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.In this fashion I paint them here, because thou hast two natures reconciled, which (if they be guided and governedwisely) can form an Embrion in the womb of the Vessel, and afterwards bring forth a most puissant King, invincibleand incorruptible, because it will be an admirable quintessence.Thus thou seest the principal and most necessaryreason of this representation: The second cause, which is also well to be noted, was because I must of necessity painttwo bodies, because in this operation it behoveth that thou divide that which hath been coagulated, to giveafterwards nourishment, which is milk of life, to the little Infant when it is born, which is endued, by the living God,with a vegetable soul.This is a secret most admirable and secret, which for want of understanding, it hath made fools of all those that havesought it without finding it, and hath made every man wise that beholds it with the eyes of his body, or of his spirit.Thou must then make two parts and portions of this Coagulated body, the one of which shall serve for Azoth, towash and cleanse the other, which is called Letch, which must be whitened: He which is washed is the SerpentPython, which, having taken his being from the corruption of the slime of the Earth gathered together by the watersof the deluge, when all the confections were water, must be killed and overcome by the arrows of the God Apollo,by the yellow Sun, that is to say, by our fire, equal to that of the Sun.He which washeth, or rather the washings which must be continued with the other moity; these are the teeth of thatSerpent, which the sage workman, the valiant Theseus, will sow in the same Earth, from whence there shall springup armed Soldiers, which shall in the end discomfit themselves, suffering themselves by opposition to resolve intothe same nature of the Earth, and the workman to bear away his deserved conquests.It is of this that the Philosophers have written so often, and so often repeated it.It dissolves itself, it congeals itself,it makes itself black, it makes itself white, it kills itself, and it quickens itself.I have made their field be paintedazure and blue, to show that I do but now begin to get out from the most black blackness, for the azure and blue isone of the first colours, that the dark woman lets us see, that is to say, moisture giving place a little to heat anddryness: The man and woman are almost all orange-coloured, to show that our Bodies, or our body which the wisemen here call Rebis, hath not as yet digestion enough and that the moisture from whence comes the black blue andazure, is but half vanquished by the dryness.For when dryness bears rule, all will be white, and when it fighteth with, or is equal to the moisture, all will be inpart according to these present colours.The envious have also called these confections in this operation, Nummus,Ethelia, Arena, Boritis, Corfufle, Cambar, Albar aris, Duenech, Randeric, Kukul, Thabricis, Ebisemech, Ixir, &cwhich they have commanded to make white.The woman hath a white circle in form of a rowle round about her body, to show thee that Rebis will begin tobecome white in that very fashion, beginning first at the extremities, round about this white circle.ScalaPhylosophoru, that is the Book entitled The Philosophers Ladder, saith thus: The figure of the first perfect whitenessis the manifestation of a certain little circle of hair, that is passing over the head, which will appear on the sides ofthe vessels round about the matter, in a kind of a cierine or yellowish colour.There is written in their Rowles, Home veniet ad judicium Dei, that is, Man shall come to the judgement of God :Vere (saith the woman) illa dies terribilis erit, that is, Truly that will be a terrible day.These are not passages of holyScripture, but only sayings which speak according to the Theological sense, of the judgement to come [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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