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.""He said to a Master of Sinanju that a Master of Sinanju could be moreeffective.That is what he said.""More effective in his context, protecting America through secrecy.Protectingthe things of America that are valuable.Like the rights of people.""What about the rights of a Master of Sinanju, respected lo these thousands ofyears in courts and palaces? Gloried from Samarkand to St.Petersburg.Honoredby Ming and Claudian dynasties.What about the rights of the man you call'little father,' the one you have just heard degraded with your own ears? Dothese rights mean nothing?"Page 28 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"You don't understand what Smith meant.He wasn't talking about your skills.""I understand.I understand that when you take insults and disrespect from apupil, then you can expect it from the world.You have allowed me to be shamedin front of.of a white.""You don't like it from any color, so why do you pick on white?""You're white.You're all white.You've always been white.You stick together,don't you?""Little father, I love you.But Smitty doesn't even understand enough to knowhe insulted you.Believe me.If he had, I would have spoken up.I would neverlet anyone insult you.""Then let's work for a sane emperor.Or a tyrant.This is a rare time inhistory.Tyrants and kings are regaining their power.Look at Korea itself,once thought lost to communism in the north, which proved to be only an uglymask for a beautiful kingly dynasty transferred from father to son.Communismis on the rise all over.And that means tyrannies, if not kingships.Thiscould well be the glory age of assassins.Let us leave this insulting churlwith the face of a lemon.""I love my country, too, little father," said Remo."I'm sorry.I do.I justdon't care about money.""A wound to a father's heart.""I'm sorry," said Remo.And the conversation over, Remo turned back to Englishand back to Smith."Well, that was a spirited discussion on our legal system, wasn't it?" saidSmith."Yeah," said Remo.His voice felt hoarse, not because of the volume he hadused but because of the emotion that had come upon him.He honestly did feeltorn now between Sinanju and America.Once he thought he could make them workin harmony, each serving the other.Now he realized this was impossible.Eastwas East.And West was West."Your Constitution rings with the beauty of your greatest poets, its wordssuch harmony of the soul that flowers blush in shame," said Chiun."Now Ifully understand that wonderful document.""Good, I think you do," said Smith."I think he does in a deeper way than Imight have imagined.Don't you think so, Remo?""Sure," said Remo curtly."Well, because we are a nation of laws, the legal system is crucial.Ascumbersome and as difficult as it is, it is the one key protection we havefrom ourselves, from rapacious politicians and bureaucrats, from the powerfulharming the weak, do you see?"Remo stared out the window into the darkness.Chiun examined his hands.Smithcontinued."Because there are so many lawsuits nowadays, and because the judgments havebecome so high, costs of producing things have gone up.We're losing some ofour finest surgeons because they refuse to pay the high insurance premiums.Obstetricians are so racked by lawsuits their malpractice insurance sometimescomes to three-quarters of their income; many are leaving the profession.Industries are being threatened with shutdown."Smith paused.Remo said, "Un-huh," and then examined his nails.Chiun saidjust about the same thing but it came out as a laudation of Smith's wisdom.Then Chiun looked out the window."And we have found one particular law firm to be the biggest problem in thisarea.They have raised ambulance-chasing to a science.I'm sure they're behindmany of the terrible tragedies they jump on, but we can't prove it.""You want us to eliminate them?" said Remo."No.This is a legal problem.You can't go around killing lawyers.What wemust do is remove them from within the system.We have to get legal proof toget them disbarred and thrown in jail.Once they are ruined it will act as anexample to other ambulance chasers, or at least cut down the number ofindustry-threatening negligence cases."Page 29 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Just a minute [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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