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.We had a combined ticket, which helpedincrease my exposure.My volunteers walked for them and their volunteerswalked for me.The larger campaigns have more resources, but localcampaigns have a lot of grassroots energy.The large and local can workwonders together!Seek endorsements.I had local celebrities, newspapers, campus groups,and organizations endorse my candidacy.Fundraise.I wrote letters to my family, friends, and organizations.Makesure you have enough money to host events, print your flyers, and buy yourvolunteers pizza.Lots of people also have talents they can share for free or at avery low cost if they believe in your work.Network and be open to usingpeople s pro bono services!Make awesome signs.My voting demographic was college students andDemocratic voters.I had my signs silkscreened by a great artist; people lovedthem and put them up in their windows, on their refrigerators, and on theirwalls.In addition, students love  guerilla marketing  marketing based oncreativity and energy, rather than the big bucks.People just don t trust theslick glossy yard signs.My volunteers hand-painted signs and put them upeverywhere.I also painted big wooden sandwich board style signs andchained them wherever it was allowed.Debate on the issues.Prepare yourself for debate, and practice yourtalking points out loud, over and over again.Ask friends to quiz you.My strategy was to be better educated on the issues than my opponents.Any timeyou attend public events, dress nicely.Treat your volunteers like gold.I called potential volunteers myself,asking them to volunteer and thanking them for their help.Aside from saying thanks (a lot), make sure they have food, drink, and music while they work.Your volunteers should be clear on who you are and what you stand for, so ifthey represent you, they know what to say and have an understanding of yourgood intentions.Then set up lot of phone banks in advance of Election Dayand call every potential voter to remind them to get out to the polls.If yourstate relies heavily on voting by mail, make sure you are reaching out topotential voters far in advance of Election Day.Register those voters while you can! We blasted music, set up tables allover campus, and even worked with the residence halls to do a nonpartisanGOTV drive.When the freshmen moved into the dorms, we worked with eachresidence hall to send volunteers to the orientation meeting each floor had withtheir residence assistant and passed out GOTV forms.Class talks.Although you can t go into each class and say  vote for me,with the blessings of the professors you can pass out voter registration cards.We made transparencies of a correctly filled-out form, passed out the forms tothe big lecture halls, and walked people through the registration process.Throw a concert.How do you get your voters together? Show them agood time! I used my campaign funds to hire local bands and rent theamphitheater, and three thousand people attended.It was fun and greatpublicity for my campaign.Letters to the editor.Some say the letters to the editor section is one ofthe most-read sections of the paper.Aside from getting the papers to endorseyou, ask your volunteers and supporters to write a short letter about why theyare voting for you.We also had people submit cartoons to keep the messagefresh, new, and interesting!On Election Day, be prepared to not sleep.Gather your volunteersearly.Show them the battle plan, give them a huge breakfast, and send them towalk (and rewalk) their section of the neighborhood, getting people out to vote.We had a  Go Vote parade, drove around with megaphones in cars and onbikes, had a rally on campus, and even had our dogs wear our campaignT-shirts! Give away prizes for voting.We partnered with the local burrito shop togive a free burrito to anyone with a voting stub, regardless of politicalaffiliation.Election party.Get ready to celebrate your hard work (and, you hope,victory) and make sure every volunteer who has ever worked on yourcampaign knows where it is happening! Build coalitions.Larger campaigns have more resources, but LOCALCAMPAIGNS have a lot of GRASSROOTS ENERGY! -ARIANAKATOVICHOperating through political channels isn t a panacea for solving all of ourenvironmental challenges, but it s certainly a critical part of the package.Ifyou are frustrated with how your political system has failed to address theneeds of the general public, you re not alone.Many youth are tired of a systempolluted by dirty money, election fraud, and corporate lobbyists.But keep yourchin up! According to Rock the Vote, there are forty-four million potentialyoung voters (ages eighteen to twenty-nine) in the United States making upmore than one-fifth of the electorate.Youth have enormous collective power toelect officials that represent our positions and to hold officials accountable toadvancing an environmental agenda that resonates with our demographic [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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