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."He trailed off as Ken and Blaze exchanged a look he couldn'tread."What?" he asked, starting to feel on edge.He shouldhave known.When he'd thought something seemed too goodto be true, that was the first clue that it was too good to betrue."We need to talk," Ken said quietly."You're not at all whatwe were expecting.""The feeling is mutual," Raphael said irritably."Fine.We'lltalk outside." He didn't wait for them to reply, just stood andheaded out the back door, into the enormous green yard thateventually gave over to the forest surrounding his home."So85 | Megan Derr  Sword of the King talk," he said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans,glaring at them, wondering just what kind of trouble he was inand how badly Leo would beat him because of it.Ken and Blaze shared a look, and god how he wished they'dstop doing that, because he really didn't need the two of themmaking eyes at each other the whole time.Finally, Blaze said, "The rumors around the syndicates werealways that your brother was fiercely protective of you, that hekeeps you locked away because you're valuable and importantto him.He doesn't want anyone hurting you or coaxing youaway."Rafael let out a bark of laughter at that, amused despitehimself."Is that really what people say? That I'm some princesslocked in a tower for my own good? Oh, god, that must amusethe ever-loving fuck out of him." He lightly touched his bruisedcheek."My brother keeps me isolated for the same reason hekeeps all his belongings locked up he doesn't like to share histoys."There was also the added bonus that his brother hated himfor being better with dragons.Raf was lucky that was reasonenough to hate him, beat him, but not kill him.If Leo ever foundout about just how close he'd been to Marianne & but thinkingabout Marianne just made him hurt."What does my brother'spossessive streak have to do with anything?" Rafael asked.Kenand Blaze shared a look again, and Rafael's patience snapped.He wasn't in the mood to be caught up in whatever game theywere playing."Look, I don't know what you're up to, but don'tthink that just because my brother beats me and smacks mearound that I'll tolerate it from anyone else."Conway growled and approached, scales cold to the touchas he rubbed up against Rafael before standing protectively infront of him.Rafael wondered when he'd stripped and changed.Cold poured off of Conway like an icy breeze through an opendoor, making the air around them distinctly chilly.Blaze's eyes widened slightly, and Rafael wondered whatsurprised him, because Blaze had to be long used to a dragon infighting mode."I'm not going to put up with any games," Rafael86 | Megan Derr  Sword of the King said."Say what you've got to say, or make your move if it's afight you want.I have dragons to take care of and a boss tokeep appeased.""We're not here to pick a fight," Blaze said, catching Erie'sarm as he growled and prepared to shift as well.Behind Ken,Nev stood still and calm, patiently waiting for orders."I promiseit's not like that.We thought you'd be on your brother's side, isall.But you're not, which changes everything."Rafael gave them a hard stare, not quite certain he dared tobelieve what he was hearing."You're wandering into dangerousterritory," he said at last."I'm on the dragons' side.I dowhatever I have to do to protect the dragons as best I'm able.""So how are you going to protect him?" Ken asked quietly,pointing a thumb at Cam, who stood off to the side watchingthe proceedings with his usual strange calm.Cam scratched his nose, stepped closer to the circle, andsaid, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that once Ilearn how to be a dragon I won't need anyone protecting me.""You have no idea what you are," Ken said."No idea at all,and not a single syndicate is prepared for you no one is, really.Even the clans barely have a grip on your kind."Rafael met Ken's eyes."You know something I don't.Whatdo you know, and how do you know it? There's not a singleperson in any of the syndicates who knows the dragons betterthan me.So how do you know more?""Because I come from somewhere else," Ken replied."The clans you just mentioned? What are these clans?"Rafael asked.Ken nodded."Yeah, the clans.I don't suppose you'd setyour dragon back to above freezing, would you? No one is goingto hurt you, but he is freezing my balls right off."Rafael blinked, then laughed.He reached out a hand andlightly touched Conway's head."It's okay, Conway.I'm safe,Cam is safe.Stand down.You're a good dragon."Conway growled, but obeyed, sitting back on his haunchesand letting his temperature rise again [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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