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., to Andronicus, and to Theodore Branas] of the King ofFrance, who had been empress, and the sister [Margaret, sister of Emeric, King of Hungary, married to theEmperor Isaac, and afterwards to the Marquis of Montferrat.] of the King of Hungary, who had also beenempress, and other ladies very many.Of the treasure that was found in that palace I cannot well speak, forthere was so much that it was beyond end or counting.At the same time that this palace was surrendered to the Marquis Boniface of Montferrat, did the palace ofBlachernae surrender to Henry, the brother of Count Baldwin of Flanders, on condition that no hurt should bedone to the bodies of those who were therein.There too was found much treasure, not less than in the palaceof Bucoleon.Each garrisoned with his own people the castle that had been surrendered to him, and set a auardover the treasure.And the other people, spread abroad throughout the city, also gained much booty.The bootygained was so great that none could tell you the end of it: gold and silver, and vessels and precious stones, andsamite, and cloth of silk, and robes vair and grey, and ermine, and every choicest thing found upon the earth.And well does Geoffry of Villehardouin the Marshal of Champagne, bear witness, that never, since the worldwas created, had so much booty been won in any city.FLIGHT OF MOURZUPHLES SECOND FIRE IN CONSTANTINOPLE 40 Villehardouin: Memoirs or Chronicle of The Fourth Crusade and The Conquest of ConstantinopleEvery one took quarters where he pleased and of lodgings there was no stint.So the host of the pilgrims andof the Venetians found quarters, and greatly did they rejoice and give thanks because of the victory God hadvouchsafed to them-for those who before had been poor were now in wealth and luxury.Thus they celebratedPalm Sunday and the Easter Day following (25th April 1204) in the joy and honour that God had bestowedupon them.And well miaht they praise our Lord, since in all the host there were no more than twentythousand armed men, one with another, and with the help of God they had conquered four hundred thousandmen, or more, and in the strongest city in all the world yea, a great city and very well fortified.DIVISION OF THE SPOILThen was it proclaimed throughout the host by the Marquis Boniface of Montferrat, who was lord of the host,and by the barons, and by the Doge of Venice, that all the booty should be collected and brou-ht together, ashad been covenanted under oath and pain of excommunication.Three churches were appointed for thereceiving of the spoils, and guards were set to have them in charge, both Franks and Venetians, the mostupright that could be found.Then each began to bring in such booty as he had taken, and to collect it together.And some brought inloyally, and some in evil sort, because covetousness, which is the root of all evil, let and hindered them.Sofrom that time forth the covetous began to keep things back, and our Lord began to love them less.Ah God!how loyally they had borne themselves up to now! And well had the Lord God shown them that in all thingsHe was ready to honour and exalt them above all people.But full oft do the good suffer for the sins of thewicked.The spoils and booty were collected together, and you must know that all was not brought into the commonstock, for not a few kept thin-s back, maugre the excommunication of the Pope.That which was brought tothe churches was collected together and divided, in equal parts, between the Franks and the Venetians,according to the sworn covenant.And you must know further that the pilgrims, after the division had beenmade, paid out of their share fifty thousand marks of silver to the Venetians, and then divided at least onehundred thousand marks between themselves, among their own people.And shall I tell you in what wise?Two sergeants on foot counted as one mounted, and two sergeants mounted as one knight.And you mustknow that no man received more, either on account of his rank or because of his deeds, than that which hadbeen so settled and orderedsave in so far as he may have stolen it.And as to theft, and those who were convicted thereof, you must know that stem justice was meted out to suchas were found guilty, and not a few were hung.The Count of St.Paul hung one of his knights, who had keptback certain spoils, with his shield to his neck; but many there were, both great and small, who kept back partof the spoils, and it was never known.Well may you be assured that the spoil wa- very great, for if it had notbeen for what was stolet- and for the part given to the Venetians, there would if have been at least fourhundred thousand marks of silver and at least ten thousand horses-one with another [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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