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.""You know the rules," he said, but his tone was not threatening.He didsomething on his side of the door.It opened and Ellen stepped through,blocking the guy s view of what was behind her."I m sorry.I, uh, I got flustered.""That s okay.Graham will eventually shut up.I just wish he d pay moreattention to what the professionals are asking of him."Ellen nodded."Yeah, I hear you!" Like she was really, really agreeing withPage 15 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlhim."Y see, Graham s not splitting the topics properly.The idea is to be bothbroad and deep."Ellen continued to make understanding noises.The talkative stranger was fullof details about some sort of a NSA project, but he was totally ignorant ofthe three intruders.There were light footsteps on the stairs, and a familiar voice."Michael, howlong are you going to be? I want to " The voice cut off in a surprised squeak.On the notepad display, Dixie Mae could see two brown-haired girls staring ateach other with identical expressions of amazement.They sidled around eachother for a moment, exchanging light slaps.It wasn t fighting.it was asif each thought the other was some kind of trick video.Ellen Garcia, meet Ellen Garcia.The stranger Michael? stared with equal astonishment, first at one Ellen andthen the other.TheEllens made inarticulate noises just loud enough to interrupt each other andmake them even more upset.Finally Michael said, "I take it you don t have a twin sister, Ellen?""No!" said both."So one of you is an impostor.But you ve spun around so often now that Ican t tell who is the original.Ha." He pointed at one of the Ellens."Anothergood reason for having security badges."But Ellen and Ellen were ignoring everyone except themselves.Except for theirchorus of "No!", their words were just mutual interruptions, unintelligible.Finally, they hesitated and gave each other a nasty smile.Each reached intoher pocket.One came out with a dollar coin, and the other came out empty."Ha! I ve got the token.Deadlock broken." The other grinned and nodded.Dollar-coin Ellen turned to Michael."Look, we re both real.And we re bothonly-children."Michael looked from one to the other."You re certainly not clones, either.""Obviously," said the token holder.She looked at the other Ellen and asked,"Fridge-rot?"The other nodded and said, "In April I made that worse." And both of themlaughed.Token holder: "Gerry s exam in Olson Hall?""Yup."Token holder: "Michael?""After that," the other replied, and then she blushed.After a second thetoken holder blushed, too.Michael said dryly, "And you re not perfectly identical."file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Vernor%20Vinge%20-%20The%20Cookie%20Monster.txt (15 of 34) [10/18/2004 5:34:22 PM]file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Vernor%20Vinge%20-%20The%20Cookie%20Monster.txtToken holder Ellen gave him a crooked smile."True.I ve never seen you beforein my life." She turned and tossed the dollar coin to the other Ellen, lefthand to left hand.And now that Ellen had the floor.She was also the version wearing a securitybadge.Call her NSAEllen."As far as I we can tell, we had the same stream of consciousness upthrough the day we took Gerry Reich s recruitment exam.Since then, we ve hadour own lives.We ve even got our own new friends." She was looking in thedirection of Dixie Mae s camera.Grader Ellen turned to follow her gaze."Come on out, guys.We can see yourcamera lens."Victor and Dixie Mae stood and walked out of the security cell."A right invasion you are," said Michael, and he did not seem to be joking.NSA Ellen put her hand on his arm."Michael, I don t think we re in KansasPage 16 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlanymore.""Indeed! I m simply dreaming.""Probably.But if not " she exchanged glances with grader Ellen " maybe weshould find out what s been done to us.Is the meeting room clear?""Last I looked.Yes, we re not likely to be bothered in there." He led themdown a hallway toward what was simply a janitor s closet back in Building0994.Michael Lee and NSA Ellen were working on still another of Professor Reich sprojects."Y see,"said Michael, "Professor Reich has a contract with my colleagues to compareour surveillance software with what intense human analysis might accomplish.""Yes," said NSA Ellen, "the big problem with surveillance has always been theenormous amount of stuff there is to look at.The spook agencies use lots ofautomation and have lots of great specialists people like Michael here butthey re just overwhelmed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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