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."Look!" gasped Ned."Hello, there!" cried Tom sharply."Who's that? Who are you?"There was no answer, and then the fleeing shadow was merged in the otherblackness of the night."Maybe it was the watchman making his rounds," suggested Ned."No," answered Tom, as he broke into a run."If it was, he'd have answered.There's something wrong here!"But he could find nothing when he reached the window from which he and Ned hadseen the shadow dart.An examination by means of a pocket electric lightbetrayed nothing wrong with the sash, and if there were footprints beneath thecasement they indicated nothing, for that side of the factory was onefrequently used by the workmen.Tom went into the building, and, for a time, could not find the watchman.Whenhe did come upon the man, he found him rubbing his eyes sleepily, and actingas though he had just awakened from a nap."This isn't any way to be on duty!" said Tom sharply."You're not paid forsleeping!"Page 56 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"I know it, Mr.Swift," was the apologetic answer."I don't know what's comeover me tonight.I never felt so sleepy in all my life.I had my usual sleepthis afternoon, too, and I've drunk strong coffee to keep awake.""Are you sure you didn't drink anything else?""You know I'm a strict temperance man.""I know you are," said Tom; "but I thought maybe you might have a cold, orsomething like that.""No, I haven't taken a thing.I did have a drink of soda water before I cameon duty, but that's all.""Where'd you get it?" asked Tom."Well, a man treated me.""Who?""I don't know his name.He met me on the street and asked me how to get toPlowden's hardware store.Ishowed him walked part of the way, in factand when I left he said he was goingto have some soda, and asked me to have some.I did, and it tasted good."Tom Swift And His War TankChapter XIX.Tom is Missing65"Well, don't go to sleep again," suggested Tom good naturedly."Did you hearanything at the side window a while ago?""Not a thing, Mr.Swift.I'll be all right now.I'll take a turn outside inthe air.""All right," assented the young inventor.Then, as he turned to go into the house and was bidding Ned goodnight, Tomsaid:"I don't like this.""What?" asked his chum."My sleepy watchman and the figure at the window.I more than half suspectthat one of Blakeson's tools followed Kent for the purpose of buying him soda,only I think they might have put a drop or two of chloral in it before he gotit.That would make him sleep.""What are you going to do, Tom?""Put another man on guard.If they think they can get into the factory atnight, and steal my plans, or get ideas from my tank, I'll fool 'em.I'll haveanother man on guard."This Tom did, also telling Koku to sleep in the place, to be ready if called.But there was no disturbance that night, and the next day the work ofcompleting the tank went on with a rush, It was a day or so after this, andTom had fixed on it as the time for taking the big machine apart for shipment,that Ned received a telephone message at the bank from Mr.Damon."Is Tom Swift over with you?" inquired the eccentric man."No.Why?" Ned answered."Well, I'm at his shop, and he isn't here.His father says he received amessage from you a little while ago, saying to come over in a hurry, and hewent.Says you told him to meet you out at that farmer Kanker's place.I thought maybe""At Kanker's place!" cried Ned."Say, something's wrong, Mr.Damon! Isn't Tomthere?""No; I'm at his home, and he's been gone for some time.His father supposed hewas with you.I thought Iwould telephone to make sure.""Whew!" whistled Ned."There's something doing here, all right, and somethingwrong! I'll be right over!" he added, as he hung up the receiver.Chapter XX.The Search"Haven't you seen anything of him?" asked Mr.Damon, as Ned jumped out of hissmall runabout at the Swift home as soon as possible after receiving thetelephone message that seemed to presage something wrong.Page 57 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Seen him? No, certainly not!" answered the young bank clerk."I'm as muchsurprised as you are over it.What happened, anyhow?"Tom Swift And His War TankChapter XX.The Search66"Bless my memorandum pad, but I hardly know!" answered the eccentric man."Iarrived here a little while ago, stopping in merely to pay Tom a visit, as Ioften do, and he wasn't here.His father was anxiously waiting for him, too,wishing to consult him about some shop matters.Mr.Swift said Tom had goneout with you, or over to your houseI wasn't quite sure which at firstand wasexpected back any minute."Then I called you up," went on Mr.Damon, "and I was surprised to learn youhadn't seen Tom.There must be something wrong, I think.""I'm sure of it!" exclaimed Ned."Let's find Mr.Swift.And what's this abouthis going to meet me over at the place of that farmer, Mr.Kanker, where wehad the trouble about the barn Tom demolished?""I hardly know, myself.Perhaps Mr.Swift can tell us."But Mr.Swift was able to throw but little light on Tom's disappearancewhethera natural or forced disappearance remained to be seen."No matter where he is, we'll get him," declared Ned."He hasn't been away agreat while, and it may turn out that his absence is perfectly natural.""And if it's due to the plots of any of his rivals," said Mr.Damon, "I'lldenounce them all as traitors, bless my insurance policy, if I don't! Andthat's what they are! They're playing into the hands of the enemy!""All right," said Ned."But the thing to do now is to get Tom.Perhaps Mrs.Baggert can help us."It developed that the housekeeper was of more assistance in giving informationthan was Mr.Swift."It was several hours ago," she said, "that the telephone rang and some oneasked for Tom.The operator shifted the call to the phone out in the tank shopwhere he was, and Tom began to talk.The operator, as Tom had instructed her,listened in, as Tom wants always a witness to most matters that go on over hiswires of late.""What did she hear?" asked Ned eagerly."She heard what she thought was your voice, I believe," the housekeeper said."Me!" cried the young bank clerk."I haven't talked to Tom today, over thephone or any other way.But what next?""Well, the operator didn't listen much after that, knowing that any talkbetween Tom and you was of a nature not to need a witness.Tom hung up andthen he came in here, quite excited, and began to get ready to go out.""What was he excited about?" asked Mr.Damon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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