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.Keep the Jeep out and ready.”We moved the other vehicles inside.The space was an emptygarage bay, echoing concrete.It was heated from somewhere,although still dank and chilly.When we were all in, the bigdoor closed and a low light came on.Hanson jumped out ofthe Hummer and gave Scooter a smack on the back in passing.The man rocked under his Alpha’s heavy hand, but grinned withpleasure.“Okay,” Hanson said.“Gather round.You got anything, kid?Get over here!”Zach climbed out of the Hummer and set his computerdown on the concrete.“TriState Security.It looks like a smallfirm, says fifteen employees.Looks like they provide bodyguardsor property security for short to medium-term hire.The owner isthe only personnel photo on here.” Zach clicked to a head shot ofa man in his mid-fifties, with a crew cut and a square chin.“TomGrossman.Was in the Marines.The firm claims personnel areall specially trained and many are ex-military, but gives no other names or details.I guess it makes sense you wouldn’t want the bad guys to recognize your security people from your website.”“Right,” Hanson grunted.“Which leaves the question, is180 Kaje HarperTriState involved in kidnapping a werewolf, or just providingsecurity for the building?”“How could they not be involved?” Paul demanded.Hanson gave him a long look, but answered, “If the wolf wascarried into the building on a stretcher or in a box, the perimeter guards might have no idea what he was.Even if he walked in, he’dbe just another guy.If they don’t know about your Simon, maybewe won’t have to track them all down.I don’t like unnecessarykilling, and it attracts the wrong kind of attention.”“I agree,” I said firmly, partly to forestall Paul’s next comment.Hanson was not likely to be tolerant about being questioned bya human.“We need to question someone at TriState, one way oranother.”“800 number’s on their website,” Zach offered.“But onlybusiness hours, which is not until Monday morning.”“I don’t think a phone call will do it,” Hanson said shortly.“We need to grab one.” He paused as his phone rang.“Another Highlander just passed your location and pulled upin the lot beside the first,” came a report from the man Hansonhad assigned to surveillance.“Two men, armed, with the doorcode to let themselves in.I’m betting on a shift change.”“Damn,” Hanson said.“That’s our chance.” I bit back anycomment.My wolf urgently wanted to protest the way Hansonhad taken over leadership here.At the same time, I was very aware of how the men he had gathered outweighed my own in toughnessas well as numbers.I had no choice but to go along with him fornow.The part of me that wasn’t Alpha wolf admitted he seemedto know what he was doing.Hanson turned to his men.“When the men getting off shiftleave I want to grab them.Any suggestions?”“No problem, Alpha,” Jackson drawled.“If they leave the waythe others arrived they’ll pass by here.Scoot, Tanner, and me can get ‘em to pull over.”Unexpected demands 181“You think?” Hanson queried.“If there are military men onthe payroll, they may have had some experience in the sandbox.They may not react like civilians to a roadside distraction.”“Leave it to us,” Jackson said, his smile cocky.“Got yourknife, Scoot?”When the small man nodded, Jackson strolled to the door,stripped, and shifted.“If they know Simon’s a wolf, they’ll know what you are,”Mark suggested.Jackson wagged his tail jauntily.“If they do,” Scooter said in a gravelly voice, “that answers ourquestion about how involved they are.” He slung a gun over hisshoulder and took up station by the door.Another man dressed inworn fatigues joined him.“Can the lights,” he said.Someone hitthe switch and the garage was plunged into darkness.“Two guys coming out,” the sentry reported over Hanson’sphone ten minutes later.“Getting in the cold Highlander.Pullingout.”Jackson, Tanner, and Scooter slipped out through the door.Hanson followed, an imperious wave telling the rest of us to stayput.To hell with that.He’s not my Alpha.By the time my eyes had adjusted to the dim light from thefew scattered street lamps, nothing was moving.The three pointmen were surely out there, but I could see no trace of them.Hanson stood still in the shadow of the building.I slipped over to join him.He grunted but made no comment.The move, when it came, was perfectly timed.As theHighlander approached and slowed for the corner, I caught aflicker of motion.The car rounded the corner and then seeminglyout of nowhere a lean brown wolf dashed into the road into thebeam of the headlights.The car swerved but couldn’t avoid hitting the wolf.Instead of flying off, the wolf rolled up onto the hood of the Highlander, hitting the windshield with a crack.The brakessquealed as the car plunged to a stop, and the wolf dropped off.182 Kaje Harper“Shit!” The driver said loudly.Both men scrambled out.“Whatthe hell was that? A dog? There’s blood all over the windshield.”A second later he said, “Fuck,” with a completely differentintonation.His hands rose, a motion echoed by his partner onthe other side of the car.Scooter and Tanner had materializedout of the darkness, each pinning one man in place, gun-barrelsaimed at their heads.“Don’t move.” Scooter’s voice was cool.“Hands on yourheads.Turn and face the car.” He and Tanner patted the two mendown efficiently.Each man yielded a couple of handguns andat least one knife.There was the sound of fabric ripping off tomy right and then Hanson came forward with two handfuls ofT-shirt.“Blindfold them.”“You don’t want to do this,” the man on the passenger sidesaid angrily.“You’re looking for a shit-load of trouble.”“Shut up.” Tanner knotted the fabric over his eyes, catchinghair in the knot.The man grunted at the tug on his scalp.“This way.” Hanson led us back to the garage.Tanner andScooter brought along the two captives, held in expert-lookinggrips [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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