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.That aged Herb almost as much as theaccident itself had done.EDA was only a fancy way of saying 'welfare' or 'charity' in his mind.He hadspent a lifetime working hard and honestly - with his hands and had thought he would never see the daywhen he would have to take a state dollar.But here that day was.Vera subscribed to three new magazines which came through the mail at irregular intervals.All threewere badly printed and might have been illustrated by talented children.God's Saucers, The ComingTransfiguration, and God's Psychic Miracles.The Upper Room, which still came monthly, nowsometimes lay unopened for as long as three weeks at a stretch, but she read these others to tatters.Shefound a great many things in them that seemed to bear upon Johnny's accident, and she read thesenuggets to her tired husband at supper in a high, piercing voice that trembled with exaltation.Herb foundhimself telling her more and more frequently to be quiet, and on occasion shouting at her to shut up thatdrivel and let him alone.When he did that, she would give him long-suffering, compassionate, and hurtglances - then slink upstairs to continue her studies.She began to correspond with these magazines, andto exchange letters with the contributors and with other pen-friends who had had similar experiences intheir lives.Most of her correspondents were good-hearted people like Vera herself, people who wanted to help andto ease the nearly insupportable burden of her pain.They sent prayers and prayer stones, they sentcharms, they sent promises to include Johnny in their nightly devotions.Yet there were others who werenothing but con-men and women, and Herb was alarmed by his wife's increasing inability to recognizethese.There was an offer to send her a sliver of the One True Cross of Our Lord for just $99.98.Anoffer to send a vial of water drawn from the spring at Lourdes, which would almost certainly work amiracle when rubbed into Johnny's forehead.That one was $1.10 plus postage.Cheaper (and moreattractive to Vera) was a continuously playing cassette tape of the Twenty-third Psalm and the Lord'sPrayer as spoken by southern evangelist Billy Humbair& Played at Johnny's bedside over a period ofweeks it would almost certainly effect a marvelous recovery, according to the pamphlet.As an added blessing (For A Short Time Only) an autographed picture of Billy Humbarr himself wouldbe included.Herb was forced to step in more and more frequently as her passion for these pseudoreligious geegawsgrew.Sometimes he surreptitiously tore up her checks and simply readjusted the checkbook balanceupward.But when the offer specified cash and nothing but, he simply had to put his foot down - andVera began to draw away from him, to view him with distrust as a sinner and an unbeliever.Sarah Bracknell kept school during her days.Her afternoons and evenings were not much different thanthey had been following the breakup with Dan; she was in a kind of limbo, waiting for something tohappen.In Paris, the peace talks were stalled.Nixon had ordered the bombing of Hanoi continued inspite of rising domestic and foreign protests.At a press conference he produced pictures provingfile:///E|/Funny%20&%20Weird%20Shit/75%20-%20Ste.20King%20Books/Stephen%20King%20-%20deadzone.htm (64 of 370)7/28/2005 9:23:00 PMStephen King: The Dead Zoneconclusively that American planes were surely not bombing North Vietnamese hospitals, but he wenteverywhere by Army helicopter.The investigation into the brutal rape-murder of a Castle Rock waitresswas stalled following the release of a wandering sign painter who had once spent three years in theAugusta State Mental Hospital - against everyone's expectations, the sign painter's alibi had turned out tohold water.Janis Joplin was screaming the blues.Paris decreed (for the second year in a row) thathemlines would go down, but they didn't.Sarah was aware of all these things in a vague way, like voicesfrom another room where some incomprehensible party went on and on.The first snow fell - just a dusting - then a second dusting, and ten days before Christmas there was astorm that closed area schools for the day and she sat home, looking out at the snow as it filled FlaggStreet.Her brief thing with Johnny - she could not even properly call it an affair - was part of anotherseason now, and she could feel him beginning to slip away from her.It was a panicky feeling, as if a partof her was drowning.Drowning in days.She read a good deal about head injuries, comas, and brain damage.None of it was very encouraging.She found out there was a girl in a small Maryland town who had been in a coma for six years; there hadbeen a young man from Liverpool, England, who had been struck by a grappling hook while working onthe docks and had remained in a coma for fourteen years before expiring.Little by little this brawnyyoung dock-walloper had severed his connections with the world, wasting away, losing his hair, opticnerves degenerating into oatmeal behind his closed eyes, body gradually drawing up into a fetal positionas his ligaments shortened.He had reversed time, had become a fetus again, swimming in the placentalwaters of coma as his brain degenerated.An autopsy following his death had shown that the folds andconvolutions of his cerebrum had smoothed out, leaving the frontal and prefrontal lobes almost utterlysmooth and blank
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IndexPratchett Terry & Baxter Stephen Długa Ziemia #2 Długa Wojna
L Frank Baum Oz 19 The Lost King of Oz
Meyer Stephenie Bella Swan 05 Midnight Sun (tłum. Madeline nieoficjalne)
Stephens Susan Harlequin wiatowe Życie Ekstra 205 Na francuskim zamku
Pratchett Terry & Baxter Stephen Długa Ziemia #3 Długi Mars
Stephen J. Spignesi Sto największych katastrof wszech czasów
Lawhead Stephen Piesn Albionu Wezel bez konca
Hubbard, L Ron Mission Earth 04 An Alien Affair
Ziegesar Cecily von Plotkara 08 Nie zatrzymasz mnie przy sobie