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.As she undressed him he avoided her faceand looked at the floor.She knew this and paid no attention.Theylay down together in bed and she held him close, but not too close.Whatever had transpired would take her sometime to remove andshe knew she had to be patient.Silver lay in the bed rememberingits softness from what seemed another life.The psychs at the IPFhad said he was fit for duty.She was far beyond their skills andknew what he needed.As they lay in the quiet room out in the middle of space, he beganto inch closer to her.She allowed it and made no motion.Sheallowed him to come to her of his own will at his own speed.Silver surrendered to her as he had never trusted anyone before.Hesmelled her hair and her cleanliness and was convinced she couldsmell the blood from the killing chamber on him.She looked outthe window.180 Silver inched closer and began to hold onto her as if he wereclinging to a buoy.He was sinking and she was the only thing inthe universe that could keep him from drowning.He pulled her stillcloser.She felt his grip tighten.He buried his head in her shoulderand turned his face away from her as he held her tightly.Shestroked his hair and then pulled him to her.He surrendered and theyears of secrets and dealing death and almost dying and alonenessand wandering and finally let go.The killing floor was with himand he jerked as he heard the screams again.She looked out into the void of space and began to sense his brainwaves.She felt their spikes and their irregularity and began, almostunconsciously, to do her work.She stared at an arriving ship andmatched his brain activity.For a brief moment, she could feel hisanguish.She was far too powerful to be sucked into another s mindas some of her kind could be.He jerked and she soothed him.Shebegan emitting a calming, soothing wave form and she felt hisbody relax slightly.She intensified the wave and he becamedrowsy.He felt his muscles getting heavier as if they were slowlyfilled with liquid.Like an artist, she began to pick out the impurities of his mind.She began to cleanse the nightmares that had poisoned him soterribly.His brain patterns now matched hers and he drifted intothe deepest sleep of his life.She was not controlling him.She thenwashed his very soul of all the evil things that he had witnessed inthis universe.She watched the ships come and go out her windowwhile he slept and with every passing ship, another piece ofdetritus from his mind was sent on its way into the void.She laywith him for over 20 hours and was wide awake as he slept.Whathorrors he had witnessed, she could only guess.This was her gift and she had decided on their first night that shewould never let him go.She had already realized that he was anAgent of the IPF.After Silver had left her, she had seen some other181 IPF Agents at the station and matched the coats as well as theswagger.When they first met, she knew he wasn t telling her thetruth.At her level of skill, she could detect lies and half truths justlike a bat finding its way through the dark.I don t care about any of that, she thought as she worked.There isenough money to last long enough for us to start another businessand say goodbye to this station.It is time to leave this place.Shethought about using her power to force Silver to stay with her.Allshe had to do was alter her frequency so that his brain would feellost without her carrier wave.She decided against it.She didn twant a puppet.She had already claimed him and that was enough.No other resonator could have him.She smiled as she looked outthe window, confident in her abilities to heal his wounds.Shebegan to consider places for them to move.There were so manybeautiful places in the galaxy.She knew they could find theirs.182 Chapter 25 Do you think we will have a chance to get on the ship if we go toLargen? Megan sat in her usual spot in the pilot s chair and theship drifted near less traveled shipping lanes.Crissy was standingup and staring as her mind checked information she had taken fromthe link. Doubtful, child.But, there is something about this informationthat I do not like. Crissy looked at her. It seems pretty obvious to me, Megan said. The line of themother ship passes right through that sector.I don t know howthey couldn t stop there.Every kind of drug and anything else youcould smuggle would have a big market there.I heard that thehotels next to the waterfalls are some of the most beautiful sightsin the galaxy.Expensive, of course. She looked out the windowfor a moment. If the signature of one of the ships that got awayfrom us matches one in Largen s Port Registry, I think I shouldhave a look. That is something I don t like, Crissy said. Why not change thesignature of the ship we tracked to Mord? They must believe thatwe are the only ones who know it.Otherwise, they know the IPFwould have placed a trigger in the monitors at the ports.Theywould be notified the instant that ship came into the atmosphere.Indeed, there is even an IPF training facility on that very planet.Awell known fact.Crissy seemed to look into space for a second. Child, this is a trap. How can you be sure? Megan sat up.183  Because it is too easy, Crissy said. The signature should havebeen changed.They are taking a risk that the IPF does not knowthis fact.They are also trying to see if, indeed, we are followingthem.This is bait, nothing more.We will skip this and attempt tosolve the final destination.Megan looked into space. Or&  Megan turned to Crissy. Yes, Crissy said suspiciously. If we know it is a trap, we should be able to avoid it, right? You cannot risk it.I have correctly surmised that there will be noway to get on the main ship at this location.Therefore, we shouldpass it by.I will begin the calculations for their next port. Crissymoved to the center of the ship. But, you said you could use another look at the mother ship,right? Megan looked at Crissy and the light behind her pale eyesglowed at this angle. Yes, I said that.But I won t risk you to do it. If I could delay them a bit; make them believe that they havetricked us, you could get a better reading on the main blastsignature of the mother ship, Megan said. That would help.Youtold me yourself that the residue from the engines cannot bemasked.Then you could be sure that we are chasing the right ship.If we go someplace and the ship has been there, we will know forsure.If they are tricking the monitor satellites, this seems the bestway to piece the trail together. Child, that is all true.But I would have to be directly behind theship when it arrived and complete the scan in only a few seconds.184 The ship s counter measures would then be in effect and I couldnot risk my scan being detected.I have calculated that the ship weare in pursuit of can make a full 360 degree omni directional scanupon arrival in only a few seconds.That is not much time.Also,they may not even bring that ship there.This may have been setup just to find us. But you could do it, right? I mean, if it shows up.That is all thetime you need, isn t it, Megan said. Yes, I can complete the scan in a moment and that would narrowthe possibilities of our search.This is also dependent on the chancethat I am able to guess which vector they will take to Largen.Theywill have to steer clear of any watching satellites or monitoringstations.That will narrow their choices.With all the traffic in andout of that planet, I should be able to calculate where a large shipwould appear for the least possible chance of detection.But I amstill against you taking such a risk. Oh, I think I can fool them for a little bit, Megan grinned [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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