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.He'd killed, in fact, several men, and the fact that hedidn't know the exact number made him want to cry, if there'd been any place he could have done itwithout anyone knowing.And it didn't matter why he'd done it, or what those men's friends and familieshad done to Harrier's friends (and would do to his family if they could get at them).Having killed had hurtsomething and changed something inside him, and Harrier would give nearly anything for those momentsnot to have happened and to unknow the knowledge that if more such moments lay in his future, hewould not turn aside from them.So he followed Tiercel as Tiercel looked for answers, and practiced with his swords down in the echoingstone depths where none of the Nalzindar could see him because he couldn't bear the thought that anyof them might see what he was doing and praise him, or want him to teach them what he knew and didwhat he could to help the Nalzindar in other peaceful ways, and read his Three Books, and hoped thatsome solution to their problem would present itself.But not if it meant that Tiercel intended to descend to the center of the world looking for it."No," Harrier said simply."Either there are answers here, or there aren't.And you have to make up yourmind which it is.Because just the surface of this place is bigger than Armethalieh.And we do not havetime to search every inch of the whole underneath of it, because you know what? I do not think theEndarkened are getting weaker while you are drawing pictures of ancient Elves on pieces of paper!"He hadn't meant to lose his temper.He hadn't meant to yell.But if anybody or anything had thoughtthat turning him into a Knight-Mage was going to make him all calm and reasonable all the time like, say,Ancaladar, they were a lot stupider than they ought to be, was all Harrier had to say."Do not yell, Harrier," Ancaladar said gently."We all are aware of the dangers that surround us.""No," Tiercel said reluctantly."He's right.You're right.There's a lot about the spells they used, but.Elven Magery and the High Magick and the Wild Magic are three different things, just to begin with.Ican't learn Elven Magery any more than I can learn the Wild Magic.It's just.I thought.You know.I haven't had one single vision since we got here," he finished quietly."I know." And Harrier had wondered why that was, because Tiercel'd had them from the moment they'd come through Pelashia's Veil and right up through when Tarnatha'Iteru fell.Never in any pattern.Neverreally changing."So I think this place is shielded somehow against the Endarkened.Come on, Har.If Bisochim waslooking for the Nalzindar, wouldn't he have found them? You could it's a Seeking spell.Rememberhow you told me a couple of moonturns ago that I had to be careful about what I brought back from theIsvaieni camp at Tarnatha'Iteru in case I brought back something that Bisochim could Seek and use tofind the Nalzindar? But he wouldn't need something like that.To See something or somebody you knowis a simple spell.I could Shaiara's said she's met him, so Bisochim knows what she looks like, and Icould find somebody if I knew what they looked like, and so could you, couldn't you? So the only reasonhe hasn't been able to find them is ""Because they managed to hide in the one place within a couple of thousand square miles that's full ofshields against the Endarkened that still work after about a million years?" Harrier said."Pretty much.""Which means you think there might be some other magic here that still works?""Pretty much.""And you didn't mention this about a moonturn ago why?" Harrier asked with long-suffering patience.Ifnot for the fact that Ancaladar's head was between him and Tiercel, he would have contemplatedsmacking him.Yes, it was very wrong to hit someone who was unarmed when you were armed andHarrier never went anywhere without his swords, just as Tiercel couldn't be persuaded to carry anythingmore threatening than his wand and his eating knife but Harrier didn't think those rules could ever havebeen meant to apply to Tiercel [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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