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."Bless my wishbone!" cried Mr.Damon when he saw how effective the electricweapon was.There was a shout of joy from the natives in the rear.They saw the slaincreatures and knew there would be much fresh meat and feasting for them fordays to come.Suddenly Mr.Durban cried out: "Fire again, Tom! Fire everybody! The wholeherd is coming this way.If we don't stop them they'll overrun the fieldsand village, anti may smash the airship! Fire again!"Almost as he spoke, the rush, which had been stopped momentarily, when Tomdropped the wounded elephant, began again.With shrill menacing cries thescore of bulls in the lead came on, followed this time by the females and theyoung."It's a stampede!" yelled Mr.Anderson, firing into the midst of the herd.Mr.Durban was working frantically at his clogged rifle.Ned and Mr.Damonboth fired, and Tom Swift, adjusting his weapon to give the heaviestcharges, shot a fusillade of wireless bullets into the center of theadvancing elephants, who were now wild with fear and anger.Tom Swift and His Electric RifleCHAPTER XIV.A STAMPEDE43"It's a stampede all right!" said Tom, when he saw that the big creatureswere not going to stop, in spite of the deadly fire poured into them.CHAPTER XV.LIONS IN THE NIGHTShouting, screaming, imploring their deities in general, and the white men inparticular for protection, the band of frightened natives broke and ranthrough the jungle, caring little where they went so long as they escaped theawful terror of the pursuing herd of maddened elephants.Behind them cameTom Swift and the others, for it were folly to stop in the path of theinfuriated brutes."Our only chance is to get on their flank and try to turn them!" yelled Mr.Durban."We may beat them in getting to the clearing, for the trail isnarrow.Run, everybody!"No one needed his excited advice to cause them to hurry.They scudded along,Mr.Damon's cap falling off in his haste.But he did not stop to pick it up.The hunters had one advantage.They were on a narrow but well cleared trailthrough the jungle, which led from the village where they were encamped, toanother, several miles away.This trail was too small for the elephants, and,indeed, had to be taken in single file by the travelers.But it prevented the elephants making the same speed as did our friends, forthe jungle, at this point, consisted of heavy trees, which halted theprogress of even the strongest of the powerful beasts.True, they could forceaside the frail underbrush and the small trees, but the others impeded theirprogress."We'll get there ahead of them!" cried Tom."Have you got your rifle inworking order yet, Mr.Durban?""No, something has broken, I fear.We'll have to depend on your electric gun,Tom.Have you many charges left?""A dozen or so.But Ned and the others have plenty of ammunition.""Don't countonme!" panted Mr.Damon, who was wellnigh breathless from therun."Ican'taimstraightanymore!"Page 40 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"I'll give 'em a few more bullets!" declared Mr.Anderson.The fleeing natives were now almost lost to sight, for they could travelthrough the jungle, ignoring the trail, at high speed.They were almost likesnakes or animals in this respect.Their one thought was to get to theirvillage, and, if possible, protect their huts and fields of grain fromannihilation by the elephants.Behind our friends, trumpeting, bellowing and crashing came the pachyderms.They seemed to be gaining, and Tom, looking back, saw one big brute emergeupon the trail, and follow that."I've got to stop him, or some of the others will do the same," thought theyoung inventor.He halted and fired quickly.The elephant seemed to meltaway, and Tom with regret, saw a pair of fine tusks broken to bits."Iused too heavy a charge," he murmured, as he took up the retreat again.In a few minutes the party of hunters, who were now playing more in the roleof the hunted, came out into the open.They could hear the natives beating ontheir big hollow tree drums, and on tomtoms, while the witchdoctors andmedicine men were chanting weird songs to drive the elephants away.Tom Swift and His Electric RifleCHAPTER XV.LIONS IN THE NIGHT44But the beasts came on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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