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.He had savingsto cover the last couple months rent on his house before the lease ended and his brain washollering that he might actually have to use it.In the face of working for a dick like Marty, Markwas sorely tempted to give him the giant kiss off and slap his resignation on the desk. What is this about? Mark finally ground out. It s an impossibility for me to control allthese variables. The same way I can t control the stir that your choices have caused. Marty sucked in hisbottom lip and drudged up a semi-regretful expression.Mark shot forward in his seat, startling Marty so badly that he rolled his chair backwards intoa book shelf. My choices? Two bright red spots bloomed on his boss s cheeks and he precisely placed both hands flat onhis desk. Do not push me, Newland. Screw you, Marty, Mark flew off at him. Screw you and the high horse you rode in on.Goodbye career!  Do you realize how quickly I could get a lawyer to sue you and thedepartment for discrimination and sexual harassment? You tell me my choices are causing a stir!By that you must mean my exceptional on the job performance is causing ripples because upuntil now I ve only been known as a superior watch supervisor who s got his business together.Marty waved Mark s words away like they were a waste of breath. There have been severalcomplaints that I can t continue to ignore.In addition, he emphasized, seeing that Mark wasabout to interrupt him,  your  exceptional on the job performance , as you call it, has actuallysuffered a great deal since you returned from vacation.You re not as invested in this job as youwere before and we don t know if one day you re just going to not come into work at all.Mark s jaw dropped.Not come into work at all because he was dating Zane? That was sayingit a bit baldly.In the seven years he d worked for the department he d taken four sick days totaland hadn t even used all of his allotted vacation days! Like he was going to simply toss hiscareer up in the air because he wanted to go get laid? What the hell?Marty wasn t finished.His red-dappled cheeks were getting brighter by the second. Coupled with the complaints from officers and your coworkers, I m unable to let this slideany further.We have a duty to the employees of this department and falling down on the jobisn t an option.I m sorry you believe this has anything to do with your sexual orientation, butreally it s that you re losing sight of the big picture, son.The hairs rose on the back of Mark s neck as fury pulsed along with his heartbeat.This wasridiculous and completely unbelievable, like a primetime drama.If he did sue, there was no wayhe d escape the public eye; with Zane in his life it was too high profile now.Add to it the factthat he would be stuck in a game of his word versus Marty s and the whining bitches whoreported him, and he was probably screwed with his pants on.If he won the suit, by somemiracle, he d still have to come back and work with a bunch of trash-talking liars.Was it evenworth it?Mark gritted his teeth and sucked in a breath. All these complaints you re talking about,what do you propose I do about them? Is there going to be some kind of investigation in order toestablish where we go from here? A leave of absence? I m entitled to a forum where I can havemy say.Marty crossed his arms over his chest, finally blocking that horrible orange stain. I ve seenthis unfold with my own eyes, son.You re not handling the volume of calls as well as usual,you re not coordinating response personnel accurately and it s causing hiccups down the lines ofcommunication.These are special circumstances here.I ve been able to witness and documentthe effect of your personal life invading the work environment.For God s sake, there arephotographers across the street waiting for you to come and go.Dispatchers get approached toanswer questions about you.It makes your coworkers uncomfortable and it negatively affectswhat we do here.You want a forum? You got it sitting right there in that chair.This is yourforum.Mark was stunned blind by the outright lies spewing forth from Marty s mouth.He had beena little distracted lately, but only one time had it ever impacted his response in dispatchingofficers to a scene and it was a negligible mistake on a routine security call Marty even agreedwith him at the time! Now his boss was acting like he was ignoring calls, blowing off officersrelaying information.It was bullshit! He was being ousted.  Admit something to me Marty, he snarled. I ll tender my resignation right now, noarguments, if you admit what this is really about.I could walk away from your ugly face withglee, clicking my heels, and leave you to your dictatorship without even a whisper, if you just tellme the truth. Not sure what you re getting at, son, he answered easily, looking like he was back incontrol of the situation again. I m not your son, Mark spat. Call me that again and I ll prove it.I want you to admit thatthis has nothing to do with my job performance and everything to do with my sexualorientation.Marty blinked, then smiled meanly. Why would I ever admit to something like that? Do Ilook like an idiot to you? You don t want to know what you look like to me. I think it s best for everyone that you and the department go your separate ways.I mean, Ihave all this documentation supporting the claim that you re faltering in your duties and that youought to be let go.What purpose does it serve to drag it all around the watch floor?Mark s eyes narrowed. If you want to let me go, you do it with a plump severance package.I ve got bills to pay and this is a mockery. What kind of people would we be if we didn t offer you the standard severance package?Mark pretended to think for a second. Hmm& I don t know.Probably cheap homophobesinstead of the regular version& Marty s eyes rolled in spite of his obvious pleasure that Mark was losing this battle. You llneed to clean out your work space and turn in your security badge before you leave.You can useone of the empty boxes from the break room for your things.I ve called Charlie in to cover yourshift.Feel free to use me as a reference as you look for work.How had Mark ever accomplished anything working with this jackass? Kicking the chairhe d been sitting in out of his way, he yanked the door open.There was a flurry on the dispatchwatch floor as people pretended not to be listening to what was going on in Marty s office. Newland. Mark froze in his retreat and slowly turned back toward Marty, eyebrows raisedimpatiently. Gay is one thing, son, but we don t need it sauntering through the doors with afeather boa, if you get my meaning.Mark thought his head might ve twisted in a three-sixty spin as he roared across the office.He was seeing red and would ve done a lot more than kick Marty s trash can against the wall ifhe hadn t seen that glimmer of triumph in his boss s murky eyes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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