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. I m good if you want to rest, he saidinstead.He doubted Zeb would be any help if shit got started not that Silver was a badassfighter.He had stayed alive this long by not being where trouble happened.He just hoped Zebwas snoring whenever these pricks got their shit together enough to bring him his meds.Though hedoubted Zeb would sleep through someone yelling, Who here s got HIV?Zeb didn t snore, but his eyes closed eventually.At some point during the night, the meth headpassed out with his face on the toilet.By morning, no one had shown up with meds, but at eight seventeen, the guard called them upone at a time for breakfast.There was a tiny bottle of no-name water and a plastic-wrappedsandwich, which was either made with rubbery cheese or rubbery egg.It was hard since the chains didn t let his hands get above his temples, but Silver found the bestthing to do with breakfast was to stuff it behind his head to cushion it as he leaned against the wall.More comfortable and he d still have it in case anyone did show up with meds.Despite advice from the new inmates, Zeb bit into his.Nine thirty was when Silver always took his meds.An hour couldn t make much difference, oreven a day, he told himself, but by eleven he was starting to freak out.Another twenty-four hoursof this? And then if he couldn t make bail, if he got convicted, how long? How long would he bewaiting for the clock to move? He was pretty sure no amount of trying to squeeze a prisonsentence into a montage would keep him from suffering every minute of a year locked up.Anymore than it had saved him when they d shoved him into the Reflection Room back at Camp Pathto Screwed Now That Your Parents Know You re Queer.Silver was staring so hard at the clock, when the guard banged on the cell door, he jumped.His meds? Hey, you.Jesus. The guard nodded at Zeb.Six inches between them, but Silver still felt the sudden tension in Zeb. That s you, Harris, the guard added when Zeb didn t move. Where am I going? Zeb asked. Judge is here.You too, Blondie.Silver controlled any outward show of relief, but knowing he wasn t going to get left behindwas the first good thing to happen since Zeb charged out of his car last night.Once they were outof the cell, the guards went in and shook the meth head until he staggered out to join them.Their destination was another cell and more waiting.Being shuffled around like this remindedSilver of a trip to Disney World back when he was fourteen.Just when you thought it was the endof the line, it was another room.Though he didn t think this was designed to entertain the peoplecaught in the system.There was only one small bench in the new cage and no toilet.They d barely been in the newcage for a minute when a black guy in a uniform so crisp and freshly cleaned Silver could still smell the starch from the ironing said,  Zebadiah Harris?Silver fought the absurd desire to grab Zeb s hand and beg to go with him.Curling sharp nailsinto his palms, Silver mocked himself.A few hours around Zeb was all it took to forget three anda half years of surviving alone.Zeb stood, turning to face Silver. I ll see  Just go. Can I call someone?Silver shook his head.If Eli couldn t bring his meds, what could anyone do? Alarm snappedSilver s head up like a yank on a collar. Don t.Don t call&  he swallowed,  & them. He was pleading, a weakness that wasdangerous here, but he couldn t change it.He d rather be in jail than ask his parents for help.Notthat they d bother.Zeb nodded.The guard led Zeb away.Have a nice life.Or not.Silver choked the words back.He wasafraid it would come out more pathetic than sarcastic and he wasn t going to add to hishumiliation.After the clinking of Zeb s shackles faded under the sounds of the other prisonersshifting around, Silver plastered his most determined go-away glare on his face, pressed his spinemore tightly against the wall and wished he could disappear [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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