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.One of you must die.If both arealive at the end of the time we will set, she dies.If you refuse to fight,she will be artificially inseminated and as soon as the cub is born, she willbe vivisected like that youth you saw a short while ago.Questions?Ossoran stared at Feyvorn.Feyvorn nodded. How long? Ossoran said. Thirty minutes. We will fight.##They circled around each other, feinting, retreating, moving so fast they dfinished one set and were on to some-thing else before the watchers fullyrealized what had hap-pened.This went on for several minutes, then they ran full out at each other.Feyvorn hit Ossoran s hands, shoulders, bounded upward and caught at thebars of the cage; he twisted his body round, got his footclawshooked over the base, surged up.He reached through the cage and tore out thegirl s throat.As soon as Feyvorn was airborne, Ossoran ran at the wall, vaulted it and beganmauling everyone he could reach, us-ing his teeth and claws on his hands andfeet.##Savant 4 (speaking to notepad):.bloody debacle.Savants 1 and 2 are dead.Savant 3 has been sent to themeat farm with massive injuries in-cluding one arm torn from his body.Threetechs were also killed or injured.Two of the guards panicked.Un-fortunately,they were armed with the dart tubes.They killed the subjects, but also blewPage 57 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlaway several techs and Savants 8 and 9.OBSERVATIONS: (1) the techs on duty at the data sta-tions are tobe commended, recommendation: honor bo-nuses for each.(2) Preliminary analysis of readings indicates a reluctance to accept controlfrom external sources that is far more powerful even than the kin-bond.NOTE: We have a weakness that must be held in mind at all times when dealingwith these Dyslaera.Their claws and fur lead us to think of them as beasts and this induces us todiscount their intelligence.That is dangerous.On looking over the flakes of this disastrous event, I havenoted that the plan was set and agreed upon in that first glance they shared.Without having to consult, they noted the best points of attack to achievetheir goals, devised their plan, and set it in motion.RECOMMENDATION: I must add my voice to that of Savant 1 in the course that hesuggested:Acquire Dys-laera cubs, preferably before weaning.Also gravid fe-males.Theselast should be kept comatose and their cubs surgically removed atterm.If we can tame these crea-tures, they will be servants withoutpeer, highly intelli-gent and physically magnificent.Shadith (Kizra) On The Farm 31Dinner over, her duties finally done, Matja Allina lay on her side, pillowstucked about her to help with the weight of the baby, hot water bottles spreadaround her, warming the aches out of her as the hot milk had warmed herinside.She was drowsing happily, sighing with pleasure as Tinoopa kneaded herback and shoulders; now and then she sang a few words to the music of thearranga.Her grasp on the notes was sometimes shaky.She frowned when she was off,looked irritably atKizra as if the arran-ga s tuning were off, not her voice.Kizra got the message; she played to minimize the clashes, mushing theaccompaniment, shifting her fingering to follow the wanderings of theMatja s voice.Crawl, Shadow, crawl, she sang under her breath.Herfingers fal-tered as she realized what her mindvoice had said.Shadow.Who.what.wasShadow? She gripped her lower lip between her teeth and forced a brittle calmover her nerves.Ingva and Yla were sitting on the floor in a corner, a low table between them,playing a complicated game of cards but not absorbed in it.Kizra saw themlooking repeatedly at their mother.She could.feel their anxiety.Confinedin the room, they were confronted with her fragility and theirinability to do anything about it.The muted comfortable sounds of the Kuysstead shutting down for the eveningcame through the open casement; the sunset glittered crimson off thediamond-shaped panes; high overhead a hunting raptor screamed andstooped, then swooped away with its prey dangling from its talons.The windwas rising and a few clouds drifted past, high clouds pink and gold with thesunset.##Pirs came in.He waved Tinoopa away, settled on the stool beside the bed anddrew his fingertips along Allina s bare arm.Kizra continued to play quietlythough her fingers shook with the impact of what lay under that gentlere-strained gesture.After a minute Allina caught his hand, sniffed at it.She didn t say anything,just looked at him. Raid on the South Pasture, he said. Not Brushies.Tumaks.A dozen of them.It got hot there for a while, but we drove them off.Karr and Ritmin werehurt, flesh wounds, nothing to worry about [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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