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.I pray the Godsthat I am saved, and not perish as did the Priest, ABDUL BEN-MARTU, in Jerusalem(the Gods remember and have mercy upon him!).My fate is no longer writ in the stars,for I have broken the Chaldean Covenant by seeking power over the Zonei.I have setfoot on the moon, and the moon no longer has power over me.The lines of my life havebeen oblitered by my wanderings in the Waste, over the letters writ in the heavens by thegods.And even now I can hear the wolves howling in the mountains as they did thatfateful night, and they are calling my name, and the names of Others.I fear for my flesh,but I fear for my spirit more.Remember, always, in every empty moment, to call upon the Gods not to forget thee, forthey are forgetful and very far away.Light thy fires high in the hills, and on the tops oftemples and pyramids, that they may see and remember.Remember always to copy each of the formulae as I have put it down, and not to changeit by one line or dot, not so much as a hair's breadth, lest it be rendered valueless, orworse: a broken star is the Gate of GANZIR, the Gate of Death, the Gate of the Shadowsand the Shells.Recite the incantations as they are written here, in the manner thisprescribed.Prepare the rituals without erring, and in the proper places and times renderthe sacrifices. May the Gods be ever merciful unto thee!May thou escape the jaws of the MASKIM, and vanquish the power of the Ancient Ones!AND THE GODS GRANT THEE DEATHBEFORE THE ANCIENT ONES RULE THEEARTH ONCE MORE!KAKAMMU! SELAH!OF THE ZONEI AND THEIR ATTRIBUTESTHE Gods of the Stars are Seven.They have Seven Seals, each of which may be used intheir turn.They are approached by Seven Gates, each of which may be opened in theirturn.They have Seven Colours, Seven Essences, and each a separate Step on the Ladderof Lights.The Chaldeans were but imperfect in their knowledge, although they hadunderstanding of the Ladder, and certain of the formulae.They did not, however, possessthe formulae for the passing of the Gates, save one, of whom it is forbidden to speak.The passing of the Gates gives the priest both power and wisdom to use it.He becomesable to control the affairs of his life more perfectly than before, and many have beencontent to merely pass the first three Gates and then sit down and go no further than that,enjoying the benefits that they have found on the preliminary spheres.But this is Evil, forthey are not equipped to deal with the attack from Without that must surely come, andtheir people will cry unto them for safety, and it will not come forth.Therefore, set thyface towards the ultimate goal and strive ever onward to the furthest reaches of the stars,though it mean thine own death; for such a death is as a sacrifice to the Gods, andpleasing, that they will not forget their people.The ZONEI and their attributes, then, are as follows:The God of the Moon is the God NANNA.He is Father of the Zonei, and the Eldest ofthe Wanderers.He is long of beard, and bears a wand of lapis lazuli in his palm, andpossesses the secret of the tides of blood.His colour is Silver.His Essence is to be foundin Silver, and in camphor, and in those things bearing the sign of the Moon.He issometimes called SIN.His Gate is the first you will pass in the rituals that follow.His Step on the Ladder of Lights is also Silver.This is his Seal, which you must engrave on his metal, on the thirteenth day of the Moonin which you are working, having no other person about you who may watch you in itsmanufacture.Being finished, it should be wrapped in a square of the finest silk and lainaside until such time as you desire its use, and then, it should be removed only after theSun has gone to its rest.No ray of sunlight should strike the Seal, lest its power berendered nil and a new Seal must needs be cast.The Number of NANNA is Thirty and this is his Seal:The God of Mercury is NEBO.He is a very old spirit, having a long beard, and is theguardian of the Gods, as well as the keeper of the knowledge of Science.He wears acrown of one hundred horns, and the long robe of the Priest.His colour is blue.HisEssence is in that metal known as Quicksilver, and is sometimes also found in sand, andin those things bearing the sign of Mercury.His Gate is the Second you will pass in therituals that follow.His Step on the Ladder of Lights is blue.This is his Seal, which you must write on perfect parchment, or no the broad leaf of apalm tree, having no other person about you who may watch you in its construction.Being finished, it should be wrapped in a square of the finest silk and lain aside until suchtime as you desire its use, and then, it should be removed only when its light is in the sky.Such is also the best time for its manufacture.The Number of NEBO is Twelve and this is his Seal: The Goddess of Venus is the most excellent Queen INANNA, called of the BabyloniansISHTAR.She is the Goddess of Passion, both of Love and of War, depending upon hersign and the time of her appearance in the heavens.She appears as a most beautiful Lady,in the company of lions, and partakes of a subtle astral nature with the Moon GodNANNA.When they are in agreement, that is, when their two plants are auspiciouslyarranged in the heavens, it is as two offering-cups split freely in the heavens, to rain thesweet wine of the Gods upon the earth.And then there is great happiness and rejoicing.She sometimes appears in armour, and is thereby a most excellent guardian against themachinations of her sister, the dread Queen ERESHKIGAL of KUR.With the Name andNumber of INANNA, no Priest need fear to walk into the very depths of the Underworld;for being armed, in Her armour, he is similar to the Goddess.It was thus that I descendedinto the foul pits that lie gaping beneath the crust of the earth, and commanded demons.She is similarly the Goddess of Love, and bestows a favourable bride upon any man whodesires it, and who makes the proper sacrifice.BUT KNOW THAT INANNA TAKES HER OWN FOR HER OWN, AND THATONCE CHOSEN BY HER NO MAN MAY TAKE ANOTHER BRIDE.Her colour is the purest White.Her manifestation is in the metal Copper, and also in themost beautiful flowers of a field, and in the saddest death of the battlefield, which is thatfield's fairest flower.Her Gate is the Third you will pass in the rites that follow, and inwhich place you will be of a heart to stay; but turn you face to the road that leads beyond,for that is your genuine goal, unless the Goddess choses you.Her Step on the Ladder ofLights, built of old in Babylon and at UR, is White. This is her Seal, which you must engrave on Copper, Venus being exalted in theHeavens, with no one about watching its construction.Being finished, it is to be wrappedin the purest silk and lain safely away, only to be removed when need arises, at any time.The Number of INANNA is Fifteen, by which Number she is frequently known in theincantations of the Dispensation, her Seal is the following.This God of the Sun is the Lord SHAMMASH, son of NANNA.He is seated upon athrone of gold, wearing a crown of two horns, holding a sceptre aloft in his right handand a flame disk in his life, sending rays in every direction.He is the God of Light and oflife.His colour is Gold.His Essence is to be found in gold, and in all golden objects andplants.He is sometimes called UDUU.His Gate is the Fourth you will pass in the ritualsthat follow.His Step on the great Ladder of Lights is Gold.This is his Seal, which you must engrave in gold, when the Sun is exalted in the heavens,alone on a mountain top or some such place close to the Rays, but alone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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