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.Let me illustrate with a simple example.Recently I was involved in a multichannel strategy assignment for aMiddle-Eastern bank.As part of the assignment, we conducted a formalaudit of all of the customer touchpoints, including the call centre and Web.During our audit of the call centre, we found an unusual anomaly wherebynot an insignificant number of customers were ringing the bank becausethey were having trouble transferring their money to overseas accounts.The calls would go something like this:CSR: Welcome to [the] bank.How can I help you today?Customer: I m having some trouble transferring my funds to myoverseas account in London using the Internet bankingfacility.Can you help me?CSR: Certainly, sir.Can you explain what the problem is? Measuring the Customer Experience61Customer: When I go into Internet banking and choose transfers,the list of banks does not show my bank in London.Can Iadd it to the list?CSR: You should be able to type in the name of the bank andthe SWIFT code directly onto the page, sir.What menuoption are you choosing?Customer: Third-party transfers&CSR: Ah & that s the problem.You need to be selectingtelegraphic transfers.That is the option for overseastransfers.Third-party transfers are the option for transferswithin Qatar.Ok, seems logical, right? Only if you are a banker.If you are a customer,it seems just as logical to assume that a third-party transfer means you cantransfer outside of the bank to a third party, in this case, to your joint-account with your wife in a London bank.At this point, the bank reallyhas two options.Either train the customers to understand the differencebetween a third-party transfer and a telegraphic transfer (at some veryconsiderable expense), or use the language that is appropriate and logicalfor customers the first time around.Think like a customer.What about if the bank simply changed the menu options withinthe Internet banking site to read  Transfers within Qatar and  TransfersOverseas ? Is there any reason that the bank absolutely needs to use themost precise bank-centric language to describe these functions? If theinstitution designed the channel internally without any involvement oftheir customers, they would simply never know that this could be an issuebecause internally everyone understands what is meant when they usethose terms.This is a good lesson then.Plan on getting the customers involved asearly as possible in the design process for a new channel or implementationof a channel.This process is known as human interaction design orusability engineering making the channel usable, simple to use andrelevant to the users who will use it.The cost implications of not gettingcustomers involved as early as possible in the design process are extremely 62 BANK 2.0negative, and while most institutions baulk at the upfront expenditure, theresultant losses due to poor design are much, much more expensive thangetting it right in the first place.9 Since the Internet is very much a part of our lives today,consumers often conduct online research before making a purchase.Of the 500 adults surveyed in the UK, 88 per cent reported usingthe Internet for research while 94 per cent use it for shopping.Thismeans that even for companies which aren t selling online, the Webexperience they offer visitors is key.Consumers visit a number ofwebsites to fi nd information and research a product or servicebefore they make a purchase.This presents a golden opportunity forbusinesses to deliver a compelling and memorable interaction whichwill positively infl uence buying behaviour.By contrast, a negativeonline experience will elevate  Web Stress levels causing customersto click away&  10 The rule of thumb in many usability-aware organisations is thatthe cost-benefi t ratio for usability is $1:$10 $100.Once a system isin development, correcting a problem costs 10 times as much as fixingthe same problem in design.If the system has been released, it costs100 times as much relative to fi xing in design. 11So if you are a bank, how would you go about getting customersinvolved in the process? The initial involvement may be through focusgroups or one-on-one interviews with key customers about what they need,but many banks are already doing this.The better approach would be toget them actually involved in the design process.Get them trying outearly  lo-fi prototypes of the interfaces and menu structures (IVR, Web,ATM), or get them to use the existing channels and observe them usingthose to evaluate the design problems before you embark on the redesign.With usability tests and observational field studies, we can normally identify80 per cent of the critical problems with just five customers involved in thetesting process.That is hardly going to break the bank, as they say. Measuring the Customer Experience63ConclusionCustomer experience is no longer the sole domain of the branch.It exudesin everything we do, and customers are demanding a better experienceacross the bank.Inconsistencies in organisation structure, service levelsbetween channels and silos frustrate customers who just want to deal inthe most efficient way with the  bank.As we will discuss in Part Three,banks need to do the following now to build customer experience:1.Appoint a customer champion to manage ALL channels.2.Build analytics that identify failures in each channel, or touchpoints.3.Get customers involved in the design process, particularly inrespect of the interface and language.4.Create an innovation team that has real teeth and give stafffrom every department time to focus on innovation.5.Understand the total relationship the customer has with thebank across every channel.KEY LESSONSCustomer experience is the new Holy Grail of retail fi nancial services,but the key lessons are not so much about presence and service, asthey are about understanding the core needs of the customer [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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