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.Can Anybody Learn to DoQuantum-Touch?Can people with handicaps or blind or deaf people learn to do Quantum-Touch work?Oh, yes.Running energy is dependent on intention, attention, and breathing.A personwho does not have the distractions of sight or sound may hold their focus as well, andpotentially do even better than their seeing or hearing counterparts.Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal74 Chapter Six: Advanced TechniquesCan children learn to do Quantum-Touch?Absolutely.Children usually have no problem learning to do this work.If they have adesire to do healing work, they can be as effective as adults.It is not uncommon forchildren to take my class, and much to the delight of their parents, they do wonderfulhealing work.In one class I taught, a woman brought her 11-year-old son Zack to class.Zack had awonderful time discovering that he could do healing work every bit as well as theadults, and he was able to help his mom as she worked on his numerous skating injuriesand postural misalignments.The love he and his mother were sharing was one of themost beautiful things that I had ever seen.On the way back home, Zack said, "You know, I was secretly wishing that I had super-human powers, and now I feel like I do." The next day at school, Zack told his bestfriend that he had learned to heal people.His friend said, "Heal me." Zack asked hisfriend where he hurt.The friend replied that he didn't hurt anywhere.Zack told him, "Ican't help you unless you are in pain." With that, Zack's friend slammed his own handdown onto the table as hard as he could.The hand was swelling and changing color.Zack calmly picked up the hand and started running energy into it.A few minutes later,Zack's friend said, "Wow, that's so cool." Then the two of them ran off to play.Do you have to be intuitive when you do this sort of work?Being intuitive is in no way a prerequisite for being successful when you doQuantum-Touch.While some people seem to naturally have an automatic sense ofknowing exactly where to place their hands, I have found that worlds of good can beaccomplished by using the "where does it hurt?" technique.The majority of great resultsthat I have seen have employed this "low tech" way of knowing.Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal75 Chapter Six: Advanced TechniquesHow different are Quantum-Touch practitioners from one to another?Just as every flower is unique and beautiful, each practitioner seems to have a uniqueand beautiful energy.Not everyone's energies are equal.Some practitioners seem to dowell with broken bones, others may do well with tumors.I find that I do especially wellwith injuries, inflammation, structural alignment, and pain reduction.Other healersseem to have gifts in other areas.I believe that one day we will have ways ofdetermining where a person's expertise may be when working with Quantum-Touch.Beyond this, I think at some point in the future, we will find that various people will beable to specialize in areas such as trauma care, heart disease, cancer, and so forth.Could you give me a few pointers about doing a Quantum-Touch session?" Always keep your breathing techniques going." Always keep your breath connected to your sensations whilerunning the energy.(This quickly becomes a habit and secondnature to practitioners.)" Stay focused to keep the energy as strong as you can." Pay close attention to what you are feeling in your hands and usethat information appropriately.I'm still confused.How can I be doing Quantum-Touch work and not be ahealer?Our language can be so lacking in some areas.The person doing the Quantum-Touchwork is not really a "healer," although he or she is clearly doing healing.When we doQuantum-Touch work, we are creating a field of energy with our hands.With that energy,we create a vibrational environment so the person getting worked on can healthemselves.It is my belief that we are really not using up our own energy when wework on someone else, but rather, we are using the energy of the universe toQuantum Touch: The Power to Heal76 Chapter Six: Advanced Techniqueshold this field of energy in their proximity.Their body understands this field of energy,and through the power of resonance and entrainment, their cells gradually match thevibration of your hands.Somehow in this process, their "body intelligence" and"spiritual intelligence" use this new vibration to cause healing as appropriate to the needsof the recipient.In the same way that no one can eat for you or laugh for you, no one can heal for you.No matter how much healing work you receive from other people, keep in mind that itis your body and only your body that is doing the healing.Simply stated, your bodyheals itself.In my opinion, anyone who claims that they can heal you does notunderstand the mechanism of healing.The person who is doing the "healing" work is there to create the environment forhealing to take place, no more and no less.So when I tell people that my profession isthat of a healer, I am using the common jargon.Few people would understand me if Isaid that I hold a resonance so people can harmonically entrain to my vibration to healthemselves.Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal77 Chapter Six: Advanced TechniquesQuantum Touch: The Power to Heal78 Chapter Six: Advanced TechniquesTChapter 5EIntermediateCTechniquesHNIQThe life-force is an energy that surrounds andUpenetrates all living things.Perhaps the sameEcan be said of love [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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