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.He had been hard, without relief, for too long, and she prolonged the agony, notletting him come while taking her own enjoyment.His search for help had yielded him little.As weak as he was, he?d barely been able to find Mara, letalone coax her into returning to him.And Lurin.he was worried Lurin might not wake.Gren sensednothing from the Thesha, when there should have at least been a faint heartbeat or lift of spirit with whichto connect.He felt a lashing blow to his left cheek and blinked up into Cari?s furious gaze."You will answer me, slave."Gren?s body shuddered as she teased him with her pussy, drawing down and making him arch tomaintain the contact with his sensitive shaft.He hated the fact that she made him want her.He hated hislack of discipline and the fact that he?d relaxed his guard and let Vendon, of all people, close enough todo harm.Gren would have killed Cari and himself in the process, if it hadn?t been for Lurin lying helpless on thebed.But as Cari postured over his erection, his shame grew until he thought death might be preferable tothis."Let him go."Mara? He stared up at Cari?s fuzzy image and felt her literally draining him of energy.He heard a mancurse and then felt Cari lifted off his body."Shit.He needs aid and quickly." Catam timed Gren?s pulse and tried to stop his bleeding."He?s dying,Mara.""No," Gren rasped weakly."See to Lurin.He?s worse off than I am." Mara hurried to Lurin?s side and blanched when she felt the stillness surrounding him.She reached forhis arm and it felt cool, his heat gone."Lurin," she whispered and stroked his face with gentle hands."Come back to me.I need you here," sheurged over and over.Still she felt nothing."Gren, I don?t know what to do," she cried, knowing she was losing Lurin."Call out to him with more than words, Mara," Gren managed."Show him the way back."She heard Catam curse, heard him welcome someone else into the room, but she knew little timeremained.Realizing Lurin came from a world steeped in energy, she closed her eyes and looked deepwithin herself.She had no idea whether or not she?d be successful, but she?d die trying if need be.His manipulations and past subterfuge no longer mattered.Faced with a life without Lurin, her lovequickly buoyed to the surface.Placing her hands over his heart, she broadcast waves of adoration.Lurin, return to me.Please.I love you.Don?t leave me, not like this.She continued to bathe him with her love, letting her energy flow into and around him.Amazingly shecould feel it working, could feel her body, mind and spirit merging with his.And while it felt unnerving tobe so open with another being, it also felt right.Now if he would only accept all that she freely gave.She could feel the small piece of him that remainedapart from her.And if he wouldn?t open himself to everything she offered, she had a horrible feeling hewouldn?t survive.* * * *Lurin struggled against the darkness until he had nothing left with which to fight.Cari was a vampire, ademonic soul-sucker whose menacing spirit spoiled everything she touched.Weak already from having to control Sara, he had no way to fight Cari?s evil with his life ebbing moreand more.He felt so alone, so cold.He needed help.He needed.Mara.He could no longer sense her, and it crazed him.They had bonded in Sara?s cabin, so he should havebeen able to sense her no matter what.Why then could he no longer see her? Panic flared at the thoughtthat she had somehow died and left him behind.How could he hope to live without her? He tried again to astral project, but to no avail.Weaknessconsumed him until he knew nothing but pain and sadness before an emptying numbness stole his mind.An involuntary spasm opened his eyes a fraction to let him see Gren covered in blood, Nobless Cariover him feeding off his pain.Lurin was responsible for this.Because of him, Mara had been captured and perhaps even killed, and now Gren lay dying.Lurin wanted to cry but couldn?t, the loss of what he might have had with Maraburning his insides with cold.He wanted so badly to return back into that mystical world where he and Mara, his soul mate, hadbonded.Had he the opportunity, he would bare himself to her, leaving himself vulnerable to her love andher pain, accepting her as she had accepted him.He longed to feel Mara with him, touching her flesh to flesh and soul to soul.He imagined her within him,bonding all over again, releasing the distrust that kept him from finding true happiness.The numbness taking control of him ceded and a great pain stole his breath."Lurin, come back to me," he heard whispered again and again until she seemed to shout at him.Warmth burgeoned inside of him and he arched uncontrollably, heat breaking through the cold alonenessof distrust.The pain was excruciating, but the fact that he actually felt anything at all made him want toshout with joy."Please Lurin.If you really love me, come back to me."At that moment he surrendered everything he had to Mara.He gave her his heart and soul, shared hisinnermost thoughts and secrets.He held nothing back.She experienced every ugly thing he?d ever done,every sexual act and every beautiful climax he?d bestowed among his female conquests.He heard her gasp and he felt her shock.He was past caring about the risks.He knew, deep down heknew, that she accepted him.Only a woman in love would forego a life of riches for a man accused ofmurder and rape.Suddenly, his heart began beating again.He inhaled deeply and heard her whisper his name in wonder.She leaned over his chest, hugging him tight and as his strength slowly returned, he hugged her back.He was dimly aware of the noise around him.Instead he drowned in Mara?s scent and in her touch.Hisheart healed, his spirit followed until he felt whole again.He opened his eyes to find the room filled with strange men.Blinking, he wiped one of Mara?s tearsfrom his cheek and smiled at her, bemused at the radiant grin she returned."Catam, Nu and Set saved me from having to kill Cari?s man servants.""They?re dead then?" Bloodlust filled him as he recalled Felan and Maltor?s hands on Mara."Not quite.But Catam put them in an awful lot of pain."He grunted.Not the punishment he would deliver once he was up and about, but it would have to do fornow."Who are these men?" He noted several men wearing utilitarian gray uniforms buzzing around the room."They?re System law, courtesy of Sernal, Catam?s brother [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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