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.) Monika B.Vizedom, Gabrielle L.p.2Üö6.Caffee, pp.Üö66-Üö88.S c a n d i a 7 4 : 1 31S c a n d i a 7 3 : 1 Wojtek Jezierski 31 45 Pierre Bourdieu, Outline of a Theory of Prac- Benedict s concept see: Walter Horn, Ontice, Cambridge 2003, (trans.) Richard Nice, the Origins of the Medieval Cloister , Gestapp.94-95: The whole trick of pedagogic Üö2 (Üö973), pp.Üö3-52, at p.Üö9; Jean Leclerq OSB,reason [in total institutions par excellence] lies The Love of Learning and the Desire of God,precisely in the way it extorts the essential New York Üö988, (trans.) Catherine Misrahi,while seeming to demand the insignificant: in pp.ÜöÜö-Üö2.obtaining the respect for form and forms of 54 Arnold Angenendt, Das Frühmittelalter.Dierespect which constitute the most visible and abendländische Christenheit von 400 bis 900,at the same time the best-hidden (because Stuttgart-Berlin-Köln 200Üö, pp.4Üö8-4Üö9;most natural ) manifestation of submission Heinrich Fichtenau, Living in the Tenthto the established order, the incorporation Century.Mentalities and Social Orders, Chi-of the arbitrary abolishes what Raymond cago-London Üö99Üö, (trans.) Patrick J.Geary,Ruyer calls lateral possibilities , that is, all pp.273-275; John Van Engen, The Crisis ofthe eccentricities and deviations which are Cenobitism Reconsidered: Benedictine Mo-the small change of madness.The concessions nasticism in the Years Üö050-ÜöÜö50 , Speculum 6Üöof politeness always contain political conces- (Üö986), pp.269-304, at pp.285-29Üö.sions. 55 Supplex Libellus monachorum Fuldensium46 Ekkehard affectively called cloistral space for Carolo Imperatori porrectus, (ed.) Josef Semm- our intimate space and our nest : CSG c.5, p.ler, in Corpus consuetudinum monasticarum24; c.75, p.Üö56.He also had a very strong sense (cura Pontifici Athenaei Sancti Anselmi deof we identification with the monks and the Urbe editum), (ed.) Kassius Hallinger OSB,past of St Gall: Wolfgang Eggert, Barbara Siegburg Üö963, vol.Üö, pp.3Üö9-327, c.XX, at pp.Pätzold, Wir-Gefühl und Regnum Saxonum 326-327: id est unitatem et concordiam cumbei frühmittelalterlichen Geschichtsschreibern, abbate nostro habere sicut cum anterioribusWeimar Üö984, p.64.nostris abbatibus habuimus et misericordiam47 CSG c.Üö36, p.264.See also de Jong s analysis et familiaritatem, pietatem et modestiamof these examples: de Jong Üö983, pp.349-350.in illo sentire; et ut esset benignus infirmis,48 Peter von Moos, Das mittelalterliche Kleid propitius delinquentibus, affabilis fratribus,als Identitätssymbol und Identifikations- maestorum consolator, laborantium adiutor,mittel , in Unverwechselbarkeit.Persönliche benevolorum auxiliator, bene certantiumIdentität und Identifikation in der vormodernen hortator, lassorum refocillator, cedentiumGesellschaft, Köln-Weimar-Wien 2004, (ed.) sustentator, cadentium restaurator; omnesPeter von Moos, pp.Üö23-Üö46, at pp.Üö24-Üö28, fratres amaret, nullum odiret et nullum zeliÜö34-Üö36.See also: Roland Barthes, History vel livoris dolo persequeretur fieretque nonand Sociology of Clothing.Some Metho- turbulentus vultu, non anxius animo, nondological Observations , in The Language of nimius in iudicio, non obstinatus in consilio,Fashion, Oxford-New York 2006, (ed.) Andy sed hilaris facie, laetus mente, discretus inStafford, Michael Carter, (trans.) Andy Staf- opere, consentiens in utilitate.Et quandoford, pp.3-20, at pp.8-Üö0, see also fn.33 aliquis de fratribus praeoccupatus fuerit in49 von Knonau, p.XXIII fn.64.aliquo delicto, non statim tyrannica vindicta50 CSG c.28, pp.68-70.illum excruciaret, sed misericordi disciplina5Üö CSG c.29, p.70.corrigere festinaret conversumque clementer52 For a reconstructed succession of early med- susciperet nec prava suscipione denuo illumieval abbots at St Gall as well as the analysis of fatigaret neque perpetuo odio exterminaret.the abbot s position and functions see: Rupert 56 Josef Semmler, Studien zum Supplex Libel-Schaab, Mönch in Sankt Gallen: zur inneren lus und zur anianischen Reform in Fulda ,Geschichte eines frühmittelalterlichen Klosters, Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 69 (Üö958), pp.Ostfildern 2003, pp.Üö93-Üö96, 23Üö-235.268-98.53 St Benedictus, Regula Benedicti, cap.Üö-2, 3Üö, 57 CSG cc.Üö34-Üö35, pp.260-262.50-5Üö, 53-54, 56, 6Üö, 64-67; for comments on 58 CSG c.Üö36, p.264.32 S c a n d i a 7 4 : 132 Non similitudinem monachi S c a n d i a 7 3 : 1 59 CSG c.Üö35, p.262: His similibusque, que se schaften des ottonisch-salischen Reichs, Husumfrugi hominem vulgassent, operibus adeo se ille 200Üö, pp.63-Üö89.commendabat, ut ubique de eo fama volaret, sed 7Üö Erving Goffman, Interaction Ritual.Essays onet coram ipsis quoque regibus non aliter nisi boni Face-to-Face Behavior, New York Üö982, p.45:abbatis praenomine momoraretur. The general capacity to be bound by moralrules may well belong to the individual, but60 de Jong 2000, p.2Üö3.6Üö Goffman Üö968 p.ÜöÜö2: If they are to move with the particular set of rules which transformsgrace and effectiveness in the wider com- him into a human being derives from require-munity, then it may be advantageous for them ments established in the ritual organization ofto be recruited from the same small social social encounters.And if a particular persongrouping as leaders of other social units in the or group or society seems to have a uniquewider society..This general principle refers character all its own, it is because its standardbetter to Salomo than to Notker, but in the set of human-nature elements is pitchedlatter s case it may be reversed: by his behavior and combined in a particular way.[& ] theNotker recruited himself into the social class, human nature of a particular set of personsfor which he was to perform
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