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.Canalized into the transferencesituation, the process became accessible to analysis.I have chosen the second incident to illustrate how the splitting mechanisms lead toidealization and persecution, and how the analysis of these mechanisms reduces the splitand makes possible a more realistic attitude.During a holiday Edward was interested in two things.He milked cows in his countryhome, and he practised sketching very quickly various items of botanical interest.He wasvery pleased with himself as he used to be very bad at drawing and had never tried Melanie Klein today 92milking cows before.He felt that when milking he was doing good; he was relieving thecow, providing milk for others and assuring himself of fresh milk every morning.Sketching represented to him an attempt at keeping things inside him unchanged a newachievement.But his attempt to get the milk inside him and keep it good there was not whollysuccessful.A day or two after his return to London, he developed a rash on his face.Hefound this embarrassing and extremely annoying.Simultaneously, he started working onthe idea of sterilizing milk by ultraviolet rays, since he felt that it was impossible to keepthe cowsheds clean enough to satisfy the requirements of health inspectors.Obviously hefelt unconsciously that there was something hopelessly wrong with the milk, somethingthat called for magic measures.When I interpreted this to him, he admitted that he hadthought for a minute that he got the rash by infection, while milking a cow with a soreudder.The happy picture of his milking gave place to a persecutory one: the breast wassore, the milk dirty and infected, his own inside poisoned, and the poison coming out inthe rash.After the situation had become clear to him, Edward had a short but extremely violentdream in which he felt that he was torn open and possibly devoured he did not know bywhom or by what.He associated it with the fact that in India, he had used a goat as adecoy for a panther.The panther tore the goat s belly open and devoured it while hephotographed the scene.He felt that in the dream he was like the goat.But the goat,which he threw to be devoured for the satisfaction of his own greed and ambition,represented the mother.Two things were telescoped here: his attack on the mother sbreast the cow s udder and his later attacks on her body, caused mainly by curiosityand phallic ambition.He was identified with the attacked and incorporated mother (thegoat).After this analysis the rash cleared up.Two nights later he dreamed that he wasimprisoned by the Russians and a young woman helped him to escape.They travelledtogether, changing trains frequently because if they stayed too long on any single trainthey would be caught.He immediately associated the young woman with me and theRussians with any kind of persecution.I was helping him to escape from it.But when hespoke of Russia, it became clear that the Russians also represented me.The trains he hadto change represented trends of thought.If he followed a trend of thought long enough hewould be caught, that is, he would realize that his ideal object is also the object which hehad injured and the persecutor.The dream also directly connected with his current sexual problems.The journey onthe train represented sexual intercourse with me, but he could not go the whole way withme the longed-for vagina would turn into the dangerous and persecuting one.He couldnot go the whole way with me, the ideal love object, and he had to sleep with prostitutes,changing trains often for fear they would become dangerous.Thinking about the cow led Edward to see that the milk he tried to obtain and keepinside had poisoned him.Thinking about the Russians made him see that I, who was tohelp him, had become the persecutor from whom he was escaping.This recurringsituation in which the very best object turns out to be the most injured one and the worstpersecutor was the deepest tragedy in his internal world.Throughout his life he had to Some aspects of the analysis of a schizophrenic 93 change trains quickly, never to go deeply into things or relationships, to remainsuperficial, cold and detached, for fear the tragic situation would become conscious.Here, again, we see the long history behind the narcissistic withdrawal [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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