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.htmlbeen a trifle cold today. You haven't graced Harthaven with your presence for quite some time, Abegail, Jeff com-mented.She chuckled. What? And ruin my reputation, too? But now that you two have a womanabout to keepyou in check, she continued more softly,  I'll feel better about coming.He bent over her hand and brushed a kiss upon it. Come out and visit us soon, love.It's quitea differentplace since Brandon brought her home.Even Hatti approves of this change.After the Birminghams bade their farewells, Brandon steered Heather through the crowd withJefffollowing.As they passed, Mrs.Scott raised her nose disdainfully. With all the lovely young ladies here he had to go to England and bring back a Tory as awife, shesneered.Jeff grinned and tipped his hat. Prettiest damned bit of Irish Tory I've ever seen, he said andmoved onpast her.As the three neared their carriage, Heather glanced up and saw Sybil Scott seated in thatfamily'scarriage, watching them forlornly as they made ready to depart.She looked so dejected,Heather couldnot help pitying her and even her mother who stood glaring after them, having lost the futilegame she hadwaged.She had gained little and lost face with many.If she had intended to strike revenge byinformingher of Brandon's past, it had been a wasted effort because she knew considerably moreabout herhusband than the woman ever hoped to know.From their first meeting she had known he wasno saint,so the woman's words had had little effect.Brandon handed her into the carriage as the two Scott women continued to stare.She sank down in therear seat and unfolded a lap robe over her knees, holding half up invitingly as her husbandclimbed inbeside her.He glanced up into her eyes in question to her mood, but she smiled gently andslid closeagainst him for warmth.He stared thoughtfully at her gloved hand upon his arm before hisgaze lifted tosome distant spot outside the window.A cold north wind played a mournful tune in the tops of the tall Carolina pines and brought achill in uponthe occupants as the carriage rattled along the dry, dusty road beyond the outskirts of the city.Heathersnuggled against Brandon under the blanket while Jeff did his best to stay warm alone oppos-ite them.Shewatched with some amusement as he tried to get some blanket on the cold seat under him,some acrosshis long legs and some to keep his feet warm.He huddled in the corner with his greatcoatpulled abouthis shoulders and at every bump some corner came loose and had to be readjusted.Finallyshe slid evenmore tightly against Brandon, leaving space for Jeff to sit beside her. They say three's a crowd, Jeff, she smiled. Would you care to sit beside me and make it awarmcrowd?He complied with no delay and spread his blanket across their knees.Heather wiggled backbetween thetwo men, under Brandon's arm, and Jeff smiled down at her with amusement. Fie upon thee, madam. He feigned injury. 'Twas not my comfort that concerned you.Youonly soughtto be warm on this side too."Heather glanced up at him and giggled.Brandon smiled.ABC Amber Text Converter Trial version, http://www.processtext.com/abctxt.html Be careful, Jeffrey.This little Tory can charm the very warmth from your body. He turnedacontemplative scrutiny down upon her. I can't for the life of me imagine just whose side shewould have fought on, being half Irish, half Tory, and married to a Yankee.Jeff joined with a teasing banter in his voice. It's her English accent I'm afraid that makespeople wonderabout her.Why, with speech like that she'll soon have the whole country in arms against us.Poor fatherwould turn over in his grave to know we harbored a Tory in our midst. He grinned down ather andaffected a simpering tone. My dear Tory, you simply must learn to drawl like a Yankee.She acknowledged his comment with a nod of her head and mimicked the best drawl sheknew. Why,yassah, Misser Jeff [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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