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.Hepressed a single button on the dashboard."Go ahead,Manny.""How far out are you?" Manny 's voice echoed intothe car and Beckett startled from his musings."About twenty-five minutes out," Kayden repliedsuccinctly.The Kayden that had been talking about arelationship a few minutes earlier was replaced by 'sternKayden' as soon as Manny spoke."We're maybe ten from your position but we have aproblem.I'm not clean.Austin decided to come with andwe've been tailed since we left his house." Kayden pulledthe SUV over to the side of the road immediately.Theystopped outside of a Mom and Pop restaurant in a noparking zone but none of this seemed to matter to Kayden."Ops are tracking, clean plates and three men in the car.Could be the bad guys, could be we got ourselves analphabet tail."123 Face Value RJ Scott"They've been watching Austin?" Beckett jumped tothe only available conclusion."Spotted them as soon as I arrived.Waited until citylimits but I didn't want to try and shake them."Beckett felt a familiar curl of fear in his belly.Kayden was silent and clutching the steering wheel tightly.His expression was impassive and Beckett just stared athim.Manny was silent at his end of this conversation.Whatthe hell was happening now?"Are we aborting?" Kayden finally said."We've led them this far." Manny replied.His voicewas calm.The direct opposite of what Beckett was feelinginside."Kayden " he started.Kayden simply lifted a handto stop him and then turned to him thoughtfully."I'm not happy taking Beckett into this.""Ops is confirming only one vehicle.The two of uscould handle this in our sleep." Manny was utterlyconvinced of what he was saying.What were he andKayden talking about? Surely Manny wasn't suggestingthey confront the people following him and Austin? "We'vescoped a site.I'll set up and you follow.""Manny ""This is our chance to kill two birds, Kayden; getthe evidence and catch us some possible bad guys while124 Face Value RJ Scottwe're at it.""If they are the bad guys then they'll just be hiredhelp," Kayden said thoughtfully."Money trail, K, money trail.""Is there no one else?""Nearest is Adam Brooke and he's still sixty out.""Shit, Manny ""Yes or no.The more I drive round the quickerthey'll catch on."Beckett waited with bated breath.This wasn'thappening.The whole visit to the bank for the informationfrom his mom was supposed to be a quick pick up and thenback to the safety of his temporary home."We're in." Kayden finally said and Manny wasvirtually high fiving over the comms with a whoop of glee."I'm calling Ops," Manny said before the commswent dead."Shit." Kayden snapped and then turned to face thefront of the 4x4.A beep indicated something happening onthe system integrated into the 4x4 which looked a lot betterthan the standard off the counter sat nav his small car had."Got it," he said."What are we doing?" Beckett asked.He wished hedidn't sound so damn terrified.Any heroic wish to bringdown the Bullen's had been near beaten out of him by his125 Face Value RJ Scottfather and Uncle."It's simple," Kayden explained."Like Manny said,it's the money trail." He reached over and pressed a fingerto a small black mark on the outside of the glove box.Thesmooth glide of a secondary cover revealed a gun andwithin seconds Kayden had pulled it out."It's against mybetter judgment but we may not get this chance again.""What about me?" Beckett demanded quickly."What are you doing with me?""Listen to me, Beck.Stay in the car.Whatever yousee or hear you stay in the damn car.It's bullet proof andOps will have eyes on you at all times." Beckett watched inutter disbelief as Kayden hefted the weight of the gun andchecked it was loaded.This was made worse when hehanded it to Beckett and the black heaviness of it layuntouched on his thigh."Its safety is on.Here." He showedBeckett where the safety was."Do not get out of the car.Okay?""You've given me a gun." Beckett protested."I don'tknow how to use a gun.""If you need to if you're compromised and there'sno help, all you do is point and shoot.""This is your gun." Beckett couldn't keep the worryout of his voice."Don't you need your gun?""No.Manny is the gun man.He's the firearms126 Face Value RJ Scottexpert." Kayden said this so matter of fact like it wassomething Beckett wouldn't question."Manny is the gun man." Beckett repeated weakly.Kayden restarted the engine and pulled a U-turn to headback the way they came for a short distance beforefollowing the nav's instructions and taking a left."What areyou then?""What?" Kayden asked even as he concentrated onmerging into the queue of traffic at the lights."Manny does guns, you said.If he does guns whatdo you do?"Kayden didn't answer at first.He concentrated onfollowing the snake of cars entering the city and they drovein silence except for the sat nav spitting instructions foranother ten minutes.Finally they stopped near the end of analley that didn't look like the safest place to be.Beckettcouldn't see Manny or Austin or any sign of bad guys.Whatever bad guys looked like."I use guns, I'm freaking good with guns, but hell,you don't always need a weapon.My body is a weapon," helaughed as he said this and then raised his eyebrows in aleer."Just stay here.Lock the doors." Kayden was outbefore Beckett could even acknowledge he'd heard butwhen the other man pointedly looked at him he scrambledto lock the doors.Within seconds Kayden was gone.127 Face Value RJ ScottMovement from his left made Beckett turn quickly.Overthe instant clenching pain in his neck he couldn't help thecurse that left his mouth.What he saw was like some kindof choreographed movie scene.Manny had three guysranged in front of the car in some kind of weird everyone-has-guns face off.Then Kayden waded in to the group, fistsflying, and each one was disarmed before they knew whathit them.One by one they dropped to the ground.All thetime Manny stood there with his weapon held loose in hishand.When Kayden said Manny did guns, clearly thatmeant being there with a gun in case something wentwrong [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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