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.Diablo let loose a second blast, liquefying the last of the metal girder supporting theceiling.Slowly the wall crumpled then a chunk of ceiling broke free and then anotheruntil one end of room was reduced to molten rubble, forming a more formidable barrierthan the original wall.A fast check of the carnage showed no signs of life among the royal troops trapped in thecontrol center.Their own soldiers weren't much better off, but there were a few stillmoving.Weaken by his exertions, Diablo shook off the sweat rolling into his eyes, catchinghimself before he lost his balance."Drink this," Zaynah nudged his arm with an uncapped sip bottle.He opened his mouth and swallowed gratefully as a stream of fortified water poureddown his throat.When the first bottle had been emptied, he accepted the chunks of raw meat she urgedinto him, chewing, and swallowing mechanically. Moving to his right side, she reached to check his wound."Leave it.There's no time."She narrowed her eyes, the irises flashing ruby sparks."You're hurting.""I'm alive," he growled."And trying to keep it that way.""Me too," she said heatedly."Now, let me see that shoulder before you bleed out andmake a big mess right in the middle of perfectly civilized war."He laughed.Because, he couldn't help it.But, he moved away from her questing hands,protecting his injured side from her attentions.Glaring at him, she crossed her arms."Are you going to cooperate?"He looked forward to hearing what she was going to do to him if he refused.Before she'd enlightened him, a rumble warned the royal troops had arrived and weregearing up for another assault.There was no time to move Zaynah to a safer spot."Get down," he growled at her, urging her against the inadequate barrier of the half wallin front of him.After tucking her into a ball, he stepped closer, unconsciously shieldingher vulnerable human body with his own.Lethal claws raked through the metal panel as if it had been made of paper.A giant blueforearm batted away the ragged scraps, enlarging the generous hole.Then, a magnificent electric blue and silver dragon blew into the control room in rush offreezing air.A company of D'skeku troopers wielding blasters, outfitted in silver helmets,and matching body armor flanked the mighty beast's scaly sides and trailing into a doublefile well clear of his deadly tail.Diablo let loose with a killing fireball, but the murderous blast didn't even raise a blisteron the monstrous dragon, bearing down on a squad of allies.Worse, the stream of firecost him.He fought to stay on his feet.Reaching deep within he found reserves he'dnever tapped and let out a second stream of white-hot fire concentrating on the dragon'shead.The searing flames melted one baleful eye.The beast's screams of pain and fury echoed throughout the center carried by icy blasts ofcutting wind.Diablo's knees buckled and he crumbled. Chapter TenFrantically, Zaynah dragged Diablo out of the line of fire.It took her long minutes to finda pulse.He was barely breathing.When she dared a fast check on the fighting, she watched caught in stunned horror as thedragon's icy gusts tumbled a squad of Xeth's troops.With a start she realized the beast'sinhalations, stole the air from the room.The stations troops were succumbing from lackof oxygen as much as from the battering winds the monster blew.The dragon, batted aside the station's soldiers like insects while his remaining troops firedtheir phasers.She watched the destruction in a state of near hypnotic horror.The giant monster was amagnificent force of carnage.Huge silver talons slashed through human flesh with thecasual grace of an expert chef slicing vegetables.A scream froze in her throat as she realized she was looking at a reflection of her owninner dragon.She was just like the beast in front of her--a terrifying monster.No one loved a monster.The mighty beast paused to wipe out a reinforced phaser station before moving ahead.His goal was all too clear.Every lumbering step moved him another meter closer towhere Gunn stood.Gunn was exposed, alone, and vulnerable, controlling the meteor showers that kept therest of the imperial troops from landing. The ragged defenders of Ranin Seven's were down to three battered squads.Virtuallyevery warrior still alive was badly injured.Gunn's expression was grim, but he didn't falter, manning the complicated console inspite of an ugly gash down his right side that seeped blood.The drain on his strengthshowed in the white lines around his mouth and the scowl of concentration that seemed tobe permanently etched across his hard features.Ozone from the duranium fueled blasters, the metallic reek of the dragon's icy blasts, andthe coppery scent of human blood commingled, making her stomach lurch.While gruntsof pain, the cacophony of weapons, and the beast's roar numbed her ears.Crouching overDiablo, her hands curled into helpless fists.His eyelids fluttered, instantly drawing her attention."Don't try to talk," she said,scrubbing away a tear that rolled down her cheek.He coughed."Shift babe, you can take him."His eyes closed and his chest stilled.The words had cost him dearly.She pressed an anxious hand to his heart.The beat was slow and weak.She glanced atGunn.Realizing there was nothing he could do to help his brother [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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