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.He scanned the made-up faces, traffic creeping down the center stripe while geeks of all descriptions spilled over the sidewalk, milling in the street.It crossed his mind to look for Leon, but Page 97ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlhe spotted two werewolves no more than twenty feet apart and quickly gave it up.Another long shot.If the hairy freak decided to show up, would he have any better luck at picking Cuvier out of the crowd? Would Leon sniff him out, like some bizarre and ghastly bird dog from The Twilight Zone? What powers did the bastard really have, beyond the strength of his broad shoulders and thick arms?Merle Bettencourt was so caught up in thinking of his troubles that he almost missed his target, standing right there on the street before him, no disguise.The rat was just emerging from an alleyway, perhaps a block south of the auditorium where Jesus people had been trooping in to hear the word.Cuvier was followed by a woman dressed in clothing that resembled Gypsy garb.Screw it.Bettencourt followed the mismatched pair with his glasses, making sure that there was no mistake.You would've thought that Cuvier had sense enough to grow a beard or mustache, anyway, some effort to disguise himself while he was wandering around the very heart of Armand's territory, but there was no accounting for stupidity.If Cuvier had been half-smart, he never would have testified against his boss man in the first place.Bettencourt kept watching, waiting, for the pair to veer right, across the street, head for Justine's, but they kept walking north until they reached the Holy Roller crowd and got in line.The line was moving swiftly now, and Cuvier and his lady friend were at the front door of the auditorium before Merle got the walkie-talkie unhooked from his belt and brought it to his lips."Brunelle, you there?""Here, boss," the leader of his hit team answered."They're across the street," Bettencourt said, "going in the auditorium right now.He's with a Gypsy woman and I think-I think maybe I saw the Chinaman.Maybe not.""We're on it."Merle stowed the two-way radio and watched Cuvier and the Gypsy a moment more, until they disappeared inside the auditorium.He could have sworn he saw the little old Chinaman, just for a second.But he didn't see him again.Merle put down the glasses and retrieved the latex mask rolled up in his pocket.Bill Clinton, looking swollen and red-nosed with cartoon hair.Merle slipped it on and double-timed in the direction of the service stairs.There would be no harm watching while his soldiers did their thing, if only from a distance.He could verify the kill himself and be on hand to help if anything went wrong.But it had better not go wrong, Merle told himself.It damn well better not.LEON WAS TALLER than three-quarters of the other people in the crowd, excluding those who had arrived on stilts, and so he had spied his targets even as Merle Bettencourt was spotting them from farther up the street.The wolf man recognized all three of them, the stoolie from his photos and the Gypsy woman and the little Asian man, who moved through the crowd with such fluidity and speed that even the wolf man's sharp eyes had trouble keeping up with him.Leon felt his blood begin to simmer, hackles rising, as his lips curled back from yellow teeth.The bitch couldn't have spotted them, as short as she was, but she picked up on his tension, the excitement thrumming in his veins, and gave a little whimper that became a snarl.A tall transvestite dolled up like Reba McEntire retreated from the growling wolf and wobbled on his comical stiletto heels."Ooo, keep that beast away fom me," the person of transgendered persuasion cautioned in a hoarse falsetto.Leon's right hand lashed out, dark fingers snagging in the neckline of the he-she's party dress, and ripped the garment to its owner's waist.Pink rubber falsies hit the sidewalk like two balls of Silly Putty, bounding off in opposite directions through the teeming crowd."Oh, my babies!" squealed the she-male, diving for his disembodied left tit in a move that cleared the way for Leon and the bitch to pass beyond arm's reach.Page 98ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlLeon was tracking all the while, saw his three targets get in line outside the auditorium whose marquee wore the brand of Mission Mardi Gras.He watched them disappear inside and cursed his luck, surmising that the ushers on the door wouldn't admit a loup-garou, much less his canine date, to hear the Reverend Marvin Rockwell speak.Leon could lay them out in seconds flat, of course, but the effort would attract whatever passed for muscle at a Holy Roller outing, and his quarry could escape while he was dealing with the hired help.There had to be a better way.He saw the alley coming up, between a deli and the auditorium, and steered the bitch in that direction, shoving through the crowd.Another werewolf was about to take offense, until he got a look at Leon and his painted cheeks immediately crinkled with a smile."Hey, brother," the bogus wolf man said, "us lycanthropes should stick together.Put her there!" He groped for Leon's hand, too shocked to scream as Leon crushed his fingers in a grip of steel and left him kneeling on the sidewalk, retching through his pain [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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