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.49.Certification of death for Prosser s Tom, signed by Samuel Mosby, October 15,1800, Condemned Slaves 1800, Auditor s Item 153, box 2; Certification of death forYoung s Gilbert, signed by Samuel Mosby, October 11, 1800, ibid.; Certification of forGeorge Smith, signed by Samuel Mosby, October 20, ibid.; Pay Warrant for Gilbertand William to William Young, n.d., ibid.Sam Byrd, Jr., for unknown reasons, wasnever certified dead.James Monroe, however, stated that he was hanged on Octo-ber 10, and no pardon was issued in his name; see James Monroe to William Prentis,October 11, 1800, Executive Letterbook.50.Virginia Herald (Fredericksburg), October 14, 1800; Certification of deathfor Prosser s Gabriel, signed by Mosby Sheppard, October 20, 1800, CondemnedSlaves 1800, Auditor s Item 153, box 2; Pay Warrant for Gabriel and Tom to ThomasHenry Prosser, October 20, 1800, ibid.Howison insists that Gabriel lost his nerve onthe gallows, a position for which there is no documentation (History of Virginia,2:392).One unsigned letter to the editor, September 20, 1800, in Norfolk Herald,October 18, 1800, written before Gabriel s death, noted that the rebels  have uni-formly met death with fortitude. There is no reason to think that Gabriel died anydifferently.There is also a great deal of confusion about when Gabriel died and who died withhim.Virginius Dabney suggests that Gabriel and Ditcher died together Virginia186).The unreliable Carroll argued that Gabriel was executed on October 7 (SlaveInsurrections, 54).Unfortunately, many historians have followed his lead on thisquestion.See, for example, Malone, Jefferson and His Time, 3:480, n.64; Kimball, Gabriel Insurrection, 155 (who also has Gabriel dying with Ditcher); and W.D.Jordan, White over Black, 393.51.Oates, Fires of Jubilee, 12.Denmark Vesey also bought his freedom that yearwith his winnings from the 1799 East Bay Street Lottery; see Lofton, Denmark Vesey sRevolt, 75.52.Pay Warrant, Penitentiary Guards, March 7, 1801, Gabriel s Insurrection, Mili-tary Papers.Oates suggests that in 1831, as in 1800,  the most effective brake onsummary justice was financial considerations (Fires of Jubilee, 117).53.James Monroe to James Madison, October 8, 1800, Madison Papers; ThomasJefferson to James Monroe, September 20, 1800, Jefferson Papers.54.James Monroe to Joseph Cabell, February 8, 1828, Monroe Papers; BostonGazette, October 13, 1800.Notes to Pages 11012 219 55. A List of Slaves Reprieved for Transportation and Sold, March 8, 1806, Ex-ecutive Papers; Miles Selden to James Monroe, November 22, 1800, Executive Pa-pers; Henrico Justices to James Monroe, October 6, 1800, Executive Papers, NegroInsurrection; Pay Warrant, April 27, 1801, Condemned Slaves 1801, Transported,Auditor s Item 153, box 2; Pay Warrant, February 19, 1801, ibid.56.Trial of Price s Absolam, November 3, 4, 1800, Henrico County Court OrderBook; Trial of Wood s Emanuel, November 3, 4, ibid.; Trial of Prosser s Watt, Decem-ber 1, 1800, ibid.; Sentence of Prosser s Watt, December 1, 1800, Executive Papers; A List of Slaves Reprieved for Transportation and Sold, March 8, 1806, ExecutivePapers; Pay Warrant, January 31, 1801, Condemned Slaves 1801, Transported,Auditor s Item 153, box 2.57.Trial of Jack Ditcher, October 29, 1800, Henrico County Court Order Book;Sentence of Jack Ditcher, October 29, 1800, Executive Papers, Negro Insurrection; A List of Slaves Reprieved for Transportation and Sold, March 8, 1806, ExecutivePapers.58.Pay Warrant, January 23, 1801, Condemned Slaves 1800, Auditor s Item 153,box 2; Journal of the House of Delegates of Virginia [1801], 42.59.Virginia Herald (Fredericksburg), September 19, 1800; A Private Citizen toJames Monroe, December 10, 1800, in Norfolk Herald, December 18, 1800.60.Boston Gazette, October 9 and 23, 1800; Robert Troup to Rufus King, October1, 1800, in King, ed., Life and Correspondence of Rufus King, 3:316; Porcupine sGazette (Philadelphia), September 25, 1800.61.James T.Callender to Samuel Pleasants, October 1, 1800, in Virginia Argus(Richmond), October 3, 1800; Mordecai, Richmond, 163; James Monroe to JohnDrayton, October 21, 1800, in Hamilton, ed., Writings of Monroe, 3:217.62.Unsigned letter to editor, September 13, 1800, in Virginia Herald(Fredericksburg), September 23, 1800; Russell s Gazette, Commercial and Politi-cal (Boston), September 29, 1800; John Randolph to Joseph Nicholson, September26, 1800, Nicholson Papers.Beeman incorrectly suggests that  neither party at-tempted to make political capital of the alleged French involvement (Old Domin-ion and the New Nation, 228 and n.22).63.Aurora (Philadelphia), September 24 and 26, 1800.On the trial of Duane, seeSmith, Freedom s Fetters, chap.13.64.Testimony of Price s John at trial of Young s Gilbert, September 22, 1800, Ex-ecutive Papers, Negro Insurrection; Joseph Selden to Wilson C.Nicholas, January 1,1801, Randolph Papers.CHAPTER EI GHT1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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