ramparts were stillgolden.The long zigzag trail Dale followed up the slope took nearly an hourto climb, so that when that was surmounted and he led out of the woodstwilight had fallen.A rolling park extended as far as Helen could see,bordered by forest that in places sent out straggling stretches of trees.Hereand there, like islands, were isolated patches of timber.At ten thousand feet elevation the twilight of this clear and cold night wasa rich and rare atmospheric effect.It looked as if it was seen throughperfectly clear smoked glass.Objects were singularly visible, even at longrange, and seemed magnified.In the west, where the afterglow of sunsetlingered over the dark, ragged, spruce-speared horizon-line, there was such atransparent golden line melting into vivid star-fired blue that Helen couldonly gaze and gaze in wondering admiration.Dale spurred his horse into a lope and the spirited mounts of the girls keptup with him.The ground was rough, with tufts of grass growing close together,yet the horses did not stumble.Their action and snorting betrayed excitement.Dale led around several clumps of timber, up a long grassy swale, and thenstraight westward across an open flat toward where the dark-fringedforest-line raised itself wild and clear against the cold sky.The horses wentswiftly, and the wind cut like a blade of ice.Helen could barely get herbreath and she panted as if she had just climbed a laborsome hill [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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