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.MEXIFORNIA Victor Davis Hanson 135cably connected: the more the Chicano student takes therapeuticclasses, the more he senses his own failure to achieve parity withother Americans, and the more he falls back on ethnic pride tosupply the confidence he cannot acquire through intellectualachievement—and finally, the more his teachers, who themselveseither cannot or will not instruct, must push the elixir of ethnicidentification.California has always been a great, though risky experi-ment in a truly multiracial society, united by a common language,culture and law—something not seen since the creation of theRoman Principate, in which Pax Romana was to give—or else!—theGaul, the Spaniard and the Thracian alike the Italian notions ofgovernment, water via aqueduct, Juvenal’s Satires and habeas corpus.But that subjugation of race to culture is forever a fragile state, nota natural condition.Each day it erodes if not actively maintained.Race, chauvinism, ethnicity creep hourly back into social life if notbattled by citizens of strength and vision.A few malicious peoplecan undo the work of centuries.Thus, each time a university presi-dent, a small-time politician on the make, or a bien pensant liberaljournalist chooses the easy path of separatism, he does a little partin turning us toward Rwanda or Yugoslavia.The work of culturalunity is of the ages; advancing racial and ethnic separatism is agesture of the moment.How, then, can we recreate civic education to help unite anincreasingly fragmented society, and to bring Hispanics and otherrecent arrivals into the body politic of the United States? It willnot be easy—if only because millions of Americans in education,the arts and government have invested a great deal in, and profitedhandsomely from, a relativist and multicultural society that rejectsany unifying core.Their dream is vastly different from the multira-cial society in which millions of Americans with a broad spectrumof skin colors speak the same English, share the same commitmentto the values of the Constitution, and gradually become indis-tinguishable through integration, assimilation and intermarriage [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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