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.Then, to his great relief, he saw a tiny tendril of purple smoke creep out from under theParagon s petticoat, where it lay, still and watchful, beside Abdullah s bare foot. My first guess is thatyou hid Hasruel s life on the moon, Abdullah said.Dalzel laughed delightedly. Wrong! He would have found it there! No, it s much more obvious thanthat, and muchless obvious.Consider the game of hunt the slipper, mortal!This told Abdullah that Hasruel s life was here in the castle, as most of the princesses had thought it was.He made a great show of thinking hard. My second guess is that you gave it to one of the guardianangels to keep, he said. Wrong again! said Dalzel, more delighted than ever. The angels would have given it backstraightaway.It smuch cleverer than that, little mortal.You ll never guess.It s amazing how no one cansee what s under his own nose!At this, in a burst of inspiration, Abdullah was sure he knew where Hasruel s life really was.Flower-in-the-Night loved him.He was still walking on air.His mind was inspired, and heknew.But hewas mortally afraid of making a mistake.When the time shortly came when he had to take hold ofHasruel s life himself, he knew he would have to go straight to it because Dalzel would give him nosecond chance.That was why he needed the genie to confirm his guess.The tendril of smoke was stilllying there, near invisible, and if Abdullah had guessed, surely the genie knew, too? Er&  Abdullah said. Um& The tendril of smoke crept noiselessly back inside the Paragon s petticoat and bellied up inside, where it Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlmust have tickled the nose of Jamal s dog.The dog sneezed. Atishoo! cried Abdullah, and almost drowned the thread of the genie s voice whispering,  It s thering in Hasruel s nose! Atishoo! said Abdullah, and pretended to guess wrong.This was where his plan was distinctly risky. Your brother s life is one of your teeth, great Dalzel. Wrong! trumpeted Dalzel. Hasruel, roast him! Spare him! wailed Flower-in-the-Night as Hasruel, with disgust and disappointment written all overhim, began to get up.The princesses were ready for this moment.Ten royal hands instantly pushed Princess Valeria out of thecrowd to the steps of the throne. I want my doggy! Valeria announced.This was her big moment.As Sophie had pointed out to her,she had found thirty new aunties and three new uncles and all of them had begged her to scream as hardas she could.No one had everwanted her to scream before.In addition, all the new aunties hadpromised her a box of sweets if she made this a really good tantrum.Thirty boxes.It was worth the bestshe could do.She made her mouth square.She expanded her chest.She gave it everything she had. IWANT MY DOGGY! I DON T WANT ABDULLAH! I WANT MY DOGGY BACK! She hurledherself at the throne steps, fell over Jamal, threw herself to her feet again, and flung herself at the throne.Dalzel hastily jumped onto the throne seat to get out of her way. GIVE ME MY DOGGY! Valeriabellowed.At the same moment the tiny yellow Princess of Tsapfan gave Morgan a shrewd nip, just in the rightplace.Morgan had been asleep in her tiny arms, dreaming he was a kitten again.He woke with a jumpand found he was still a helpless baby.His fury knew no bounds.He opened his mouth, and he roared.His feet pedaled with anger.His hands pumped.And his roars were so lusty that had it been acompetition between himself and Valeria, Morgan might have won.As it was, the noise wasunspeakable.The echoes in the hall picked it up, doubled the screams, and rolled it all back at thethrone. Echo at those djinns, Sophie was saying in her conversational magical way. Don t just double it.Treble it.The hall was a madhouse.Both djinns clapped their hands over their pointed ears.Dalzel hooted,  Stopit! Stop them! Where did that baby come from?To which Hasruel howled,  Women have babies, fool of a djinn! What did you expect? I WANT MY DOGGY BACK! stated Valeria, beating the seat of the throne with her fists.Dalzel s trumpet voice fought to be heard. Giveher a doggy.Hasruel, or I ll kill you!At this stage in Abdullah s plans he had confidently expected if he had not been killed by then to beturned into a dog.It was what he had been leading up to.This, he had calculated, would also havereleased Jamal s dog.He had counted on the sight of not one dog but two, dashing from beneath theParagon s petticoat, to add to the confusion.But Hasruel was as distracted by the screams, and the tripleechoes of screams, as his brother was.He turned this way and that, clutching his ears and yelling with Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlpain, the pictureof a djinn at his wits end.Finally he folded his great wings and became a dog himself.He was a very huge dog, something between a donkey and a bulldog, brown and gray in patches, with agolden ring in his snub nose.This huge dog put its gigantic forepaws on the arm of the throne andstretched an enormous slavering tongue out toward Valeria s face.Hasruel was trying to seem friendly.But at the sight of something so big and so ugly, Valeria, not unnaturally, screamed harder than ever.Thenoise frightened Morgan.He screamed harder, too.Abdullah had a moment when he was quite at a loss what to do, and then another moment when he wassure no one would hear him shout. Soldier! he roared. Hold Hasruel! Someone hold Dalzel!Luckily the soldier was alert.He was good at that.The Jharine of Jham vanished in a flurry of oldclothes,and the soldier leaped up the steps of the throne.Sophie rushed after him, beckoning to the princesses.She threw her arms around Dalzel s slender white knees, while the soldier wrapped his brawny armsaround the neck of the dog.The princesses stampeded up the steps behind them, and most of themthrew themselves on Dalzel, too, with the air of princesses badly in need of revenge all except PrincessBeatrice, who dragged Valeria out of the brawl and began the difficult task of shutting her up.The tinyPrincess of Tsapfan meanwhile sat calmly on the porphyry floor, rocking Morgan back to sleep.Abdullah tried to run toward Hasruel.But no sooner did he move than Jamal s dog seized its chance andgot away [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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