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.SATURN IN ARIES gives a tendency to headache, colds, catarrh, deafness, andchills, cerebral anaemia, dental decay, tartar, faintings, and, by reflexaction in Libra, renal disorders.SATURN IN TAURUS gives a tendency to phlegm, diphtheria, quinsy, mumps,croup, decay of the lower teeth, choking, and by reflex action in Scorpio,stricture, constipation and similar disorders.SATURN IN GEMINI gives a tendency to rheumatic pains in shoulders and arms,bronchitis, pulmonary consumption, asthma, and, by reflex action in Sagit-tarius, sciatica and hip diseases. [PAGE 555] PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF SATURNSATURN IN CANCER gives a tendency to pyorrhoea, dyspepsia, gastric ulcer andcancer, nausea and belching, scurvy, jaundice, gallstones, anaemia, andstricture of the oesophagus.SATURN IN LEO gives a tendency to curvature of the spine, muscular ineffi-ciency of the heart, weak back, arterio-sclerosis, and sclerosis of the spi-nal cord.SATURN IN VIRGO gives a tendency to weakened peristalsis of the intestines,abated absorption of chyle, obstruction of the ILEUM CAECUM and transversecolon, appendicitis.SATURN IN LIBRA gives a tendency to locomotor ataxia, renal stones, graveland sand, Bright's disease, suppression of urine, malnutrition, and, by re-flex action in Aries, headache, toothache, and other disorders of the head.SATURN IN SCORPIO gives a tendency to sterility, suppression of the menses,stricture, constipation, haemorrhoids, and, by reflex action in Taurus, na-sal catarrh, hoarseness, phlegm, and other throat affections.SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS gives a tendency to contusions of the hips and thighs,sciatica, gout, and hip disease; by reflex action in Gemini, bronchitis, tu-berculosis, and other Gemini affections.[PAGE 556] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSSATURN IN CAPRICORN gives a tendency to articular rheumatism, eczema,erysipelas, and other diseases of the skin; by reflex action in Cancer,jaundice, gallstones, and dyspepsia.SATURN IN AQUARIUS gives a tendency to weak ankles, easily sprained, and, byreflex action in Leo, curvature of the spine, sclerosis and other affectionsof the heart, back and arteries.SATURN IN PISCES gives a tendency to cold feet, rheumatism and bunions, alsotuberculosis due to cold and wet feet, and, by reflex action in Virgo,dropsy.PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF JUPITERThe liver is the great center of the Jupiterian activity; there he formsglycogen from the waste products of the portal blood-stream.The great cen-tral vortex of the desire body is also in the liver, and when an extra ef-fort is to be made, Mars draws upon the glycogen storehouse of Jupiter for fuel.Saturn too is active in the liver, forming the gall, urea, and uricacid.It is somewhat difficult for the average student to segregate and combinethe varied functions of this organ, but if we bear in mind that Cancer isthe exaltation sign of Jupiter and the opposite sign Capricorn is the homeof Saturn and the exaltation sign of Mars, we shall more readily understandthat the great benefic, Jupiter, endeavors to store in the liver the[PAGE 557] PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF SATURNglycogen so necessary to the bodily activity.This, Mars, the opposing ex-altation ruler, recklessly scatters by expenditure of muscular energy, andhe is aided and abetted in his destructive activities by Saturn, who pro-duces gall and urea which he deposits during the muscular work as uric acidin the various parts of the body where it manifests as gout and rheumatism.Saturn also makes the liver torpid and causes constipation.Jupiter rules the adrenals and arterial circulation, hence his afflic-tions cause formation of adipose tissue, fatty degeneration of muscles, tu-mors, and morbid growths, enlargement of organs, waste of sugar and albumenas in diabetes and kindred diseases.Blood-poisoning, hyperaemia andapoplexy are due to afflictions of Jupiter.The following effects may be noted when Jupiter is afflicted in thetwelve signs.JUPITER AFFLICTED IN ARIES gives a tendency to dizziness, cerebral conges-tion, sleepiness, thrombosis, fainting, ulcerated gums of upper jaw, and, byreflex action in Libra, diabetes and depression due to lack of adrenal se-cretion.JUPITER AFFLICTED IN TAURUS gives a tendency to gourmandize, hence plethoraand apoplexy, ringworm and carbuncles follow; also ulcerated gums of man-dible; by reflex action in Scorpio, catarrh of the nose and nosebleed.[PAGE 558] THE MESSAGE OF THE STARSJUPITER AFFLICTED IN GEMINI gives a tendency to pleurisy, blood affections,congestion of the lungs, pulmonary apoplexy; by reflex action in Sagit-tarius, broken bones, gout and rheumatism in hips and thighs.JUPITER AFFLICTED IN CANCER gives a tendency to gourmandize, causing dila-tion of the stomach, dyspepsia, liver complaints, jaundice, and dropsy; byreflex action in Capricorn, which rules the skin, pimples and similar erup-tions. JUPITER AFFLICTED IN LEO gives a tendency to apoplexy and fatty degenerationof the heart, the valve action is weakened, the circulation sluggish attimes and at other times there are palpitation and feverish conditions; byreflex action in Aquarius, swollen ankles.JUPITER AFFLICTED IN VIRGO gives a tendency to enlarged liver, often ulcer-ated, jaundice [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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