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.After a few moments heappeared satisfied.Some of the fire left his gaze, to be replaced by puzzlement.He stood up and paced back to the fireplace. Well, who else knows we re here?Abby asked, getting up to pace the room.There were so few who knew their ac-tual location, and she trusted most of them.The ones she didn t, Seth did. Piotr, but I doubt he d tell anyone. He flicked a glance at her. Andi.She winced. Did you ask her to talk to Nancy? I just asked her to let Nancy know we were safe, that s all. Damn it, Abby, is this some kind of game to you? His voice was low, utterlycontrolled and cold.He watched as she stopped pacing and turned to face him. What part of  tell no one don t you understand? Or is it kind of like the  don tgo anywhere alone rule easily broken when it s convenient for you? No. The tears that had been so perilously close to the surface earlier nearlybroke free.Someone had shot at her. Andi wouldn t tell Nancy where, just thatwe re okay.You know that. I ve met Nancy.Hell, I have a dossier on her. He ignored her gasp. She s asmart woman, and you had Andi call her.Andi.That s like waving a big red flag. 179/222If you know what you re doing, you can find out anything on the Internet. Heturned his back to her, coldly furious.She d put herself in danger, and that wasunacceptable. Because you had to pass a message on to Nancy, the Shem knowswhere we are. He turned back to face her, his hands clenched at his sides. Wemight as well go home, since you seem so determined to let this guy know wherewe are anyway.Want to leave a forwarding address? Or should we just have youtell Andi to take out an ad? That s not fair.You expect me to cut myself off from the people who loveme? I expected you to exercise a little common sense, but I guess that s too muchto ask.She gasped, whirled around and ran from the room.He made no move to follow her.* * *She hadn t come down to dinner.He was upset, but not surprised.He d expec-ted it after his outburst.She d locked him out of the bedroom, and he d respec-ted that.He had the butler bring her up a tray, and was again unsurprised tofind that she hadn t answered his knock.He suspected she d cried herself tosleep.The tray came back untouched.He could barely eat any of his own dinner.He knew he d been harsh, but hehad to get through to her.This was no game.Her life was on the line, and everytime she failed to follow one of his instructions they both paid the price.Thistime they were damned lucky that the Shem had apparently decided to justshoot up the picnic, not her.Why hadn t he sensed him? His vision wasn t nearly as good as Damien s, buthe should have noticed a fucking Shemyaza on the island.If the cop was rightand the Shem had been there for days.The thought of her bleeding body on that red-and-white-checked blanketdrove him from the table and back into Piotr s study.He booted up the com-puter and began once again to go through the files Andi had sent him earlier inthe day.Douglas Michael Finley, age thirty-three.Siblings: one sister, age thirty, onebrother, age twenty-seven.The sister was married, with one child and anotheron the way.A stay-at-home mother.The husband was a computer expert ofsome kind.Confirmed location as of two days ago: Austin, Texas.She d blamedAbby for the fire and her brother s incarceration, and stood by him, sending himletters and care packages. 180/222The brother was a chef, working out of a prestigious Los Angeles restaurant.His whereabouts were also confirmed as of two days ago.His last vacation timehad been taken two years ago.He d had little contact with his brother.According to Andi s notes, both parents were deceased, the father when Dougwas twelve and the mother the year he turned eighteen, which meant Doug hadlied to Abby about that, too.Both died of natural causes.Doug had a fewdomestic-violence complaints on his rap sheet.All charges against him had beendropped due to witnesses taking back their testimony, so there had been noth-ing the district attorney could do to prosecute.Doug had been very careful to hit his women where no one could see.Until hedecided to kill Abby.Of his many girlfriends, three had been serious.Seth stared at the statistics oneach of the girls and felt his gut clench.He stood up with the printed report inhis hand and made for the bedroom.He sighed when the knob merely jiggled inhis hand. Abby, open the door.I have something important to show you.No answer. Abby?Still, no answer.Ignoring his growing sense of dread, he raced for the butler ssuite. I need the key to my bedroom.The butler didn t bat an eye, just handed over a master key.Seth raced back and unlocked the door. Abby? He stared at the empty bed,his whole body clenching in fear.Slowly he walked toward the bathroom, pray-ing he d find her inside.Her things were gone.Like a sleepwalker, he moved to the closet and openedthe door.Her clothes were missing, as was her suitcase and carry bag.He sat down on the edge of the bed, the report clasped in his hands.If theShem got to her before he did.He picked up the phone, checking on Piotr s boats.Sure enough, one wasmissing, a small speedboat Piotr used to fly around the bay with the few friendshe invited to the island.Without even stopping to think, he opened the balcony doors.She was aloneout there in the night, with no clue how to get back to shore.A Shem was hunt-ing her, would kill her if he found her alone.Seth tore off his shirt, spread his wings and flew. Chapter ElevenGod, she was so stupid.Abby slowly paced the deck of the small boat.She was exhausted, and horriblylost, and stupid beyond all hope of redemption.What the hell had she been thinking, leaving Seth like that? She hadn t been,that s what.She d panicked and run, and now she was going to die on this stupidboat and save the goddamned Shem the trouble.Seth was right, and she knew it.She should never have asked Andi to letNancy know they were okay.If it hadn t been for the underground tunnel, Sethmight have been killed.She shuddered.It didn t bear thinking on.So he d gotten mad, and yelled, and she d fucking panicked and thought aboutmaking some kind of a break for Canada.Only she didn t have a passport andhad no time to arrange for one.Her priority had been to get away from Seth, toget him out of the line of fire so that the Shem would focus solely on her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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