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.So powerful, this Circwouldn t break easily, if at all.The notion overjoyed him. I saw Paige.She seems well. She s good. Rogers opened and closed his fists, showcasing lethal claws.Whenhe spoke, his fangs appeared, and the thought of him biting into McKinley s flesh madeMcKinley quiver with desire. Excited to see me? Rogers nodded at McKinley sobvious arousal.The jeans he wore didn t disguise his massive hard-on straining at the seams. Ishould ask you that. McKinley licked his lips, delighted by Rogers s scowl. Fuck it.You came here for more than a fight.I can smell it. Rogers cupped hisballs and stroked himself. We both know you owe me for that psychic bullshit frombefore.Hell, I ll call it even.You want it? Come suck it. I ll take what I want, when I want. McKinley felt the familiar desire andanticipation he d felt the other night.In the park, when they d started toward eachother, his beast hadn t wanted to hurt Rogers.He d wanted to play with him, todemand a show of strength. You owe me one, Rogers.Bend over the bed, and Ipromise not to hurt you. Circe s Recruits: Hale 57Rogers bared his fangs and smiled.Lust uncurled in McKinley s body, his soleintention to conquer and claim this male, his male.And then Rogers hit him full force,and the fight was on. 58 Marie HarteChapter EightDespite McKinley s yellow eyes, claws, and fangs, he resembled a man, if afreakishly large man.So Hale was unprepared for the toughness of his skin.Punchesglanced off his belly and chest.McKinley caught his last blow and wrapped Hale in hismassive arms.Braced chest to chest, Hale should have locked his lips aroundMcKinley s jugular and ripped his throat out.With his mouth almost level with theman s neck, it was the perfect weak point to exploit.But Hale couldn t think past the desire exploding through his body.His beastthrilled at the sensation of this male against him.Just as he d been with Paige, Halewanted nothing more than to take McKinley and fuck him.But McKinley wouldn taccept anything less than Hale s submission.He instinctively knew that, but he didn tknow what to do about it.McKinley threw him to the ground and they rolled over, each scrambling to be ontop.Hale ended up on the bottom and sucked in a breath when McKinley deliberatelybecame deadweight.Shit.The bastard weighed a ton, and in the time it took Hale tocatch his breath, McKinley had leaned down and taken one of his nipples between histeeth.Stunned at the feel of this male s lips on him, Hale froze.McKinley groaned and closed his eyes, sucking on the nub like a starving man. So fucking good, he murmured and licked, bit, and teased until Hale wanted toexplode.The scent of evergreen appeared out of nowhere, drawing Hale deeper intoMcKinley s web.Too easy.Not right.More, need to fight.His beast raged at him to fightback, now, while McKinley s attention was distracted. Circe s Recruits: Hale 59Forcing himself to obey, Hale thrust McKinley from him and regained his feet.Hecrouched, waiting to spring into action.McKinley rolled to his feet quickly, but he hadto be in pain.His jeans stretched tight across his crotch. My house, my territory, my rules, Hale growled. Make it easy on yourself.Submit. In your dreams, Rogers.But I ll make it as fair as I can for you. McKinley threwhis jacket to the floor.He tore off his shirt and kicked off his boots.Clad in jeans andnothing else, the man made Hale want to check for drool. Holy shit. Hale stared in fascination at McKinley s body.Hell, he was evenbigger than Roane.Which made Hale wonder if he was as big all over.Unconsciously,his gaze sought McKinley s crotch again.Mindless with desire, he stood and grippedhimself, locked in pure need.The asshole took his moment of weakness and turned it to his advantage.McKinley caught Hale in the middle with his shoulder.He took him down like alinebacker and pinned him to the ground.Their bare chests rubbed together, the slightpelt of dark hair over McKinley s pecs throwing Hale past rational thought. Fuck.If I don t come soon, I m gonna go crazy, Hale breathed, staring intoMcKinley s eyes.Up close, they looked like cat eyes, slumberous, seductive, conniving.As he stared, McKinley s pupils dilated. I hurt, the big guy rumbled. I ache all the time. He rubbed his jean-clad hard-on against Hale s cock, and the movement nearly broke him. Mating heat, Hale managed and licked his lips, eager for a taste of McKinley ssalty skin. You need another Circ.I can smell it. No.I need you.When Hale would have reached up to touch McKinley, the Circ caught his handsand pinned them to the floor above his head.It was the most erotic thing he d everexperienced.With Roane he willingly submitted.McKinley forced him to acknowledgehis place.The beast accepted him without pause, even as Hale struggled to come togrips with what sex with McKinley might mean.He tugged at his hands, but McKinleytightened his grip. McKinley, dammit, let go. No, he breathed. God, you feel so good.I m burning up.Neverfelt& like& this.Hale stared at him in surprise. Not even with Paige? he rasped, forcing himselfnot to turn and bare his neck, to feel the male s hot breath over his skin and throat. Afraid& to hurt her.No sex. McKinley moaned and suctioned his mouth toHale s throat.The pleasure was more than Hale could bear [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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