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.Hotshit Prince might get asurprise."I do not know what that ""Yes you do.Get in line, pal.But don't worry about me, Fred and I are nothingmore than friends.Just realize there are other men out there.Even if& " Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html"Even if& ?""She's oblivious."Artur nodded, stroking his too-cool red beard.Not too long, not absurdlyshort like the little bear in Goldilocks, it was just right."That is well," hesaid at last."Oh, right, real well.Listen ""Morons!" Fred's grating voice cut through their private chat."Are you coming,or not?""Where's Dr.Barb?" he asked, peeking around the corner to make sure the coastwas clear."She's outta here.Didn't even notice you." "Oh," Jonas said.He fakedenthusiasm."That's good, then."Fred gave him an odd look, and let them into the darkened halls of the NEA.Chapter Thirteen"It should be here somewhere.""What exactly are we looking for, Nancy Drew?"Fred gave Jonas a look.They'd both gone through an insane Drew phase in thefourth grade, read the entire Nancy Drew series, talked about her and herfriends and her borderline-absentee dad, and at the end had both decided it was Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmla miracle Ms.Drew lived through any of her wacky adventures."What.Are.We.Looking.For?""I heard you the first time, moron.Anything Dr.Pearson might have left.He'sgot to have notes, charts something.""I dislike this skulking about," the prince said, looking around the small,cluttered lab with distaste."It ill becomes royalty.I prefer action.""Indulge the commoners, will ya?""Yeah, do that." Fred picked up a clipboard and instantly became absorbed.Muchmore interesting than listening to the men in her life bitch and moan.How didwives and moms stand it?"I don't know why I'm here," Jonas was saying, looking absently around the lab."It's not really my field.Now, if you want to talk about a hand cream thatdoubles as perfume& ""I don't know why you're here either." Jonas, she had decided three years ago,had an odd affectation for the NEA.He'd been in it about a thousand times, andwas always chatting up her boss and colleagues& even the volunteers who workedthe gift shop.She happened to know he didn't give a tin shit about oceans, sealife, stuffed seals, or penguins, so it was a bit of a mystery."So go.""Yeah, maybe I will." In another of his odd mood swings, Jonas had gone fromkeen interest to yawning boredom in less than thirty."Then be off," the prince commanded, sitting on a lab stool and nearly topplingoff when he realized the chair didn't have a back.Fred swallowed a laugh and kept her gaze glued to the clipboard.Pearson had thehandwriting of a serial killer, and she was having a tough time deciphering ifthis was a toxin sheet or his grocery list."You're pretty strong," she heard Jonas say to Artur, obviously ignoring the Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlprince's command to 'be off.' "Fred is, too.I once saw her pick up her mom'sfridge to get one of my Hot Wheels.""That is interesting about Fred.It: is also an accurate observation.""I'm guessing it's the whole mer-angle, right? I mean, you can't swim around onthe bottom of the ocean day and night all that pressure and not build some upperbody strength.I mean, you guys are under literal pressure, not: the usual 'theH.R.rep hates me, I can't stand office politics' pressure.""Do not feel shame.An air breather is by nature much weaker.""Uh okay, yeah, I'm not really a shame-feelin' kinda guy, but thanks anyway.I'mbetting you can see in the dark like a cat, too, huh?""What is a cat?""Because I bet it gets pretty dark down there, too, right?""It is dark in many places," the prince said, sounding slightly confused.Shecouldn't blame him.Jonas had all the tact of a pit bull once his mind startingchewing on a problem."So all mer-people ""Undersea Folk," the prince corrected.Fred resisted the urge to roll her eyes.Well, he could have picked a worse one,like Ben-Varry or Caesg or Meerfrau.Seemed like all of her research on merfolkcame up with stuff that was ninety percent outright wrong, and silly-soundingnames."Right, right, that's what I meant.All Undersea Folk are super strong, and cansee in the dark, and can breathe air and water how do you breathe air andwater?""We just do." Artur looked from Fred to Jonas, puzzled."Are you not comrades? Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlHow do you not know these things about a friend?""Because Fred doesn't know a lot of these things.She was raised by humans.Heck, I didn't even know she was a fellow mammal at first, because she's soclammy all the time.You think her mom ever let her near a doctor?""I'm never sick," Fred said absently."Anyway, back to what we were talking about.Fred doesn't have gills.Not evenwhen she has a tail.""Never mind her tail," the prince ordered."And why would she? She is not partfish.She is one of the Undersea Folk.She is one of my people.""Oh, take a pill, handsome.I'm just making observations, here, and you'regetting all touchy." He added, oddly, "Resist the urge to pick me up and shakeme like a juice box."Artur sighed, the quiet groan of a man picking up a heavy, chattering burden."We pull air into our bodies when we are on land, and when we are under water wepull air from the water.""Okay, that was super helpful.Lemme just grab some clarification, 'kay?So like, you get oxygen from the water, how? The cells of your body somehow openup and grab the oxygen and bring it into your system? You're, what, likestarfish?"Close, Fred thought.It really was difficult to explain [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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