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.htm[3/19/2010 4:15:02 PM] way to go than having the hide peeled from your body.The idea of Brother Lazarus and his ugly nose leaning over him did not appeal at all. It s so nice to see you, Brother Lazarus said. I hope we ll have none of the unpleasantness of yesterday.Now, on the tables.Wayne looked at Sister Worth.Her expression showed nothing.The only thing about her that looked alive was the bent wings of the bird birthmarkon her cheek.All right, Wayne thought, I ll go as far as the table, then I m going to do something.Even if it s wrong.He took a step forward, and Sister Worth flipped the contents of the tray into Brother Lazarus s face.A scalpel went into his nose and hung there.The tray and the rest of its contents hit the floor.Before Brother Lazarus could yelp, Calhoun dropped and wheeled.He was under Brother Fred s shotgun and he used his forearm to drive thebarrel upwards.The gun went off and peppered the ceiling.Plaster sprinkled down.Calhoun had concealed the little knife in the palm of his hand and he brought it up and into Brother Fred s groin.The blade went through the robeand buried to the hilt.The instant Calhoun made his move, Wayne brought his forearm back and around into Brother Mold Fuzz s throat, then turned and caught hishead and jerked that down and kneed him a couple of times.He floored him by driving an elbow into the back of his neck.Calhoun had the shotgun now, and Brother Fred was on the floor trying to pull the knife out of his balls.Calhoun blew Brother Fred s head off,then did the same for Brother Mold Fuzz.Brother Lazarus, the scalpel still hanging from his nose, tried to run for it, but he stepped on the tray and that sent him flying.He landed on hisstomach.Calhoun took two deep steps and kicked him in the throat.Brother Lazarus made a sound like he was gargling and tried to get up.Wayne helped him.He grabbed Brother Lazarus by the back of his robe and pulled him up, slammed him back against a table.The scalpel stilldangled from the monk s nose.Wayne grabbed it and jerked, taking away a chunk of nose as he did.Brother Lazarus screamed.Calhoun put the shotgun in Brother Lazarus s mouth and that made him stop screaming.Calhoun pumped the shotgun.He said,  Eat it, andpulled the trigger.Brother Lazarus s brains went out the back of his head riding on a chunk of skull.The brains and skull hit the table and sailedonto the floor like a plate of scrambled eggs pushed the length of a cafe counter.Sister Worth had not moved.Wayne figured she had used all of her concentration to hit Brother Lazarus with the tray. You said you d have guns, Wayne said to her.She turned her back to him and lifted her habit.In a belt above her panties were two.38 revolvers.Wayne pulled them out and held one in eachhand. Two-Gun Wayne, he said. What about the ultra-light? Calhoun said. We ve made enough noise for a prison riot.We need to move.Sister Worth turned to the door at the back of the room, and before she could say anything or lead, Wayne and Calhoun snapped to it and grabbedher and pushed her toward it.There were stairs on the other side of the door and they took them two at a time.They went through a trap door and onto the roof and there, tieddown with bungie straps to metal hoops, was the ultra-light.It was blue-and-white canvas and metal rods, and strapped to either side of it was atwelve-gauge pump and a bag of food and a canteen of water.They unsnapped the roof straps and got in the two seater and used the straps to fasten Sister Worth between them.It wasn t comfortable, but it wasa ride.They sat there.After a moment, Calhoun said,  Well? Shit, Wayne said. I can t fly this thing.They looked at Sister Worth.She was staring at the controls. Say something, dammit, Wayne said.file:///C|/.prehensive%20collection/Anthologies/Book%20of%20The%20Dead/Stephen%20King%20-%20Book%20of%20the%20Dead.htm[3/19/2010 4:15:02 PM]  That s the switch, she said. That stick& forward is up, back brings the nose down& side to side&  Got it. Well shoot this bastard over the side, Calhoun said.Wayne cranked it, gave it the throttle.The machine rolled forward, wobbled. Too much weight, Wayne said. Throw the cunt over the side, Calhoun said. It s all or nothing, Wayne said.The ultra-light continued to swing its tail left and right, but leveled off as they went over the edge.They sailed for a hundred yards, made a mean curve Wayne couldn t fight, and fell straight away into the statue of Jesus, striking it in the head,right in the midst of the barbed wire crown.Spotlights shattered, metal groaned, the wire tangled in the nylon wings of the craft and held it.Thehead of Jesus nodded forward, popped off and shot out on the electric cables inside like a Jack-in-the-Box.The cables popped tight a hundred feetfrom the ground and worked the head and the craft like a yo-yo.Then the barbed wire crown unraveled and dropped the craft the rest of the way.Ithit the ground with a crunch and a rip and a cloud of dust.The head of Jesus bobbed above the shattered craft like a bird preparing to peck a worm.[11]Wayne crawled out of the wreckage and tried his legs.They worked.Calhoun was on his feet cussing, unstrapping the guns and supplies.Sister Worth lay in the midst of the wreck, the nylon and aluminum supports folded around her like butterfly wings.Wayne started pulling the mess off of her.He saw that her leg was broken.A bone punched out of her thigh like a sharpened stick.There was noblood. Here comes the church social, Calhoun said.The word was out about Brother Lazarus and the others.A horde of monks, nuns and dead folks, were rushing over the drawbridge.Some of thenuns and monks had guns.All of the dead folks had clubs.The clergy was yelling.Wayne nodded toward the bus barn,  Let s get a bus.Wayne picked up Sister Worth, cradled her in his arms, and made a run for it.Calhoun, carrying only the guns and the supplies, passed them.Hejumped through the open doorway of a bus and dropped out of sight.Wayne knew he was jerking wires loose and trying to hotwire them a ride.Wayne hoped he was good at it, and fast.When Wayne got to the bus, he laid Sister Worth down beside it and pulled the.38 and stood in front of her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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