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."Our sodas will get warm." Raine's eyes danced, teasing."We have ice." He nipped at Raine's lips."Oh, ice.We could play!" Whit's laughter was soft and happy."Yes." He was awake for the first time in days, cock full and hard and needing."My Raine."Raine laughed, the sound beautiful."Yours!""I want to watch you fuck," murmured Whit."Perv." Raine laughed again."In me, Grey.Please.It's been so long."Grey nodded, hand cupping Raine's ass and tugging him close."Your perv," murmured Whit."Now the real question is, do you want the ice now or with your drinkslater?""Later.I just want to make love now." He might be too tired later."No kinky stuff.Got it." Whit grinned and pushed them down onto the couch, pressing the lube into hisfingers before sitting in the armchair."I'm going to watch."Grey handed Raine the tube."Want you to ride me.I'll last longer."Center - 214 Raine nodded, fingers moving to slick his cock, rub it firmly, up and down.Grey reached out, petting andstroking, tweaking the dark nipples, pinching them.Whit moaned softly, fingers fumbling to open hisown shirt and pants.Grey leaned back, legs sprawled, cock bobbing as he watched Raine slick those dark fingers, slide themdeep in the hot body."Beautiful.""Stunning," murmured Whit, hands moving on his own body, breath becoming audible."He is." Grey nodded, groaning and stroking his own cock as Raine moved above him, so perfect."You both are." Whit's voice was husky, wanton."Want you." Raine straddled him, took him in deep with one slow, pure, delicious motion.Whit cried out."Oh, yes."Grey's hands landed on Raine's hips, eyes fastened with his twin s."I will do this forever.""Promise me.""I swear it.Six minutes." Six minutes he'd been alone in the world, waiting for his Raine."An eternity." Raine started to move, gasping for him."You are as one," murmured Whit, hand sliding on his cock.Grey nodded."My Raine."He tugged Raine down for a kiss, the world spinning around him.Whit's gasps and moans spun with him,an added caress.He thrust up and up into Raine's body, their kiss going deep and wild.Whit cried out, thescent of his come sharp and bright.Yes.Yes, they needed.He needed.His Raine.Raine's cry pushed into his lips, seed splashing against hisbelly.His own orgasm was perfect, sweet, just necessary."Perfect," murmured Whit, words echoing his thoughts.Raine rested down on him."My Grey.Oh, I've waited so long."He stroked one hand down Raine's spine."I know."The couch dipped as Whit came to sit with them, fingers touching them equally, Whit as alwaysfascinated with their skin."Love you." The words were whispered into Raine's lips, one hand stroking Whit's belly."Love you, Grey." Whit and Raine's response came together, their mouths pressing against his at the sametime.He smiled, tired again, but the tired this time natural, a sweet comfort.Center - 215 Whit and Raine cuddled against him, blanketing him."This is nice," said Whit, voice half-asleep."Mm-hmm." He nodded, home and happy.Settled.Staying.***That late summer night had been the calm before the storm, the next round of chemotherapy leaving Greydecimated, unable to keep anything down, barely able to stumble to the bathroom.Whit's days flowed one into the other, cleaning puke, washing Grey, laundering the sheets, and putting ona brave face for Raine.He'd taken leave for September, but as it drew to the end of the month he called the principal and told herhe wouldn't be back this year at all.Grey had six more weeks of chemo to suffer through and then, even ifeverything went well and it eradicated all the cancer, it would be months before Grey was his old selfagain.Thanks to the school's progressive policy, one of the reasons he was teaching there, he was allowed theyear's leave to care for his sick partner, and he would have a job to return to the following September.Ayear without pay was going to all but eliminate his savings, but there was no way he could do the job,even if Grey and Raine hadn't needed him to be there full time.He'd sent off the paperwork just that morning.It was official.Tired and cranky, he headed up to the roof garden and curled in Grey's chair, though Grey had not beenup here in months.He fought the tears that threatened -- he'd shed too many already, he refused to let hisbelief be any more shaken.Laying his head on the back of his chair, he closed his eyes and rested awhile."Whit." Grey's voice was low, almost nonexistent from the stomach acid that burned his throat.Pale as aghost, he made his way into the sunshine, easing down into the chair across from Whit."Grey!" Whit was shaky from dozing, blinking at Grey as if his lover really was the apparition heappeared."I'm sorry.What did you need, love?""Nothing.I came to talk to you.""Oh.Okay." He smiled and got up and moved to sit at Grey's feet, so his lover wouldn't have to strain tobe heard.He stroked Grey's leg [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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