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.It can even get throughimpervium.It should have gone right through that fancy suit of yours, smacked into your sternum, where it would have shattered into hundreds of tiny pieces of pottery, and shredded your insides.I could hit youalmost anywhere with this, and you would be dead before you hit the floor. What a& vivid picture you draw.If that be so, it follows, then, that this pretty piece of snakeskin somehowpurloined the energy generated by this same shell and transferred it back into the shell itself.If it had donenothing more than stop it by simple strength, then the shell should have shattered and left me a bloodycorpse.D Winter nodded. Even double X impervium will not stop this little baby.Dee was not entirely sure what double X impervium was, but he was not prepared to betray his ignorance. Witchcraft, eh? Or alchemy. Doctor, Kelly Edwards said solemnly,  I think it is time for some answers.Dee turned to the woman, a vague, irrational snap of anger in his eyes.How dare she demand and then herealised that this was not his own age, his own era, where women certain women were little more thanchattel.Where women s prerogatives were defined exclusively by the men who housed and defended them,except, of course, for the Queen s Grace.Here, in these modern times, all women had the rights of hisqueen, and the law gave them protection undreamt of in his own age. Kelly is right, Morgan said, moving around to lean against the fireplace, resting a bandaged arm against themantelpiece. I think we both knew, from the very beginning, that you were no ordinary man.Not simplybecause you were displaced in time, a living anachronism that took months to digest.For a while I thoughtyou were some criminal Tong-Mafia, New Yakuza on the run from your employers.Then I thought youmight be government maybe from the rumoured Free-Illuminati who are gearing up to take over this world,but in the end I realised that you were none of these.You were are! unique, Doctor Dee.You re animpossibility.You contradict everything science has defined about the interaction of living people and time. Then haply your science is wrong, said Dee. It must be. In a tone of complete mystification, the very practical d Winter admitted, Kelly and I have noidea what makes you tick.And now the time has come to tell us.Dee neither moved nor spoke.His face did not betray the flurry of racing thoughts that filled his mind.Hisawareness of how hard it had been to breathe all but disappeared. I think you owe us that, Kelly said softly. Our association with you has cost us dearly.I lost my brother, and both Morgan and I were very nearlykilled.And you, good Doctor Dee, you, she said, again shaking the recent scenario from her head,  shouldbe dead.Dee sank back into the deep leather chair, allowing the wings to shadow his face, and brought the glass ofmilk up to his lips.The white was startling and incongruous against his black suit.Kelly and Morgan watched him, saying nothing, and then they saw that the material of the black suit waschanging, altering slightly what had once been solid black had now altered subtly to match the deepwine-colour of the leather chair, while Dee s black boots, which did not quite touch the floor, had taken on thevague outline of the Oriental rug beneath it.Within a dozen heartbeats Dee had become practically invisibleagainst the chair.Dee, unaware of the change taking place and mistaking his watchers rapt attention forconcentration on what he was about to say, took a deep breath, then let it out again.Amazed by the changing garment, neither Edwards nor d Winter said anything.They watched transfixed.They had asked this chimera for his innermost secret and was he now revealing himself? They had long sincelearned that he was capable of the unimaginable.Would not all be revealed? I don t know where to begin, Dee admitted, wanting to tell them the truth and not certain how do it.All hislife he had lied and never thought about it.There were lies and there were lies.Life for him had always been alie.He had lied to survive, at court, on his missions, at home.He had lied to protect himself, to protectothers.He had sold his soul to protect his country and his Queen from their detractors and their enemies.Heprayed Heaven would understand.He intended only the most admirable results from his deceptions.Admittedly, there was no Tudor England to protect now.Then he had lied to betray his foes, and sometimeshis friends.He had lied to serve the Queen s Grace realm.He had lied to keep himself from prison.Did notfalsehood, falsehood cure? Lying was as innate in him as the instinct to stay alive.And now he was facedwith a dilemma: Which version of the truth, or which lie, would he tell now? These two would scarcely believehis present-day Truth.It would seem to them like nothing but an unimaginable conceit, the assumptions of aman from another time who was, by their lights, woefully uneducated.Therefore, the Truth, as he understoodit, was out of the question.What was needed was the virtuous lie.Kelly and Morgan were all he had.Hecould not bear to lose them.But which lie could he afford to tell? And was there a fixed line twixt truth and lie,for there were even occasions when he himself could not tell the difference. Tell me, my friends, he askedsoftly,  do you trust me? We have trusted you with our lives, d Winter answered for both of them. What more do you want? Now, that is something to consider, Dee allowed. And now we re looking for a reason to trust you further; we can t go along on the expectation that everythingwill be all right because you say it will, Kelly bravely added.Her sense of reality challenged by what she saw in front of her. Because if you expect us to stay with you and survive, we need to know what you are andwhat we are up against. She punctuated her last word with a swallow of brandy. There is a truth in that, Dee agreed. You ve been lucky so far, way more lucky than you have any right to be, but you can t tell me it ll last forever,no matter what you say your stars promise, d Winter pointed out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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