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.In accordance with the Earliness Principle, Timmediately searches for an active goal, locating the QP little hope of finding any survivors (which isactive by virtue of having an uninterpretable case feature).The T probe values the case feature on the QPgoal as nominative via the Nominative Case Assignment operation (9) in the main text, and deletes it viaFeature Deletion (14).Conversely, the QP goal values the unvalued -features on the T probe as thirdperson singular via Feature Copying (7) and deletes them via Feature Deletion (14).If the lexical array forthe relevant CP (i.e.the set of constituents out of which the CP in question is formed) includes expletivethere, preference of Merge over Move will mean that the [EPP] requirement for T to have a specifier mustbe satisfied by merging there in spec-TP, thereby deleting the [EPP] feature of T in accordance with (45i);the uninterpretable third-person feature of there will be deleted by the -complete affix in T.Merging theresulting TP with a null complementiser marking the sentence as declarative in force derives:(ii) CPC TP[Dec-Force]PRN T 'There[3-Pers] T VPAFF[Pres-Tns] V QP[3-Pers] remain little hope of finding any survivors[Sg-Num] [3-Pers, Sg-Num, Nom-Case][EPP]All the features in (ii) feed into the PF component, and since there are no unvalued features in (ii), therelevant structure can be assigned an appropriate PF representation: since there is no overt auxiliary in Ton which the Tense Affix (AFF) containing the person/number/tense features of T can be spelled out, therelevant affix is lowered onto the verb remain (by the morphological operation of Affix Hopping) in thePF component, so that the verb ultimately surfaces in the third person singular present tense form remains.Since all features in (ii) are valued, (ii) can be mapped into an appropriate PF representation; and since all(italicised) uninterpretable features have been deleted, (ii) can also be mapped into an appropriatesemantic representation._____________________________________________________________________________________Exercise 8.2Discuss the derivation of following Belfast English sentences (kindly supplied to me by AlisonHenry): 2251 There should have been lots of students taking the course2 There should have lots of students been taking the course3 There should lots of students have been taking the course4 There have seemed to be lots of students enjoying the course5 There have seemed lots of students to be enjoying the course6 There have lots of students seemed to be enjoying the courseModel answer for 1If we assume Chomsky s TP analysis of expletive there, 1 will have the following (simplified) derivation.The transitive verb taking merges with its DP complement the course to form the V-bar taking the course.This is in turn merged with its subject QP lots of students (whose internal structure need not concern ushere) to form the VP lots of students taking the course.This then merges with the progressive auxiliarybeen to form the progressive auxiliary projection (PROGP) been lots of students taking the course.This inturn is merged with the perfect auxiliary have to form the Perfect Auxiliary Projection (PERFP) have beenlots of students taking the course.The resulting PERFP is in turn merged with a finite T constituentcontaining the past tense modal auxiliary should, so deriving the T-bar shown in simplified form in (i)below (where only the features of those constituents of immediate interest to us are shown):(i) T 'T PERFPshould[Past-Tns] PERF PROGP[u-Pers] have[u-Num] PROG VP[EPP] beenQP V 'lots of students taking the course[3-Pers, Pl-Num, u-Case]By virtue of its uninterpretable person and number features, [T should] serves as a probe and identifies theQP lots of students as the only accessible active goal.(Since a transitive VP is a phase, the PhaseImpenetrabilty Condition prevents T from accessing any constituent of a transitive VP other than itsspecifier and head  and hence prevents the VP complement the course from being a goal for T.)Accordingly, lots of students values (as third person plural) and deletes the person/number features ofshould, and conversely should values (as nominative) and deletes the case feature of lots of students [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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