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.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlknotted around his neck.He was wearing baggy corduroy trousers and whatlooked like canvas shoes.He held a long, black cigar in his hand.He was,Lowell thought, a handsome, elegant sonofabitch.Jannier took Roxy's outstretched hand, bent over it, and kissed it."And did he behave, Roxy, when he had you alone in the airplane?""How did you get back so quick?" Roxy asked, avoiding.the question."Tres rapidement," Jannier said."I have to have that car, or one exactly likeit, perhaps in yellow.""You're lucky you didn't go to jail," Lowell said, chuckling."There was anincident in Virginia," Jannier said."Almost on the Tennessee border.Did Isay that right, "Tennessee'?""You got pinched," Roxy announced."Pinched?" Jannier asked.The term was newto him."Arrested," Lowell provided, as they walked to the Eldorado."I wasdetained," Jannier said."Until we found an officer who knew what a diplomaticpassport meant." "You've got a diplomatic passport?" Lowell asked."Of course," Jannier said."What's that mean?" Roxy asked."It means he can thumb his nose at traffic cops," Lowell said."He's immune toAmerican law.""You mean it, don't you?" she asked."How does that work?""Not the way he's working it," Lowell said."How fast were you going?""One hundred and ten," Jannier said, proudly."They put up a roadblock on thehighway.I felt like John Dillinger.""Christ," Lowell chuckled."And he got away with it?" Roxy asked."I am here," Jannier said, simply."With the apologies of the Virginia StatePolice.""That stinks," Roxy announced."The world stinks," Lowell said."Haven't you noticed?" He got behind thewheel of the Cadillac and started the engine."Do they sell these in Alabama?" Jannier asked, as he slid in beside Roxy."Orare they special order?" "I'll sell you this one," Lowell said."Done," Jannier said, and reached over Roxy to offer his hand."He didn't tell you how much," Roxy said."We are gentlemen," Jannier said."He will make me pay what it is worth.""As a gentleman," Lowell said, "there is something I must tell you about thesecars." is?"Page 151 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"They are also admired by les maquereaux," Lowell said."?fr fact, you can'treally consider yourself a maquereau in standing unless you own one." ,annierlaughed."What's a what you said?" Roxy Macmillan asked."In the American patois,"Lowell said, "they are known as a pimp-mobile."Jannier laughed heartily."Then I absolutely have to have it," he said."Is what you said the French word for.that?" Roxy asked."It's a perfectly proper word, Roxy," Lowell said."It's share we get the wordfor "mackerel.""The fish?" she asked, in disbelief."It's true," Lowell said."The male mackerel provides girl Oshesto other boyfishes.""I don't believe that," she said, firmly.- "It's true, it's true," Janniersaid, laughing."I'm going to change the subject," Roxy said."To something safe.""Like what?""Like food, and I don't mean fish.Stop by the A&P in Ozark, Craig, and I'llget us some steaks." "We are invited for steaks," Jannier said."We are?" Roxy asked."Chez Parker," Jannier said."They left a message at the motel to call, andwhen I called, Madame Parker insisted that we all come.""Amazing what kissing a woman's hand and calling her"Madame' will get you," Lowell said."She didn't have to do that," Roxy said."It'll make Phil happy," Lowell said."His job is driving him nuts."There was confirmation of that when they got to the Parker apartment at thehospital.Phil Parker had obviously been at the bottle; and Antoinette Parkertook Lowell aside and, as a close friend, gave him hell for not asking Phil tofly along with them.And then Parker's bitterness came out almost as soon as he'd made them drinks."How's Mac doing?""Mac is now"Deputy Commandant for Special Projects,"" Lowell said."How's that for a title?" "Maybe that's what I should do," Parker said."Punchsomebody off the balcony." "Phil!" Toni said, shocked.Page 152 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Sorry, Roxy," Parker said."Forget it," Roxy said."And anyway, it's not all sweetness and light overthere, is it, Craig?""You're asking me?""Since Mac won't tell me, yeah, I'm asking you." "OK," Lowell said, decidingit would be good for Phil to hear what was really going on at Bragg."What'sgoing on is that airborne thinks it should run Special Forces, as sort ofsuper-paratroops, and Hanrahan doesn't want them to have it.Hanrahan believesSpecial Forces should be primarily concerned with guerrillas.Or trainingforeign troops to fight their own wars.Hanrahan's right, of course, but it'sDavid versus Goliath, and guess who David is?""How does that affect Mac?" Parker asked."Mac was given a choice between being the grand old man of airborne, orstanding by Hanrahan.Mac being Mac, he put on the green beret.""Meaning what?""It's a symbol.The airborne, specifically Lieutenant General Howard, forbadethe wearing of that silly hat.Hanrahan read the regulations about hisauthority as commandant of the school.it's a Class II activity of DCSOPS [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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