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.We can call this equality the great 51universality of the Buddhist vision in which all living beings are equal.On the basis of this equality, we are encouraged to act with the awareness of reciprocity.Reciprocity means that just as we would not like to be killed, robbed, abused and so forth, so would all other living beings not like to have these things happen to them.One can put this principle of reciprocity quite simply by saying “do not act towards others in a way which you would not want them to act towards you”.Given these principles of equality and reciprocity, it is not hard to see how they stand behind, how they create the foundation for the rules of good conduct.Let us now look specifically at the contents of good conduct in Buddhism.The way of practice of good conduct includes three parts of the Noble Eightfold Path, and these three parts are Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood.Speech is an extremely important part of our life.We often tend to under-estimate the power of speech.We often tend to exercise very little control over our faculty of speech.This should not be so.We have all been very greatly hurt by someone’s words at some time of our life.And similarly, we have been encouraged by the words of another.In the sphere of politics, we can see how those who are able to communicate effectively are able to influence people tremendously for better or for worse.Hitler, Churchill, Martin Luther King were all accomplished speakers who were able to influence millions of people with their words.It is said that a harsh word can wound more deeply than weapons.A gentle word can change the heart and mind of the most 52hardened criminal.Probably more than anything else, the faculty of speech differentiates man from animals.So if one is to develop a society in which harmony, well-being, communication and co-operation are goals which are to be realized, one must control, cultivate and utilize one’s faculty of speech positively.All the rules of good conduct involve respect that is founded upon the understanding of equality and reciprocity.In this context, right speech involves respect for truth and respect for the welfare of others.If one speaks with these criteria in mind, one will be cultivating right speech and through this one will achieve greater harmony within society.Traditionally we speak of four aspects of right speech.Right speech means to avoid lying, to avoid back biting or slander, to avoid harsh speech, and to avoid idle talk.Some of you may recall the Buddha’s instruction to Rahula regarding the importance of avoiding lying.He used the example of a vessel.The vessel had a tiny bit of water in the bottom and He asked, “Rahula, see the small amount of water in the bottom of the vessel.Those who are not ashamed of lying, their virtue is small, their renunciation is small like the small amount of water in the vessel.”Then the Buddha threw away the water and said, “those who are not ashamed of lying throw away their virtue just as this water is thrown away.” Then the Buddha showed Rahula the empty vessel and said, “just so empty is the virtue, the renunciation of those who habitually tell lies.”Thus He used the vessel as a means to illustrate the point that lying is intimately associated with one’s 53practice of wholesome actions, with one’s good conduct, with one’s character.Once we are confident that we can act in one way and speak in another, then we will not be afraid to act badly, because we will be confident that we can cover up our bad actions by lying.Lying therefore opens the door to all kinds of unwholesome actions.Slander is divisive.It creates quarrels between friends.It creates pain and discord.So just as one would not want to be divided from one’s friend by slander, so ought one not to slander another.So also one ought not to abuse others with harsh words, but on the contrary should speak courteously to others as one would like to be spoken to oneself.Regarding idle talk, often you hear of people saying that we cannot even indulge in a bit of idle talk.It is not quite that bad [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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