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.Then there wasnothing left to do but wait.She had given considerable thought in planninghow to take him down.On the one hand, she wanted to be very careful whatchemicals were in his bloodstream post-mortem.On the other, he outweighed herby a fair bit and was taller.Even with her upgraded strength, leverage wasimportant.He was an obvious juv, so he had nannites that might successfullyPage 78 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlscavenge out the residue of ether or chloroform before she finishedinterrogating him.Or they might not.Or he might be immune.His record didn'tshow any notable martial training beyond what he would have gotten in basic,but you really never knew.Finally she had decided she was going to have tojust try to pin him and choke him out, but have a push-button injector of theleast detectable general anesthetic she had and have it ready as backup incase he was more trouble hand-to-hand than his record indicated."Okay, buckley, wake up." She tapped the screen "You can quit watching anycameras he's driven past already.Watch the cameras I've got in the parkinglot out here.When he parks, tell me.uh.wait, no don't tell me.Just make the screen turn blue."If I tell it to tell me anything, I swear to god it'll pipe up at exactly thewrong time and I'll end up trashing another PDA.And Ineed it to record the interrogation."You're afraid I'll say the wrong thing at the wrong time and get us bothkilled, aren't you?" it accused."No, I'd just prefer not to have any unnecessary noises at this stage in themission.""Yes, you are.You don't have to lie to spare my feelings.""Shut up, buckley.""Right."She waited in silence as the dot approached on the road.The screen flashedblue and she punched the options to set it to record when activated, flippingit closed before standing and stretching briefly, coming to rest in a looseready stance against the wall behind the door, about a foot from thehinges.The PDAwould need to be less than thirty percent of the distance from the subject tothe damper to record effectively.The wait seemed longer than it really was.Adrenaline had already caused hersense of time dilation to kick in.She could feel her heart beating in herchest and already she felt that mission sensation of being just that extra bitmore alive.The colors in the room were richer and more intense than they'dbeen a few minutes before.Mingled with the pet and air freshener odors of theapartment she could smell the tea the mistress had been drinking in thekitchen.She could hear the slight hollow tone to her own breathing as thesound damper tried to compensate for the noise.It wasn't long at all before she heard the key in the old-fashioned lock.Sheforced herself to stay loose and perfectly still, balanced on the edge of themoment, as the handle turned and the door began to swing inward.He walked in with less situational awareness than a two-year-old, who wouldhave at least been interested in his surroundings.As he shut the door behindhim with one hand, he turned expectantly towards the kitchen.Cally doubted heeven saw her out of the corner of his eye as she padded up behind him,simultaneously grabbing his hair and kicking the back of his knee sharply, asshe pulled backward.As his knees buckled, bringing his head below her own, her other arm snakedaround his throat, the bone pushing into his windpipe, the hand in his hairsliding smoothly to hold the back of his head, giving him nowhere to go forair.Unfortunately, his drive for survival finally kicked in and he began thrashingfrantically, trying to break her grip.The easiest way to respond would have been to drop down and finish the neckbreak.Taking a capable person, and Petane marginally qualified for thatcategory, alive was always harder than a simple kill.She didn't know whether it was conscious design or instinct that made him tryto kick out towards anPage 79 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlend table full of fragile-looking knick-knacks, but leaving signs of a scufflein the apartment would be bad, very bad.As would accidentally strangling theguy.And dammit, I've lost count!She backed around and dragged him to the middle of the floor where histhrashing couldn't reach anything, and watched the second hand on the wallclock for what she hoped was the amount of time left, lowering him to thefloor a few seconds after his struggles stilled.Lousy instincts he didn't even hesitate on the threshold.She sighed with relief as she found a pulse.Having to do CPR on the prick would have been annoying.She worked quickly to secure his hands and feet with plastic ties beforegrabbing the chair and pantyhose.There was a strong risk that securing him tothe chair would bring him around before she was finished.As it did today, ofcourse.She had barely gotten his wrists secured and the plastic removed toolikely to leave marks when he came around and started yelling and thrashingagain and tipped himself over.She ignored him and secured each leg to the appropriate chair leg beforesetting the thing upright again.He was still yelling, of course.What a moron."Look, you idiot," she explained."Hear that hollow sound?It's a damper.Nobody can hear you outside the room, you're just scratching upyour throat."She would have liked to light a cigarette and have a smoke while he wounddown, but leaving stale smoke lying around a scene just wouldn't work at all.So she just tilted her head to the side and watched him, waiting [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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