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.spoils of conquest, the war profiteering, the'reconstruction' racket or the military officers who can 'cream' the contracts)the greater the inducement to achieve 'superiority' (symbolic rewards) bydebasing the shackled and manacled, the naked and the humiliated, toplease their superiors with tidbits of irrelevant 'intelligence'.Much of this isdocumented in General Antonio Taguba's report.The chain of command dictates the license to torture; the word ofthe imperial executive informs the practitioners of degradation.The celebrants ofimperial 'Judeo-Christian' values flaunt their impunity in the security of theirtechnological and military might.The 'special people', the chosen nations,aggravate the experience of degradation.Imagine Rumsfeld and other officialsand senators reviewing General Taguba's report describing the young son of anIraqi Army officer stripped, smeared with filth and abused before his captivefather (Seymour Hersh describes the shrieks of young boys being raped)and projecting their own perversities onto the victimized people.Suicide Bombers: A Response to the DesecratersSome of the more intelligent of the generally benighted claimants of'expertise' in terrorism have discovered that the SB are not necessarily poor,not necessarily 'direct victims' of imperial invasions, and are not necessarilyIslamic fundamentalists.Faced with this incongruence with their earlierdepictions, most of them ramp up the complexity of their psychobabble,citing 'alienation', 'generational conflict', and other behavioral pathologies,strikingly more descriptive of the TE's own societies.These Anglo-Americanand pro-Israeli 'experts', who pathologically ignore the monstrous crimescommitted against the essential values and beliefs of the oppressed, seethemselves, with all solemnity, as actually fit to diagnose the ills of others.Ahandful of the 'experts' claim that the terrorists, the SB, are political peopleand that these acts are 'political' a response to the Anglo-American war,invasion and conquest.Closer to the truth, but still inadequate, some add164 Suicide Bombers: The Sacred and the Profanethe response to the 'humiliation of a conquered people'.What drives the SB is an effort to redeem the Sacred from the Des-ecraters.The desecration includes, but goes beyond, the material destructioninflicted by the Anglo-American invaders and Israeli colonists.Degradationand defilement of the sacred texts, the deep inner values and the disciplinedcustoms produces a class of individuals who sense the bonds of humanityhave been irrevocably broken.The SB believes that spiritual wrath can counter the desecraters ofthe Sacred.For the future SB, resistance, marches, protests, strikes, civildisobedience, even resistance in the homeland does not restore the 'Sa-cred'.The conflict rages in their neighborhoods, their houses; markets andtransport are destroyed.The SB believe that only by reversing the violence,bringing it 'home' to the invaders, will they redeem and reassert the ascen-dancy of what has been defiled the Sacred by responding in kind to the'total war' advocates, apologists, and even to innocent victims your inno-cent victims for our innocent victims.Recognition of the licensed defilement of the sacred is now out ofthe box whether it continues in one form or another, videoed or hidden inmilitary archives, it is now embedded in the minds of tens of millions it istheir very cultural psychological moral existence.Everyday life has beenput to the test.ConclusionFrom the 'Shock and Awe' bombing of cities to the killing, maimingand destruction of millions, to the torture and profanation of the sacred, theorders have come from distant, faceless generals, presidents, secretaries ofwar, and have been executed, face to face, by average people, workers,employees, clerks.who 'elected' these leaders.The many faces of theseordinary people reflect, in the eyes of the SB, the faces and acts of thosewho have degraded the sacred and attempted to destroy what gives meaning totheir everyday life.To the SB, "the face of the enemy" is the face of "their people" richand poor, powerful and powerless, general and foot soldier.Hence the suicidebomber, whose normal bonds with the sacred and moral have been heightened bysystematic degradation, until the SB feels no compunction in attackingordinary people going about their everyday tasks in office buildings or subways,enduring personal immolation to reassert the sacred despite the overwhelmingpower of its desecrators, and at whatever cost.The victims whose homes,streets, innocents, and dear ones have been bombed and obliterated respond inkind against the homes, streets, innocents, and dear ones of the perpetrators.Our analysis suggests a close relation between the Anglo-Americanpractice of 'total war' and its derivative policies of systematic degradation165 The Power of Israel in the United States / James Petrasand the emergence of 'suicide bombers' one of the ultimate forms of rejec-tion of tyranny.If this analysis is correct, the demise of suicide bombers ismost likely to occur when the practice of 'total war' is ended.This can onlycome about through a defeat of the 'colonial revivalist' strand of imperialism inboth its US, European and Israeli variants.The question is how long it will takefor domestic and external political discontent to coalesce a politicalalternative capable of formulating a strategy of military withdrawal and abidingby international law [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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