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.Faggots had been piled about the two women,the great wrong done; it is strange, so strange, that I, and a kneeling man was lighting them!the very source of power in this broad realm, am help- The women bowed their heads, and covered their facesless to protect them.But let these miscreants look well with their hands; the yellow flames began to climb up-156 The Prince and the Pauperward among the snapping and crackling faggots, and looked no more.He said,  That which I have seen, inwreaths of blue smoke to stream away on the wind; the that one little moment, will never go out from myclergyman lifted his hands and began a prayer just memory, but will abide there; and I shall see it all thethen two young girls came flying through the great days, and dream of it all the nights, till I die.Wouldgate, uttering piercing screams, and threw themselves God I had been blind!upon the women at the stake.Instantly they were torn Hendon was watching the King.He said to himself,away by the officers, and one of them was kept in a with satisfaction,  His disorder mendeth; he hathtight grip, but the other broke loose, saying she would changed, and groweth gentler.If he had followed hisdie with her mother; and before she could be stopped wont, he would have stormed at these varlets, and saidshe had flung her arms about her mother s neck again.he was King, and commanded that the women be turnedShe was torn away once more, and with her gown on loose unscathed.Soon his delusion will pass away andfire.Two or three men held her, and the burning por- be forgotten, and his poor mind will be whole again.tion of her gown was snatched off and thrown flaming God speed the day!aside, she struggling all the while to free herself, and That same day several prisoners were brought in tosaying she would be alone in the world, now; and beg- remain over night, who were being conveyed, underging to be allowed to die with her mother.Both the guard, to various places in the kingdom, to undergogirls screamed continually, and fought for freedom; but punishment for crimes committed.The King conversedsuddenly this tumult was drowned under a volley of with these he had made it a point, from the begin-heart-piercing shrieks of mortal agony the King ning, to instruct himself for the kingly office by ques-glanced from the frantic girls to the stake, then turned tioning prisoners whenever the opportunity offeredaway and leaned his ashen face against the wall, and and the tale of their woes wrung his heart.One of them157 Mark Twainwas a poor half-witted woman who had stolen a yard or Among these prisoners was an old lawyer a man withtwo of cloth from a weaver she was to be hanged for a strong face and a dauntless mien.Three years past, heit.Another was a man who had been accused of steal- had written a pamphlet against the Lord Chancellor,ing a horse; he said the proof had failed, and he had accusing him of injustice, and had been punished for itimagined that he was safe from the halter; but no he by the loss of his ears in the pillory, and degradationwas hardly free before he was arraigned for killing a from the bar, and in addition had been fined 3,000deer in the King s park; this was proved against him, pounds and sentenced to imprisonment for life.Latelyand now he was on his way to the gallows.There was a he had repeated his offence; and in consequence wastradesman s apprentice whose case particularly distressed now under sentence to lose what remained of his ears,the King; this youth said he found a hawk, one evening, pay a fine of 5,000 pounds, be branded on both cheeks,that had escaped from its owner, and he took it home and remain in prison for life.with him, imagining himself entitled to it; but the court  These be honourable scars, he said, and turned backconvicted him of stealing it, and sentenced him to death.his grey hair and showed the mutilated stubs of whatThe King was furious over these inhumanities, and had once been his ears.wanted Hendon to break jail and fly with him to The King s eye burned with passion.He saidWestminster, so that he could mount his throne and  None believe in me neither wilt thou.But no mat-hold out his sceptre in mercy over these unfortunate ter within the compass of a month thou shalt be free;people and save their lives. Poor child, sighed Hendon, and more, the laws that have dishonoured thee, and these woeful tales have brought his malady upon him shamed the English name, shall be swept from the stat-again; alack, but for this evil hap, he would have been ute books.The world is made wrong; kings should go towell in a little time. school to their own laws, at times, and so learn mercy.158 The Prince and the PauperThe King could not pierce through the rabble thatXXVIIIswarmed behind; so he was obliged to follow in the rear,The sacrifice remote from his good friend and servant.The King hadbeen nearly condemned to the stocks himself for beingin such bad company, but had been let off with a lec-eantime Miles was growing sufficientlyture and a warning, in consideration of his youth.Whentired of confinement and inaction.Butthe crowd at last halted, he flitted feverishly from pointnow his trial came on, to his great gratifi-to point around its outer rim, hunting a place to getcation, and he thought he could welcome any sentencethrough; and at last, after a deal of difficulty and de-provided a further imprisonment should not be a partlay, succeeded.There sat his poor henchman in the de-of it.But he was mistaken about that.He was in a finegrading stocks, the sport and butt of a dirty mob he,fury when he found himself described as a  sturdy vaga-the body servant of the King of England! Edward hadbond and sentenced to sit two hours in the stocks forheard the sentence pronounced, but he had not realisedbearing that character and for assaulting the master ofthe half that it meant.His anger began to rise as theHendon Hall.His pretensions as to brothership with hissense of this new indignity which had been put uponprosecutor, and rightful heirship to the Hendon honourshim sank home; it jumped to summer heat, the nextand estates, were left contemptuously unnoticed, asmoment, when he saw an egg sail through the air andbeing not even worth examination.crush itself against Hendon s cheek, and heard the crowdHe raged and threatened on his way to punishment,roar its enjoyment of the episode.He sprang across thebut it did no good; he was snatched roughly along byopen circle and confronted the officer in charge, cry-the officers, and got an occasional cuff, besides, for hisingirreverent conduct.159 Mark Twain For shame! This is my servant set him free! I am he would take the stripes a king might do that, but athe  king could not beg. Oh, peace! exclaimed Hendon, in a panic,  thou lt But meantime, Miles Hendon was resolving the diffi-destroy thyself.Mind him not, officer, he is mad. culty. Let the child go, said he;  ye heartless dogs, do Give thyself no trouble as to the matter of minding ye not see how young and frail he is? Let him go I willhim, good man, I have small mind to mind him; but as take his lashes.to teaching him somewhat, to that I am well inclined.  Marry, a good thought and thanks for it, said SirHe turned to a subordinate and said,  Give the little Hugh, his face lighting with a sardonic satisfaction. Letfool a taste or two of the lash, to mend his manners. the little beggar go, and give this fellow a dozen in his Half a dozen will better serve his turn, suggested place an honest dozen, well laid on [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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