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.She didn't expectto meet many people on the high track, but still, a boy might be less temptingthan a young woman, should she encounter anyone with malicious intent.In a less practical sense, she felt less vulnerable.She took on a brasherattitude with her clothing, an ability to joke, bluff, even posturethreateningly.She had learned the "rules" of male social intercourse whileavoiding physical confrontations.She had learned how to back off short ofviolent conflict, but to hold her own, right up to that.Other girls didn'tlearn that, not in the same way.Perhaps there was good in her skewed "education." She had bemoaned what shewas missing; now she realized she had gained something in compensation:confidence, if not actual competence, in dealing with the world of men.Several well-wishers accompanied her from the town, then one by one droppedaway.Otho was the last."You'll stop and check on Anselm?" she asked.Heassured her he would though his parishioners would gossip."Wear your shinypectoral cross, and chant in Church Latin.They won't suspect it's a socialcall.""Will it be?"Page 153 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlOtho had never met her mentor.What would the two men, so different, yet insome ways the same, think of each other? "I can't imagine you not gettingalong.""I suppose I'll find out," he replied.She had to be satisfied with that."This will be a long journey," she sighed."When it's over, I wonder howready I'll be to settle down?"Otho chuckled."I have a feeling that this trip is only the beginning of yourjourneyings."What god or prophet, Pierrette would ask herself in the years that followed,had spoken in the priest's ear?* * *Otho's quill snapped in his hand.He spat an unpriestly word when he saw thespattery blotch on his parchment.What had the girl said, that day when shemade pact with the knight about the olive grove? Something about making anhonest pagan of him?Otho was not sure, but it was something she had said.Something about jars ofoil? About Good and Evil, and.about pouring all the oil but a singledrop into one jar.Yes! That was what she had said.And what else? ThatChristians had created Satan, and should pour half the oil back.Otho's thoughts raced.Pour it back? An honest pagan? He groaned as thestiffness in his limbs made him aware how long he had sat."Ah, well, I'llwork the kinks out on the way to the knight's house."Indeed, he felt fine and feisty when he arrived.When the elderly gatekeeperattempted to stop him, he fired off phrases in his best Latin, of which thepoor man understood only that, as God is everywhere, he could not denyentrance to a priest, unless God was also absent from the house.Othoencountered no one else on his way to the knight's bedchamber.* * *Jerome was abed, but his painful condition made sound sleep impossible.Heawakened before the priest at the foot of his bed finished three sentences ofhis unconventional chant.Jerome sat up, confused, but not yet afraid.Othocontinued his singsong, his hand raised as if in benediction.".and forgive you, and release you from your Christian pledges as if youhad never heard the word of God, as if you were indeed an innocent, a child ofnature not yet schooled.Jerome, protector of Citharista, you are freed.Jerome, priest of Lugh, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the HolySpirit, I release you and give you back your name, Reikhard.I withdraw yourbaptismal name, Jerome.""Reikhard," the knight murmured."I haven't heard that name in twenty years.The last priest of the old gods gave it to me.He died before I had memorizedthe sacred texts.I was still a boy when your priest-blessed waterswashed that name away.But what have you done?"The impact of the twisted rite had not struck him yet.There was norecognized ceremony for freeing a man from the Church.Excommunication barreda man from the sacraments; it did not wash away baptism or erase professionsof faith.There was exorcism but he did not intend to drive out a demon.Heintended only to make its dwelling unhabitable.Page 154 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Indeed, what have I done?" Otho replied.He had likely damned his ownimmortal soul."I have freed you.I have poured half the oil back.You are nolonger Christian.""Are you mad? You can't do that!" Jerome swung his bare legs from his bed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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