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.“I can’t tell you.If I do, you’ll neverwant to speak to me again.” Alex’svoice was expressionless, and he didn’tmeet Sage’s eyes.“As we have to worktogether, that wouldn’t be a good thing.”“I’manannoyingheadache,remember? One way or another I’ll keepasking until I get an answer.” Sagemoved closer, unwilling to be deterred.“I want to know how those marks got onyour back, who put them there, andwhy.”“Have you got a lifetime then?”Alex’s voice was silky, taunting,suddenly more in charge.“Do you reallywant to hear all the sordid details of mylittle life? Remember, sometimes you getwhat you ask for.”“Yes.I want to hear.”Alex regarded him thoughtfully andthen smiled—fairly nastily, Sage thoughtwith a pang.“ All right then.I’ll give you the shortversion first.Then you can decidewhether you want to hear any more.”There was a note of satisfaction inAlex’s voice, and Sage suddenly thoughtthat perhaps this wasn’t the right thing todo after all.The sudden change fromvulnerable to “here goes whether youlike it or fucking not” Alex was quitescary.What the hell had he gottenhimself into?Alex focused steadily on Sage’s face.“When I was seventeen, I wasintroduced into a cult by an older mancalled Rudy.He kept me as his bitch foreight months.He used me for sex,whipped me, slapped me, raped me,burnt me with cigarettes and finallyslashed my back four times with a sabrewhen I said something he didn’t like.This all kept happening until I wasrescued by an extraction team.Theycame to save someone else and found meas well.”The room spun for Sage.Alex carriedon in apparent disregard.“I wasrepatriated and had counselling for theabuse for nine years with the samepeople who rescued me.Now I’m informal therapy.Part of my therapy is thatI see a man called Eric at least once aweek—more of late—who whips me,slaps me, bites me and then fucks me.Itmakes me feel better.“So tell me, Christopher Sage.Is thatthe kind of man you’d like to take hometo meet family?”Sage looked at Alex, feeling both asurge of overwhelming tenderness andhorror at his story.Now Alex’s pastbehaviour made perfect sense.Sage sawthrough the bravado, through the curtwords, noticed Alex’s trembling hands,the swallowing in his throat, the rapidbreathing.But most of all, he saw thesheer anguish in his eyes as Alexexpected him to turn tail and run.He’d expected to shock Sage, todisgust him and turn him away, but allSage could think of was the wonder thatthis man could have come through thishorrific ordeal and still be able to facehis demons in a relatively normalfashion to the outside world.His happily ever after romancenovels made perfect sense now.Sage moved toward Alex swiftly andAlex flinched as if he expected him to hithim or worse.Instead, Sage pulled himclose, kissing him with a hunger that hehadn’t ever felt before for a man.Alexstiffened at first and then finally relaxedinto him, his arms wrapping tightlyaround Sage’s neck, his mouth devouringSage’s in a kiss that seemed to swallowhim whole.Alex’s hands woundthemselves tightly into Sage’s hair as heground his mouth against his, pressinghis body against Sage’s, leaving nodoubt how the man felt.Alex seemed to want to meld themtogether as one.Eventually they neededto come up for air and when they did,they were gasping at the intensity of theirpassion for each other.“Jesus, Sage, I wasn’t expecting that.I didn’t think you’d want me after thatstory,” Alex breathed against Sage’smouth, driving him even crazier withdesire.Sage thought he might explode thereand then.“Does this feel like a man whodoesn’t want to be with you?” His voicewas low as he ran his hands over Alex’ships, pressing himself against him.Both men moaned at feeling theirhardness against each other’s stomachs.Alex reached down to caress Sage’sgroin.“God, don’t do that,” Sage groaned.“I’m barely holding it in as it is.”Alex’s low chuckle made Sage’scontrol even more difficult as Alexreached out first to turn out the light Sagehad originally come to switch off, then topull Sage over to the two-seater couch inthe corner of the office.The room wasnow pitch dark with only the dim streetslights from outside shining through.“It’s not the Ritz but it’ll have to do.Iso want you to fuck me, Sage.It’s allI’ve been thinking about for weeks,”Alex murmured, unzipping his jeans,tugging them and his silk boxers downover his hips.His erection sprung out, ready andglistening with moisture.Sage couldn’ttake his eyes off it as he yanked downhis own pants.Alex reached out andpulled Sage’s shirt over his head, thenslid a hand through his chest hair and hisshoulders.Sage closed his eyes at Alex’s touch,feeling himself stiffen even more, hisbreath ragged and deep.“Christ, Alex,” Sage murmured,knowing his limits and conscious thathe’d reached most of them.“I’m notmade of bloody steel, and you’ve beendriving me crazy for weeks as well.”“I have to leave my shirt on, Sage.”Alex’s voice was filled with resolve.“I’m not ready to take it off yet.”Sage nodded.“If that’s what youwant.” His hands stroked Alex’s backthrough the fabric, feeling the play of theman’s muscles beneath his eager fingers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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