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.Everything that had been Gabriel had fled all at once.Which to Joeymeant perhaps Gabriel MacKenna was still intact somewhere.At peace.Or waiting &Putting two fingers to his lips, Joey kissed them, pressing them against Gabriel s name.Henever knew how long he remained there.Only that some time passed before he turned away,squaring his shoulders and reentering his old life.THE END ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWentworth Men s Prison, a fictional combination of Wandsworth (where Oscar Wilde wasincarcerated) and Pentonville, exists only in my imagination.I would like to thank Mae Calhoun, J.David Peterson, and the LiveJournal group little-detailsfor their assistance with the research.All accurate details belong to them.All errors belong tome. Please enjoy this except of my first novel, a contemporary m/m romancecalled SOMETHING DIFFERENT:None of it would have happened if Germanotti hadn t told Michael Maguire he didn t knowthe meaning of the phrase  fuck it. I do know the meaning of that phrase, Michael said, trying not to sound annoyed.Whatwas it about him that made people assume he spent all his spare time cutting the grass, repairingthe gutters and waxing the mini-van?He glanced at the cola he d nursed for the last half-hour.No matter the occasion, Michaelwas always the designated driver.Always fated to drive loud-mouthed pissers home while theyshouted out his mini-van s windows like football hooligans.Then the next workday, before thestaff meeting, they would claim all sorts of outlandish adventures.Michael was honest.Henever denied where he went after each Friday night at the corner gastro-pub.He went home,apologizing to Frannie if he stayed out past one o clock, the limit she had set.After admitting asmuch, Michael had to endure his colleagues teasing and listen to their stories: teenage Lolitascoming on to them in nightclubs, anonymous three-ways with kinky college girls, hookersdealing out freebies.It was all pure fantasy.True, Germanotti had talked one of the company sinterns into having sex with him in the stockroom.But afterward she d avoided him altogether,going so far as to take the stairs if Germanotti was in line for the elevator.If those were thewages of workplace sin, Michael wanted none of it.If he ever found himself in the market foruncomfortable silences and angry stares, he could always go home.Now Germanotti gave Michael a slack-lipped, moist grin. I do know the meaning of thephrase, he mimicked. But I m Michael Maguire, I have a stick up my ass and a sad little scarwhere my bollocks used to be, so you ll never hear those words cross my lips.Michael gave a low chuckle.Germanotti was crude, frequently deluded and terrified of hisown wife, whom he pretended to rule with an iron hand.He was constantly on notice for poorwork performance and would have been sacked years ago, except Michael kept covering forhim.Yet Michael liked Germanotti.For whatever reason, the man was convinced Michael hadit in him to someday step out of line. I mean really, Germanotti continued, finishing his pint. Are you so in love with sweetFrannie you ve never been tempted? Never wanted to find a little bird and give your cock a go?The question was absurd.The answer, of course, was every single day, when he woke upwith an erection and headed into the shower to masturbate.Michael couldn t remember the lasttime he d had sex with Frannie, and there were so many rules he was no longer tempted to try.Weeknights were out, she was too tired from housework and spin class and book club andkeeping up with her favorite programs on telly.Sundays were a no-go; she tended to go out withgirlfriends after church and preferred a nice long evening with the telly when she returned.Thatleft Saturday, and then Michael had to be freshly showered, the kids had to be either asleep orout of the house, and Frannie had to be in the mood.The likelihood of all these factors comingtogether was about as favorable as a total eclipse.Once Michael had thought that as he grewolder he d get  past it, as men used to say, and find himself as disinterested as Frannie.Butnow he was thirty-four and more frustrated than ever.Frannie wouldn t even let him hold herand masturbate, she found the very idea juvenile and borderline deviant.And the kids were always on the computer  the first time he d downloaded a bit of soft-focus pornography, his sonhad found it straightaway, been blamed by Frannie (Michael still felt guilty about not comingclean) and grounded for a month.So the only safe place for Michael to seek release was in theshower.As for wanting to  find a little bird and giving his  cock a go&  Well.Yes and yes.Germanotti was always going on about blondes with large breasts, but Michael didn t even knowwhat his type was.Friendly, nice smile, nice eyes, all those would be good [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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