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.I guessed that in oneof his long trips, he must havesomehow found out about theArthurian army. I can understand your situation,Dini, my mother finally said. But what will you have us do?Arthurians see us as monsters.They d never listen to reason.Has your mate even tried to getthem to stop? Has he even toldthem about your bond? I hated to admit it, but she wasright, at least to a certain extent. He attempted to convince hisfather to pull back the soldiers,but he became a prisoner for histrouble, I admitted, alreadywaiting for the  I told you so.It never came.Instead, mymother looked surprised, havingobviously not expected Kirril toeven try to defend us. Youshould give him a chance, I toldher softly. He s a good man. Perhaps you re right, shemused. But his kind are stubborn and set in their ways.Your Kirrilseems fond of you, which is whyhe was more open to change.Notso with the rest of the Arthurians.Otherwise, they d have neverimprisoned him. They believe him to beaddled, I replied.My enthusiasmfor having found my mate wasnow melting into concern. Wehave to find a way to get him outof there.As it turned out, my mate musthave been monitoring ourconversation, because his voice popped into my head. You re notcoming anywhere near Arthuria.Give me time.My father hasalready posted guardseverywhere, but I think I couldmake a break for it if I reallywanted to. Don t you want to? Iinquired, confused and unsettled. If I run, there will be no onehere to make them see the errorof their ways, my mateanswered. I ve decided on aplan of action.I ll talk to mybrothers.I ll tell them about you and our son.Perhaps they canhelp me reach out to our fatherbefore it s too late.If not& Well,I m a resourceful man.I promiseyou, baby, I ll return to you.On instinct, I reached out to mymother and clasped her paw. What did he say? she asked,having apparently guessed that I dbeen talking to Kirril.I explained Kirril s plan, whilemy mother remained silent,musing over what I told her. I lltry to keep the attack on theArthurian force in check, she finally offered. But if they go toodeep into Merlinia, I can tpromise anything.In the end, I couldn t ask foranything more.I only hoped mymate s trust in his brothers wasjustified, because otherwise, wewere all in trouble.* * * *The hours passed slowly whileI remained trapped in myquarters.I d stolen a look outsidemy balcony, only to find guards posted there.I suspected I couldprobably escape either way, butwhat I d told the mate was thetruth.If I didn t do somethingabout it, my country would fallinto an unnecessary war.Finally, after what seemed likean eternity, there was a knock atthe door.I d been waiting for aservant girl to bring me my meal,hoping that I could coax her todeliver a message to my brothers.Instead, I watched both Leonardand Medwin slip into my room,looking glum. You wanted to tell us something, Leonard saidwithout preamble. We relistening.I didn t waste the chance theywere giving me.This was a risk,but I trusted them with my life andmy future. When I reachedMerlinia, I found a dragon, Ibegan. The thing is, I fell in lovewith him.For the first time in my life, Isaw both of my brothers lookstunned.Medwin alwaysattempted to be prepared foranything, and Leonard studiously kept his emotions from showing.But none of that worked, not withwhat I d thrown at them. Excuse me? Medwin croakedout. Did you just say what Ithought you did? Just let me finish before youjudge me as crazy, okay? Both ofmy brothers nodded, and Icontinued,  He s the mostwonderful creature to brave theface of the planet, and he spregnant with my child.I explained the entire story,from finding the strange road, to losing Magda to the strangewarlock, going to search for her,and ending up on Earth.By thetime I finished, my siblings hadtaken up seats, seeming tornbetween disbelief and anxiety.At last, I reached the point I dbeen trying to make from the verybeginning. I need your help.Ican t just stay here while my mateand my child are in danger.Fathermight be thinking he s doing theright thing, but this time, he sleading our country to disaster. If half the things you mentioned are true, I m inclined to agree,Leonard murmured. I won t lie,brother.This all sounds sooutlandish that I doubt you haveany chance of getting him to trustyou.However, for some obscurereason I cannot begin to fathom, Ibelieve you. Me, too, Medwin offered. You ve never been imaginativeenough to spin such a wild tale.I chuckled, the relief swampingmy heart making it come outnervous and choked. Will youhelp me, then? I asked. Leonard rubbed his eyes tiredly. We don t have much of a choice,now, do we? But be ready, Kirril.You re going to have to find somesort of proof.Otherwise, you llend up with him imprisoning youfor an indefinite period.Proof.What evidence could Ipossibly provide that I was tellingthe truth? I knew Leonard had apoint, but I simply couldn t comeup with anything that wouldconvince my father, except& No,absolutely not.Just the thoughtwas unacceptable.  I ll do it, my mate s voicepiped up in my mind. I ll meetyour father.I want to help youearn your freedom. It s too risky, I replied. Wecan t take the chance. Just trust me.I ll have myparents with me.Perhaps thisway, some sort of agreement canbe reached.Dineiro s parents.I d seenflashes of them in his mind.Hismother, Aridana, was a blue icedragon, while his father, Zewyn,held fire abilities.They were among the most powerful of theirkind, and a perfect example ofwhat Arthurians imagined dragonsto be other than the shape-shifting, of course.Intellectually, I knew this couldwork, but my heart screamed thatI shouldn t allow it.Before Icould make a decision, Medwininterrupted my conversation withDineiro. Brother?I knew my zoning out didn texactly fill either of my siblingswith confidence, so I decided tofully explain the nature of my bond with Dineiro. I apologize.Iwas merely consulting Dini ongiving Father proof.He and Ihave a mind link. Are you serious? If anything,Medwin looked even moreconcerned. Father won t likethat. Well, it s the truth.There snothing insidious about it. Aftera brief moment of hesitation, Iadded,  I truly wish the two ofyou could have something likethis.It s the most powerful thingI ve ever experienced.There simply isn t anything to compareit with. All right, all right. Leonardlifted his hand, as if surrendering. I believe you.So what does yourbeloved Dini suggest? A meeting.Father andArthurian delegates on one side,and Dini and his parents on theother.My siblings knew me well, so Iwasn t surprised when Medwinguessed,  You don t like it.Youdon t want them to meet. Of course I don t, I grumbled.  You heard what Father said.Hedoesn t care they re shifters.Hestill thinks they re monsters. But do you think your matewould be able to change that?If anyone could, it was Dineiro,but I didn t dare chance it. Trustme, Dineiro said in my mindagain. Trust our love.We cando it.Feeling like I might be makingthe worst mistake in my life, Inodded. Yes, I replied, both tomy brothers and to my mate. Itcan be done.  Then we ll speak to Father andsee what we can do, Medwinpromised. Be ready for anything.There s no telling how he llreact.His words did very little toencourage me, but I hugged himand Leonard nonetheless. Thankyou for this, I told them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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