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.The Queen s guard arranged themselves two on eachside of the casket.Quale checked the casket, shoving at it and watching itrock slightly on the webbing.It was stable enough, its weight pressing thewebbing down into the bracing struts, lowering the center of gravity so thecarrier rode more easily than before.He ran his hand along the finish thenstepped back. Move out.The multiple wheels biting at the coarse earth, the carrier started smoothlyforward as the six vaada leaned into the harness, set moving by a clickedcommand from Ksiyl.Quale watched a minute, then called Aleytys and Drij tohim with an impatient snap.He stabbed a finger at the rear of the carrier. Follow if you want.Don t get in the way. Dismissing them, he turned andloped for the front of the carrier as it began threading past the ragged brushat the edge of the clearing.Drij stared gloomily at her boots. I told you.He s through with us. So? Aleytys began pulling her after the carrier. Does that mean we curl upand die? She edged through the plodding vaada and came up behind the carrier. I have surprises left, friend. She considered telling Drij what sheintended.She wouldn t believe me.Her creed is rationalism.Everything isexplainable eventually, even things that seem to defy known rules.A year fromnow she ll have all this settled to her satisfaction.Wonder where I ll be ayear from now? A ship.Head will have the Haestavaada tied tight.If I get theQueen to them, I ll have my ship.Drij has been a good friend.I ve paid formy sanctuary but there s a lot she did she didn t have to.Gray s had to putup with a mountain of idiocy from me.A year from now.A flare of hate inthe mist gave her a moment s warning.She saw the stone flying at her head andjerked aside, almost grateful for being aroused from her confusion.She tuggedDrij around to the far side of the casket where they d have a littleprotection from the stones.The shields provided by the valaada began clangingmusically under the bombardment.Aleytys sneaked a look around the casket.Thestones were targeted at the dangerous ones, the Scavs and the Queen s guard,though a few fell among the uneven lines of trudging vaada, leaving two ofthem curled up on the stony soil, the others stepping dully over them.Abruptly the attack was over.Protected by the shields, none of the Scavs hadbothered to fire back so the halt to the bombardment was as inexplicable asthe beginning of it was unpredictable.Trudging once more behind the carrier, Aleytys faced the unpalatablerealization that she could very easily be killed by a rock she didn t seecoming.Absurd to survive so much and fall to a stupid rock.She glanced atDrij.Do something.has to be something I can do.I refuse to be killed byPage 73 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmla rock.She giggled at the thought then sobered.Nowhere did existence orchance or whatever it was that directed lives promise dignified endings.Whatare they doing now? Wonder if I can scare them off? She searched the mist forthe rock-throwers, touched them, touched a seething mass of fear and hatred.She jerked away then forced her outreach back and began to explore thetantalizing bits of information she teased from beneath the suffocatingpassions that nearly obscured everything else about them.There was asuggestion that they were more animal than man, yet there was purpose in whatthey did, a purpose beyond merely the drive of instinct.And her probing beganto make them uneasy; she felt the individual sparks moving closer, almostmerging as she pressed them, trying to discover what they would do if shecaught hold of and amplified their fear.Flee or fight? The wrong triggerwould bring hell down on them all.She focused more and more intently on herprobing until she failed to notice a coiling root that caught her boot toe andbrought her flailing to the earth, confused and disoriented for a moment. Lee! What. Drij knelt beside her, anxiously. Help me up. Still a little shaken, Aleytys lifted her face from the dirtand, with Drij s assistance, got back on her feet.She leaned on the darkwoman as the vaada split around them, paying no more attention to them thanthey would to any obstruction that had to be circled and left behind.Aleytys brushed at the grit clinging to her palms, bleeding at small cuts fromthe sharp gravel she d plunged into.She rubbed her hands together to get thelast of the gravel from the wounds, suppressing an urge to gasp with the painof it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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